Biologia plantarum, 1979 (vol. 21), issue 6


Book reviews

B. Slavík, Jarmila Solárová

Biologia plantarum 21:411, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889479

Book reviews

Jiřina Slavíková

Biologia plantarum 21:461, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889490

Original Papers

Effect of phosphorus and nitrogen on growth, chlorophyll, amino nitrogen, soluble sugar contents and algal heterocysts of water fernAzolla pinnata

B. P. R. Subudhi, P. K. Singh

Biologia plantarum 21:401-406, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889476

The P uptake inAzolla pinnata in mineral medium increased linearly with increasing phosphate doses and optimum growth and chlorophyll content of fern were recorded at 1.2 mM of K2HPO4. The higher doses of phosphate reduced growth and chlorophyll, but an increase in soluble sugar and amino nitrogen was noticed. Addition of combined nitrogen sources decreased the fern growth, soluble sugar, chlorophyll and heterocyst frequency but amino nitrogen was comparatively higher. The growth and chlorophyll content were always high when the fern was grown in the absence of added nitrogen sources; this supports the thesis about the...

Effect of growth regulators on overcoming the light inhibition on germination ofCucumis anguria L.

G. M. Felippe, M. H. M. Litjens

Biologia plantarum 21:407-411, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889478

The effects of some growth regulators on the dark-germinating seeds ofCucumis anguria have been investigated. GA3, 6-BA and ethrel strongly promoted the germination of seeds kept in white light. GA3 had no effect in counteracting the far red effect, but did counteract partially the blue light. Ethrel partially counteracted both the far red and blue light effect. No interaction could be found between red light and GA3 or 6-BA.

Regulation ofin vitro androgenesis in tobacco through iron-free media

P. Havránek, J. Vagera

Biologia plantarum 21:412-417, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889480

Globular embryoids were continually produced in anther cultures of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) from the pool of resting microspores if the iron-free medium was used. The supplement of iron stopped the development of fresh early embryoids still inducing continual conversion of the resting globular embryoids into torpedo-shaped embryoids, and into haploid plants. Globular embryoids in the anthers responded to the iron supply even after eight months' cultivation on iron-free media. Isolated embryoids showed the same response. Haploid plants were regenerated from the anthers on the minimal medium consisting of agar, sucrose, iron and...

Studies on the morphogenetic response of maize tissue cultures of different origin

F. J. Novák, Z. Opatrný, Blanka Rovenská, M. Neštický

Biologia plantarum 21:418-426, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889482

The participation of the genotype and of organ specifity effect in the quality of morphogenetic response (callogenesis, bud and root formation) of primary maize explants has been investigated. The presence of synthetic auxins - especially 2,4-D at 1 to 5 mg 1-1 conc. - in cultivation medium was essential for both callus formation and continuous growth of tissue and suspension cultures. Anatomic structure of callus cultures is permanently heterogeneous, their growth is ensured by the action of meristems of the type found in root tips, and by repeated callogenesis from malformed roots. Adventive buds and plants could be regenerated only from...

The effect of calcium deficiency on the activity of ammonia-lyases in the shikimic pathway

L. Meravý

Biologia plantarum 21:427-433, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889484

Calcium deficiency resulted in a 20% increase in the total content of phenolic compounds in the shoots of 10-day-old wheat plants and in a 10% decrease in the roots compared with the control. Differences in specific activities of the lyases of the shikimate pathway (L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, E.C., PAL; L-tyrosine ammonia-lyase, TAL) were established between control and Ca-deficient wheat and pumpkin plants. The lyase activities were higher in the shoots of Ca-deficient plants and lower in their roots, compared with the control. Thus, there is a certain correlation between PAL and TAL activities on the one hand and the content of phenolic...

Relationships between the CO2 compensation concentration, the slope of CO2 curves of net photosynthetic rate and the energy of irradiance

Elena Masarovičova

Biologia plantarum 21:434-439, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889485

Relationships between the CO2 compensation concentration, the slope of CO2 curves of Pn and the energy of irradiance were studied in adult leaves ofFagus silvatica L. seedlings. A gazometric method of quantitative analysis of air flow, in a closed system, was applied.Pn and the slope of CO2 curve of Pn increased with increasing irradiance at constant temperature of the abaxial leaf surface (19 ± 0.5 °C), however, the CO2 compensation concentration decreased. This physiological characteristic changed relatively slightly at irradiance close to saturation irradiance...

The influence of 5-aminouracil on the mitotic index of barley root meristems

M. Ondřej

Biologia plantarum 21:440-445, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889487

Isolated barley embryos were cultivated in the complete liquid medium for 24 h and then treated with 200 ppm or 750 ppm 5-AU for 2 h, 8 h or 24 h. During the 24 h treatment, MI decreased from 5-12% to 2-5%. After putting the embryos into the fresh medium without 5-AU, the original decrease of MI was followed by slight increase which was manifested only in part of the roots of some experimental variants. The time of the occurrence of MI maxima varied with the duration of treatment and concentration of 5-AU. After treatment with 750 ppm, the increase of MI occurred later but it was more pronounced than after cessation of the treatment with 200 ppm. In...

Diffusive conductances of adaxial and abaxial epidermes: Response to photon flux density during development of water stress in primary bean leaves

Jarmila Solárová, Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 21:446-451, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889488

Maximum diffusive conductance of abaxial epidermis of primary bean leaves was considerably higher than that of adaxial epidermis. While conductances of both epidermes responded parallel to a decrease in leaf water potential (they increased slightly, reached maxima and decreased to very low values), differences in their response to photon flux density were found. The conductance of abaxial epidermis increased rapidly over lower photon flux densities and gradually over higher photon flux densities, on the other hand the conductance of adaxial epidermis increased only gradually over the whole range. The observed parallel or different response of adaxial...

Dehydration tolerance of spring wheat and its relation to plant growth and productivity under soil drought conditions

Barbara Zagdańska, Alicja Pacanowska

Biologia plantarum 21:452-461, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889489

Studies performed on spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var.lutescens), cv. Kaspar and Kolibri revealed differences between cultivars in leaf dehydration tolerance. The differences were found to be responsible for the changes in plant growth and productivity observed under drought conditions. Thus, determination of leaf dehydration tolerance may allow the prediction of the plant response to the water stress in terms of plant growth and grain yield. Differentiated drought responses of both cultivars are described.

Dehydration tolerance in spring wheat seeds

Barbara Zagdańska, Alicja Pacanowska

Biologia plantarum 21:462-467, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889491

Studies performed on seeds of several cultivars of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var.lutescens) revealed differences in the studied seed dehydration tolerance affecting seed germination and seedling emergence. Among the cultivars studied, seeds of Kolibri showed capability to maintain both high germination energy and high emergence rate at diminished water potential of the environment. Seed dehydration tolerance was increased when the parent plants were subjected to drought.

Brief Communications

Chloroplastic activity in response to gibberellic acid treatment of dwarf and normal cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum L.)

G. F. Israelstam

Biologia plantarum 21:468-471, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889492

Levels of ferricyanide reduction, cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation were measured in chloroplasts of two cultivars of pea and a comparison of their P/2e+ ratios were made. No differences were observed in cyclic photophosphorylation or ferricyanide reduction but non-cyclic photophosphorylation was lower in chloroplasts from the dwarf than the normal cultivar. Thus the P/2e+ ratio of the dwarf was lower than the normal. Dwarf seedlings treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) had similar rates of cyclic photophosphorylation as the untreated dwarf but non-cyclic photophosphorylation was lower as was ferricyanide reduction....

The effect of single and combined pollutants on lichen water content

W. Punz

Biologia plantarum 21:472-474, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889493

The effects of lead, sodium chloride and sulphur dioxide, single and combined, on water content ofHypogymnia physodes (L.)Nyl. andXanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. were studied. Lead, sodium chloride and their combinations, reduced water content in lichens, this reduction being partially correlated with the decrease of pollutant-influenced photosynthesis.

The biological response to the forbush effect

M. Sosna, K. Pešina

Biologia plantarum 21:475-479, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889494

The frequency of nucleus and cell division in prothallia ofEquisetum arvense L. grown under aseptic, defined conditions shows a considerable stabillity in the course of long-term experiments. This stability can be impaired if germinating spores are afflicted in the period 50 ±5 h after sowing by the just occurring Forbush effect in the period of decreasing intensity of cosmic radiation but not in the period of its repeated increase.

Book Review

Mechanics and Energetics of Biological Transport

J. Pleskanka

Biologia plantarum 21:406, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889477

Genetic and Molecular Basis of Plant Pathogenesis

P. Bartoš

Biologia plantarum 21:417, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889481

Fundamentals of Soil Science

Jarmila Solárová

Biologia plantarum 21:426, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889483

Water-in-Plants Biolography

V. Kozinka

Biologia plantarum 21:439, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889486

Plant life in Anaerobic Environments

Věra Hadačová

Biologia plantarum 21:480, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889496



Biologia plantarum 21:480, 1979 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02889495