Biologia plantarum, 1967 (vol. 9), issue 5


Ecologically based differences in the structure of grass stem

V. G. Nikolaevsky, Lidia D. Nikolaevskaya

Biologia plantarum 9:321-329, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929774

A quantitative anatomical study of the stem structure of grasses of various ecological groups: xerophytes, mespohytes, ephemers, hydrophytes and psammophytes (a total of 30 species) was carried out. The proportions of the various tissues in the stem were expressed as a percentage of the cross-sectional area of the stem. Stems of hydrophytes were found to have only small proportion of mechanical (4-8%) and conducting (2-5%) tissues but a large pro. portion of parenchyma (85-93% - primary cortex and basic parenchyma) and air system (38-40% - parenchyma channels or specialized aerenchyma). The stems of xerophytes possess a highly developed sclerenchyma...

On the lateral growth correlations exemplified by petioles and axillaries ofPrisum cotyledons

R. Dostál

Biologia plantarum 9:330, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929775

The cotyledonary petioles inPisum sativum developing at the start of germination, as well as the cotylaries growing out after decapitation of thePisuin seedlings manifest very often the so-called lateral correlations, since one of them suppresses the opposite primordium when the growth inhibition in the plant coinciding apparently with the growth promotion results necessarily in a normal development only of one of these originally equal primordia. These correlations also seem to be mediated by auxin, being induced by gravity or by corresponding cotyledon and root products, which can be supported by the use of exogenous auxins.

The role of sugars in the respiration of differently cultivated green algae

Jiřina Dvořáková-Hladká

Biologia plantarum 9:340, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929776

A study of the effect of exogenous sugars (fructose, glucose, arabinose and xylose) on Qo2 inChioreila pyrenoidosa (A 82) and inScenedesmus obliquus (A 125) showed that the effect of sugars on respiration depends on previous cultivation of the alga. In autotrophically cultivated algae all sugars contribute to the increase of Qo2, in those cultivated rnixotrophically (with the addition of glucose or together with yeast extract, and with xylose) this occurs only in Scenedesmus when glucose or xylose are applied. The effect of cultivation was apparent in that mixotrophically cultivated algae had larger endogenous reserves...

Impatiens parviflora DC. - a natural host of cabbage black ringspot and cucumber mosaic viruses

Z. Polák

Biologia plantarum 9:354, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929777

Identification trials were carried out to determine a virus-like disease of Impatiene parviflora DC. Two forms of foliar symptoms were observed:a) Chiorotie and necrotic areas sometimes fallen out, leaving the leaves "shot holed";b) milder foliar symptoms consisting of slight greenish yellow areas and spots often scarcely visible except by transmitted light.Results of experiments with the first form of the disease demonstrate the identity of the causal virus with cabbage black ringspot virus; the second type of symptoms was caused by a Strain of cucumber mosaic virus inducing unusual symptoms in tobacco plants.

The mosaic disease of mullein,Verbascum thapsiforme Schrader, occurring in Czechoslovakia

Z. Polák, Š. Neubauer

Biologia plantarum 9:360-367, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929778

Field infected mulleins (Verbascum thapsiforme) exhibit dark green mosaic spots or blotches in leaves, stunting and slight reduction in leaf size. The disease inducessome reduction in flower formation depending on the stage, at which infection has taken place. Authors succeeded in mechanical transmission of the virus to fourteen out of fourty-four species tested including seven scrophulariaceous species,Chenopodium quinoa, C. giganteum, C. murale and C. polyspermum. The tests indicated that the thermal inactivation point lies between 51° and 55° C. Measurement of virus particles indicated the modal length 616 nm. Possibility of infection...

Dependence of longitudinal growth of the hypocotyls ofLactuca sativa L. on the level of exogenous Gibberellin GA3 and on the type of illumination

J. Hradilík

Biologia plantarum 9:368-371, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929779

Fluorescent tubes were found to be most suitable for the biological determination of gibberellic acid by the lettuce test method. On applying this type of illumination, the difference in hypocotyl length between the control and the experimental variant with GA 3 was greatest. The application of gibberellin to lettuce seedlings in darkness is by far not so marked as to those cultivated under any of the types of illumination used. Description of a Plexite chamber in which the lettuce seedlings arc tested is presented.

Further Studies on Mosaic Disease of Maize (Zea mays L.)

M. L. Seth, S. P. Raychaudhuri

Biologia plantarum 9:372-376, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929780

Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) is proved to be an additional vector of maize mosaic virus (MMV). The pH range for the infectivity of the virus in extracted juice is found to be from 4.4 to 9.0, the optimum being 5.6 to 7.2. Effect of certain chemicals on the virusin vitro has also been studied. Cross protection between MMV and Sugar-cane mosaic virus (SMV) indicated positive results. It has been concluded on the basis of similar physical properties, tolerance towards certain chemicals, host range, symptomatology, aphid vectors and positive immunological tests, that MMV and SMV are related viruses.

Growth of radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings in magnetic fields

M. H. Simmers

Biologia plantarum 9:377-382, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929781

Radish seedlings were grown in asymmetric magnetic fields. The number of seeds germinated and the dry weight of the plants were the two criteria by which possible effects were examined. Two experiments were done; in the first the plants were grown for an average of 7.7 days and in the second for 14.1 days. A statistical analysis of the results failed to reveal any significant difference between control plants grown in dummy magnets and those subjected to the magnetic influence.

The effect of various microelements on changes in the activity of certain enzymes in hydroponically cultivated barley during the first period of growth

J. Pavel, Jiřina Žáková

Biologia plantarum 9:383, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929782

The paper deals with the effect of the application of certain ions (Zn2+, B4O7 2- Mn2+, Cu2+, MoO4 2-,) on the development of the activity displayed by amylase, urease, and glutamate-oxalacetate (GOT) in hydroponically cultivated barley during the first seven days of ontogenesis. The enzymes were studied separately in the overground and root parts of the plants. The following main conclusions can be drawn from the findings made: The amylase activity of the control plants in connection with their development diminished slightly in the overground part, while it was...

The effect of summer defoliation on fruit bud initiation in some varieties of apple trees

J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 9:394-395, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929784

V popsaných pokusech byl vliv letního odlistování na zakládání květních pupenů do značné míry závislý na odrůdě a byl silnější u stromů vykazujíeích bujnější růst.

The effect of humus fractions on the phosphorylase activity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Marie bukvová, V. Tichý

Biologia plantarum 9:401, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929786

The liberation of phosphoric acid from glucose-1-phosphate, catalyzed by phosphorylase was studied in wheat growing in sand cultures with an addition of humic acid and hymatomelanic acid. It was found that the phosphorylase activity of tissues changes under the influence of humic acid very significantly. The maximum activity is reached at 10 mg humic acid/liter. The overground organs are less sensitive, as a stimulation effect is reached there only at 400 mg/liter. The effect of hymatomelanic acid is negligible in comparison with that of humic acid. The observed phenomenon is related to the effect of humus substances on the equilibrium of saccharides...

Brief Communications

Contribution to the question of direct influence of α-naphthaleneacetic acid on initiation of fruit buds on apple trees

J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 9:392-393, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929783

U odr. Blenheimská reneta se postřiky α-naftyloctové kyseliny na letorosty strormů bez plodů neprojevily vyšším počtem založených květních pupenů. Autor proto dospěl k názoru, že otázka přímého zapojení a přímého vlivu α-naftyloctové kyseliny na zakládání kvétních pupenů u jabloné je sporná.

Electrophoretic investigation of proteins in different root zones ofvicia faba L.

Věra Hadačová, J. Sahulka

Biologia plantarum 9:396, 1967 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02929785

The differentiation of tissues is closely connected with the proteosynthesis. One can therfore assume that tissues with different types of cell growth (meristematic or elongation growth) and with different degrees of differentiation are different in their protein composition. In order to compare the protein composition of different plant organs, the method of disc electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel has been used by some authors. As compared with other methods used up to now, e. g. isolating proteins on DEAE cellulose or in Sephadex, this method does not need so much material and its resolution ability seems to be higher. It is also quicker and...