Project summary:
This project will examine the Dynamics of Change in Czech Society using a household panel survey research design. Applying insights from sociology, economics and politics this study will examine five themes: Family life, time use and income management; Education and the labour market; Social stratification; Housing choices and inequalities; and Political participation and civil society. Within the framework of a Household Panel Survey, theories and models of many facets of social change will be examined using individuals’ attitudes, preferences and behaviour within the context of the household. Time use data and repeated surveys of children will provide evidence of how daily life is spent and the process of socialisation where the next generation of citizens is prepared for participation in Czech society. Advanced statistical methods will be used to test explanatory models. This project will both chart the process of social change and contribute to the training of the next generation of Czech social scientists.
Aims of the project:
This project will examine the process of change in contemporary Czech society by carrying out four waves of a household panel survey. The core themes of the research are family life, education and the labour market, social stratification, housing choices and inequalities and political participation.
Project publications (total 14, displaying 11 - 14)
Okolnosti zakládání rodiny v České republice se v posledních pětadvaceti letech výrazně proměnily. Méně lidí uzavírá manželství, a pokud ano, tak ve vyšším věku. Nesezdané soužití se stává stále častěji prostředím, ve kterém jsou vychovávány děti. Manželství již nepředstavuje jedinou společensky přijímanou formu partnerského soužití.
In the Czech Republic, the context for starting a family has changed dramatically since the fall of communism in late 1989. Fewer Czechs are getting married, and if they do, they do so at a later age. Cohabitation has become a long-term household arrangement in which children are raised. Today, marriage is not the only socially acceptable form of a shared life among Czech couples.
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