Biologia plantarum, 1979 (vol. 21), issue 3
Book reviews
Ingrid Tichá, Jarmila Solárová, J. Ullmann
Biologia plantarum 21:159-160, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884561
Book review
Z. Kvaček
Biologia plantarum 21:192, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884567
Book review
Jarmila Solárová
Biologia plantarum 21:213, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884571
Book review
Marie Králová
Biologia plantarum 21:219, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884573
Book reviews
Marie Králová, Z. Opatrný, J. Drobník, Z. Šesták, J. Velemínský, Jarmila Solárova, J. Šedivý, P. Bartoš, J. Luštinec, P. Tichý
Biologia plantarum 21:234-240, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884577
Original Papers
Relationships between grain yield and morphological characters in the winter wheat genotypes of the Belgian national list
J. F. Ledent
Biologia plantarum 21:161-169, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884562
Yield per shoot and to a much lesser extend yield per unit area were related to morphological characters. The flag sheath was better related to shoot yield than were any of the three uppermost leaf laminae. Among these the areas of the two lower leaves showed a better relationship to the yield than did the flag leaf lamina. Variation in main shoot yield was associated mainly with variation in grain number. More attention should be given to morphological character related to spike development before anthesis.
The effect of manganese and EDTA on the balance of nitrogen in maize xylem exudate
M. M. Ebeid, M. Kutáček
Biologia plantarum 21:170-177, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884563
The effect of manganese chloride (10 mg Mn l-1), EDTA (18 mg l-1) and a mixture of these compounds on the nitrogen balance in maize xylem exudate was investigated. The compounds were applied as experimental solutions to the roots of 20 day old plants 24 h before excision. Application of Mn resulting in a lowered nitrogen level in the xylem exudate increased the relative content of the organic N-compounds in the exudate, particularly that of free amino acids. EDTA appreciably enhanced the content of total nitrogen in xylem exudate, however no significant changes were found in the proportion of inorganic and organic N-compounds...
Effect of EDTA on transport forms of manganese in maize xylem exudate
M. M. Ebeid, M. Kutáček
Biologia plantarum 21:178-182, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884564
Xylem exudates were collected from 20-day-old maize seedlings grown for 24 h in labelled manganese chloride solution (10 ppm) with or without EDTA (18 mgl-1).The distribution of radioactivity on paper ohromatograms of exudates did not show the existence of free Mn. Fractionation of exudate constituents by gel filtration on Sephadex G-26 showed that54Mn is associated with three UV (254 nm) -absorbing fractions. Two fractions contain amino acids (M. wt.:≧ 10 000 and ∼ 900). The third fraction (M. wt. ∼ 600) however, appears to be a carrier of a different type, which is practically amino acid free, although it...
Influence of inorganic phosphate on the phosphohydrolases of wheat embryos (Triticum aestivum L.)
Beate Völksch, H. Augsten
Biologia plantarum 21:183-186, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884565
Phosphate is an effective inhibitor of the phosphohydrolases of wheat embryos (Triticum aestivum L.).In vitro the inhibition was competitive with K1 = 4.48 × 10-3 M (1.6 × 10-3 M P1, applied as KH2PO4).In vivo the inhibition with KH2PO4 was relatively low during germination (48 h), but inhibition increased when other P1-compounds were used. In ungerminated embryos the phosphatase activity comprised three isozymes; the pattern of iaozymes changes during germination, but there was no influence of P1 in comparison with the...
Autoradiographic study of the effect of 5-aminouracil on the S phase and mitosis of barley root meristems
M. Ondřej, Květuše Schwammenhöferová
Biologia plantarum 21:187-192, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884566
The effect of 5-aminouracil on the S phase and mitosis in root meristems of barley embryos cultivated in the liquid nutrient solution was followed. Embryos were cultivated in different concentrations of 5-aminouracil (200 ppm, 400 ppm and 750 ppm) for 48 h. The drug postponed the onset of mitosis. In the lowest concentration used, synchronization was observed even in the presence of 5-aminouracil. In higher concentrations, mitosis was suppressed irregularly with increasing concentration. 5-aminouracil slowed down the rate of DNA synthesis during S phase and prolonged the S phase, as measured by the utilization of [3H] thymidine. The drug...
Apparent photosynthesis of bean seedlings (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as influenced by short time inhibition of root gas exchange
E. M. Wiedenroth
Biologia plantarum 21:193-200, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884568
Apparent photosynthesis (Pn) and root respiration (Rn) of 8 to 10 d old intact bean plants were studied separately at different temperatures and oxygen concentrations acting on the roots using IRGA technique. Pn is reversibly decreasing during 3 h root cooling (+ 5 °C) in accord with bending down of the primary leaves, and closing of the stomata. Plants adapted to low root temperatures show no effect of increasing the latter on Pn. Even 3 h oxygen deficit in the root medium has no influence on Pn but is increasing Rr in consequence of alteration in ' metabolism from respiration to fermentation....
Differences between fruit-bearing and non-bearing apple spurs in activity of an enzyme system decomposing phloridzin
Maria J. Grochowska, Wiesława Ciurzyńska
Biologia plantarum 21:201-205, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884569
The activity of an enzyme system decomposing phloridzin was investigated in fruitbearing and nonbearing spurs of apple trees, Landsberger Reinette cv., throughout vegetation. Acetone powder obtained from xylem sap of apple spurs was incubated with phloridzinsubstratum in citric buffer at pH 5.5 for 12, 18 and 24 h at 30 °C. A paper and thin-layer chromatography as well aa a spectrophotometric assay were employed for tentative identification of enzymic degradation products. Phloretic acid (PA), co-factor of IAA-oxidase, as well as phloretin (Pin), and phloroglucinol (PI) were found after the digestion of phloridzin. The chromatographed enzyme reaction...
Promotory effect of GA13 on flowering ofAmaranthus - a short day plant
R. K. Kohli, S. Sawhney
Biologia plantarum 21:206-213, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884570
The three plant types ofAmaranthus namely,A. caudatus f.albiflorus, A. caudatus f.caudatus andA. tricolor var.tristis are qualitative short day plants with critical photoperiods 16.0, 15.5 and 15.0 h, respectively. Gibberellins A3, A4+7 and A13 affect extension growth, leaf differentiation and floral induction differently. Thus, in all the three plant types ofAmaranthus, whereas, GA3 and G4+7 enhanced extension growth, GA13 was completely ineffective under both, 24- and 8-h photoperiods. None of the three gibberellins could affect the...
Light and molybdenum requirements for substrate induction of nitrate reductase in cotyledons of lettuce,Lactuca sativa L.
J. S. Knypl, Krystyna M. Janas
Biologia plantarum 21:214-219, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884572
Light was required for induction of nitrate reductase (NR, E.C. in intact cotyledons of 2-day old seedlings ofLactuca sativa L. Molybdate strongly enhanced efficiency of induction. Benzyladenine (BA), gibberellin, and succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide reduced the enzyme activity. BA thrice enhanced incorporation of labelled leucine to the protein fraction. (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride did not affect NR activity and markedly inhibited greening and protein synthesis. KNO3 stimulated protein synthesis as well as growth of the cotyledons.
Isolates of cucumber mosaic virus from spontaneously infected plants ofChelidonium majus andImpatiens parviflora
J. Bečák
Biologia plantarum 21:220-223, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884574
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolates obtained from spontaneously infected (1)Chelidonium majus L. and (2)Impatiens parviflora DC. plants growing in the same part of a scree forest in central Bohemia showed differences in ten test plants, but not in further 26 plant species tested and in TIP. Slight quantitative differences between both isolates were obtained in serological tests. Properties of both isolates did not suit precisely any proposed CMV strain classification.
Frequency of induced mutations at the haploid and diploid levels inNicotiana tabacum L.
J. Vagera, F. J. Novák
Biologia plantarum 21:224-229, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884575
The frequencies of chlorophyll mutants were investigated in anther cultures derived from mutagen-treated plants ofN. tabacum cv. Samsun (haploid level) and in the seed offspring from the same treated plants (diploid level). Comparison of the induced mutation frequencies at the haploid and diploid levels demonstrated that selection existed against the haploid embryoids with induced chlorophyll deficient mutations. The diploid vegetative stage with phenotypic expression of the chlorophyll mutation was more vital than the haploid one. The suitability of anther cultures for studying induced mutagenesis is discussed.
In vitro adventitious bud formation on isolated seedlings ofPinus silvestris L.
H. Tranvan
Biologia plantarum 21:230-233, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02884576
The formation of adventitious buds under the influence of 6BAP has been observed on various aerial organs of culturedPinus silvestris seedlings. The inductive power of this cytokinin was found to depend on the concentration and the physiological age of the explant.