Biologia plantarum, 1960 (vol. 2), issue 4


Changes in sunflower shoot structure under influence of gibberellic acid

Z. Šesták, J. Čatský, J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 2:247, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920664

The spraying of 26-day-old sunflower plants with a solution containing 50 μg. gibberellic acid/ml. brought about morphological changes in leaves and a statistically significant increase in the leaf shape index (length: width of leaves). The number of leaves on the stem also increased, together with a rise in the value of the ratio of dry weight of stems to dry weight of leaves.

Cytochemical and electron-microscopic investigation of the golgi apparatus and golgi-resembling inclusions in the root meristem ofFagopyrum esculentum moench

Ivan Hršel, Jindra Juráková, Karel Beneš

Biologia plantarum 2:252-268, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920665

1. The classical cytological methods, cytochemistry and electron microscopy were used to study the cytoplasm ofFagopyrum esculentum Moench. 2. Cytochemical investigation of inclusions resembling the Golgi apparatus was possible after fixation in Ca-formaldehyde and embedding in carbowax. 3. A characteristic of the inclusions was drawn up. The inclusions resemble some pigment substances of animal cells cytochemically (lipopigments, phenolic pigments). 4. Conditions of staining inclusions with basic dyes, Sudan black B and the PAS reaction were studied. 5. A functional investigation revealed a cycle resembling that known in the formation of secretions...

Veränderungen des Wachstums und der Atmungsvorgänge von Maispflanzen, hervorgerufen durch erhöhte Dichte der Bestände

František Plhák

Biologia plantarum 2:269, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920666

Für die Versuche haben wir die Maissorte Hodonínský koňský zub žlutý verwendet. Die vorgekeimten Getreidekörner wurden in fünf verschiedenen Dichten in die mit Sand gefüllten Mitscherlich-Gefässe ausgesäht. Jede Serie wurde fünfmal wiederholt. Die Maispflanzen wurden 21 Tage lang kultiviert. Es wurden Veränderungen des Wachstums, des Wassergehalts, der Katalase-und Peroxydase-Aktivität sowie der Atmungsintensität festgestellt.Die Versuche erwiesen, dass sich unter dem Einflusse einer steigenden Bestandesdichte im Zusammenhang mit dem Gesamtwachstum auch die physiologischen Vorgänge innerhalb der Pflanzen wesentlich schwächten. Diese Prozesse wurden...

Wheat striate virus

Vladimír Průša, Josef Vacke

Biologia plantarum 2:276, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920667

In addition to the oat sterile-dwarf virus (OSDV) as the main agent causing grave damage to cereal crops in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands during 1954-56, when the disease reached catastrophic proportions, it was found that wheat striate virus (WSV) also played a part. Symptomatological study showed that there are characteristic differences between the effect of WSV on the host plants and that of OSDV. Similarly to OSDV, however, WSV is specifically spread by the leafhopperCalligypona pellucida Fabr. Following long-term individual testing of vectors taken from localities infested with OSDV and WSV, four groups of insects were distinguished...

The size of pollen grain of the genusTriticum L.

Ivo Cetl

Biologia plantarum 2:287, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920668

1. The aim of the present paper was an investigation of pollen grain size of different species of the Triticum L. natural polyploid series.2. We determined the pollen grain size of 15 specimens belonging to 8 species. The determination was carried out on permanent acetocarmine preparations.3. The pollen grain size of differentTriticum species tends to grow with the increasing number of chromosomes. The following mean volumes were computed for the different groups: 62.103 μ 3 for the diploid group, 96.103 μ 3 for the tetraploid group (of which 73.103 μ...

Photosynthesis in leaf disks as a measure of photosynthetic capacity in crop plants

Ivan Šetlík, Jiří Bartoš, Štěpán Kubín

Biologia plantarum 2:292, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920669

In a previous communication (Bartoš, Kubín andŠetlík 1960) a method was reported, which makes it possible to measure the average rate of photosynthesis in a representative sample of a large number of leaves. The sampling is made by cutting out disks of leaf tissue, following a definite pattern. Isolated leaf disks are then illuminated under controlled conditions and the rate of photosynthesis is estimated by weighing the increment of dry matter in a given time interval.Data published in the present paper demonstrate that this method can be successfully used for a characterisation of photosynthetic capacity (specific rate of photosynthesis, seeBartoš,...

Distribution of the humus substance fractions in plants

S. Prát

Biologia plantarum 2:308-312, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920670

The part of the radioactive fractions of humus substances which is soluble in alcohol (or in ether) spreads from drops of solution or from a mixture with lanoline paste mainly through the vascular bundles. The active component of humic acid evidently does not spread in the leaves, while the active component of fulvic acids fails to penetrate the tissues of some plants, but in others spreads to a distance of several centimetres.

Ecophysiological significance of the height gradient of the equivalent evaporation power of the atmosphere

Bohdan Slavík

Biologia plantarum 2:313-324, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920671

The term "equivalent evaporation power" is suggested to denote the evaporation power of the atmosphere measured as the relative evaporation from an evaporimeter which resembles to a great extent the physical conditions occurring during transpiration of a plant leaf (e.g. the Piche evaporimeter).The height dependence of equivalent evaporation power at heights between 5 and 500 cm. in an "open area", in a field of sugar beet, maize, in a mature deciduous wood, in its small circular rejuvenation clearing and on a great clearing was investigated. The higher the absolute values of evaporation the lower the height gradient which is obviously observed...

Transmission of wheat striate virus by the eggs of the vector Calligypona pellucida Fabr

Vladimír Průša, Josef Vacke

Biologia plantarum 2:325, 1960 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920672

The persistent nature of oat sterile-dwarf virus (OSDV) and wheat striate virus (WSV) has also been examined in an experiment using larvae of the vectorCalligypona pellucida Fabr. These larvae were grown from eggs under conditions excluding the possibility of their contamination by feeding on virus-infected plants. The eggs were from females of a population in which preliminary tests had shown that 14.4% of the individuals were non-infected, 61.2% infected with OSDV, 1.9% infected with WSV and 22.5% infected with OSDV and WSV simultaneously. Several months of individual examination of the infectivity of control larvae, which had never had the...