Biologia plantarum, 1988 (vol. 30), issue 3
Book review
Ingrid Tichá
Biologia plantarum 30:178, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878752
Book review
Frideta Seidlová
Biologia plantarum 30:192, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878755
Book review
J. Krekule
Biologia plantarum 30:198, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878757
Book review
P. Bartoš
Biologia plantarum 30:203, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878759
Book review
C. Záruba
Biologia plantarum 30:218, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878762
Book review
A. Honěk
Biologia plantarum 30:230, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878765
Book review
M. Marek
Biologia plantarum 30:236, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878768
Book review
J. Velemínský, I. Babůrek, V. Žárský
Biologia plantarum 30:239-240, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878770
Original Papers
Macromolecular syntheses and the course of cell cycle events in the chlorococcal algascenedesmus quadricauda under nutrient starvation: Effect of sulphur starvation
I. Šetlík, G. Ballin, J. Doucha, V. Zachleder
Biologia plantarum 30:161-169, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878750
Daughter cells of the chlorococcal algaScenedesmus quadricauda were incubated under photosynthesizing conditions in a sulphur-free medium. The course of the cell cycle under these conditions was changed in daughter cells which differed in their stage of development. In absence of sulphur, advanced daughter cells with two nuclei and 2 or 4 genomes passed a cycle identical with that of control in sulphur containing medium. Each cell yielded eight binuclear daughter cells. With less advanced daughter cells (one nucleus and 1 or 2 genomes) restriction of RNA synthesis occurred near to the end of the cell cycle and protein synthesis ceased two hours...
Influence of KCl pretreatments and Ca/Na ratios of nutritive solution upon growth of tomato vitroplants in NaCl medium
G. Guerrier, P. Bourgeais
Biologia plantarum 30:170-178, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878751
The 18-day-old tomato vitroplants were obtained in axenic conditions by culture of expiants (including the terminal bud and the last internode of the stem) on agar-agar nutritive medium with 0 or 75 mM NaCl. The growth and the mineral content of the vitroplants were compared when the expiants were grown on media either with low or high K/Na and Ca/Na ratios, or with low K/Na and Ca/Na ratios after pretreatments of expiants by KC1, NaCl or CaCl2 (from 0 to - 4.5 bar). The KCl pretreatment (-1.1 bar) during one day brings about an increase in vitroplant growth greater than that produced by a high Ca/Na ratio medium. The Cl accumulation was...
Some factors affecting root formation onin vitro regenerated pea shoots
Marie Kubaláková, Eva Tejklová, M. Griga
Biologia plantarum 30:179-184, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878753
The rooting ability of 2 cm long shoots ofPisum sativum L., derived from differentin vitro shoot-tip cultures in two pea cultivars Bohatýr and Kleine Rheinländerin was evaluated. In three mutually independent experiments the full and half-strength Murashige-Skoog medium (containing full or half concentration of macro and microelements), with sucrose concentrations 10-30 g l-1, and with various NAA and IAA combinations, was tested. The variant with half concentration of macro- and microelements, supplemented with 30 g l1 sucrose, and with growth regulators in the quantity of 1 μM proved optimum.
Changes in the content of phenolic substances during the growth ofNicotiana tabacum cell suspension culture
Milena Cvikrová, Marie Hrubcová, L. Meravý, F. Pospíšil
Biologia plantarum 30:185-192, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878754
The dynamics of changes in the content of four groups of phenolic substances was investigated during the growth cycle of the cell suspension culture ofNicotiana tábacum by means of fractionation. The relative contents of free phenolic acids, their esters, phenolic glycosides, and phenole acids non-extractable with methanol changed in dependence on the growth phase of the culture. A sharp increase, especially in the content of ester- and glycoside-bound phenolics and to a lesser extent also of phenolics belonging to the other two groups, occurred at the end of the lag phase. Then, after a temporary decrease at the early linear phase, the level...
Stimulation of ethylene production in asparagus bean leaves by cupric ion
S. Pennazio, P. Roggero
Biologia plantarum 30:193-198, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878756
Asparagus bean (Vigna sesquipedalis Fruhw.) cuttings responded to Cu2+ treatments by a rapid and marked increase in ethylene production. This response showed a transient nature but was only partially reversed by returning cuttings to water after prolonged Cu2+ treatments suggesting that relative stable links between Cu2+ and the ethylene forming system may occur. Cu2+ treatments did not induce any visible necrosis nor affect ethane release from cuttings. The Cu2+-stimulated ethylene production was not attributable to a light-driven peroxidation of membrane lipids, because it was not affected...
Protein composition of cotyledons and aleurone grains inLupinus luteus L. Seeds during Germination
Ligia Konopska-Waliszkiewicz
Biologia plantarum 30:199, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878758
The change in protein composition of whole cotyledons and cotyledon aleurone grains ofLupinus luteus L. during seed germination was studied. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis showed a clear change in composition of cotyledon proteins as well as in composition of the aleurone grains during 5 days of seed germination. At this time, both in whole cotyledons as well as in aleurone grains, two subunits of β-conglutin with mol. m. 53 000 and 39 000 were rapidly hydrolyzed. After 5 days of germination traces of α-conglutin subunits could be detected in the cotyledons, whereas in aleurone grains this globulin fraction disappeared. In...
Effects of abscisic acid on rooting stem cuttings of sweet potato in open top chambers under enriched CO2 environment
N. C. Bhattacharya, P. P. Ghosh, Sheila Bhattacharya, D. R Hileman, P. K. Biswas
Biologia plantarum 30:204-209, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878760
Ten centimeter long stem cuttings of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. cv. Georgia Jet) with intact apex and leaves were cultured in distilled water as well as in varying concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) in open top chambers at 364, 438 and 666 cm3 m{-3}CO2. Low concentration of ABA promoted rooting and elongation of roots at 364 cm3 m{-3} CO2 while rooting was suppressed at enriched levels of CO2. However, biomass production in shoots and roots was higher in 666 than in 364 cm3 m-3 CO2.
Delimitation of physiological regions in yam tubers (Dioscorea sp.) and distribution pattern of saccharide degrading enzymes, cell sap pH and protein in these regions
U. Oluoha
Biologia plantarum 30:210-218, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878761
Physiological regions of yam tubers were morphologically defined in different specie into 'Head', 'Middle' and 'Tail', while the limits of these regions were studied using phosphorylase activity. Variation in enzyme activity, pH and protein concentration was found in different regions of the tubers. Old yam tubers had significantly higher activities of saccharide degrading enzymes, hexokinase, phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase, than the new tubers. However, activity of phosphofructokinase in newD. rotundata was higher than that of old tuber. The high activity of phosphorylase in different...
Composition of the walls of stem and leaves of vitrifying carnation
C. Kevers, R. Goldberg, J. Chu-Ba, Th. Gaspar
Biologia plantarum 30:219-223, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878763
Vitrification of stem explants of carnation was brought about by culturing in liquid medium. Cellulose and lignin levels were decreased in vitrified stems and leaves. Isolated cell walls of vitrified tissues were also characterized by low calcium content, low Ca2+/uronic acids ratio, low ratio of uronic acids to neutral sugars due to higher amounts of the latters. All these characteristics may account for the high wall plastic potential previously measured in vitrifying internodes.
Comparative analysis of growth and movements of the aboveground parts in some deciduous woody species
Radmila ČíŽková
Biologia plantarum 30:224-230, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878764
Vertical projections of nutation movements in the epicotyls of sessile oak, Turkey oak, horse chestnut and hypocotyls of European beech were recorded by means of photography and time-lapse cinematography at the early stages of their ontogeny. Attention was paid to the kinetics of growth rate, diameter of the lower part of the elongating zone, and the form, amplitude and frequency of nutation turns. At the beginning of ontogeny the vertical projection of the movements of all woody species under study was represented by irregular curves, followed by elliptical trajectories, particularly when reaching the maximum growth rate. The highest average growth...
Plant water relations as selection criteria for drought tolerance in mustard
R. P. Singh, D. P. Singh
Biologia plantarum 30:231-233, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878766
Genotypes of mustard (B. juncea) were evaluated for concurrent changes in leaf water potential (Ψ), leaf osmotic potential (π), leaf turgor potential (P) and leaf relative water content (RWC) during moisture stress at reproductive stage of growth. The slope 'b' in the regression between Ψ and π varied from 0.43 to 0.97 and was positively correlated with P and RWC. The genotypes with 'b' around 0.7 were able to maintain P of about 0.5 MPa at Ψ of - 2.5 MPa and thus such value of 'b' seems to provide enough degree of tolerance against drought.
Brief Communications
Detection of Ri T-DNA in transformed oilseed rape regenerated from hairy roots
M. Hrouda, Jana Dusbábková, J. Nečásek
Biologia plantarum 30:234-236, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878767
A fertile plant with altered phenotype of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) spring cultivar HM-81 was regenerated from hairy root tumors incited by Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834. Southern blot hybridization analysis revealed several copies of Tl and Tr-DNA of Ri plasmid.
Differential stomatal closure by abscisic acid in epidermal strips of green and pigmented leaves or leaf parts
S. S. Sharma, V. K. Rai
Biologia plantarum 30:237-239, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878769
Response of stomata in epidermal strips from green leaves ofTradescantia sillamontana and anthocyanin-rich purple leaves ofT. virginiana and from green and pigmented regions ofPedilanthus tithymaloides leaves, to ABA have been compared. Stomata from anthocyanin-rich leaves or leaf parts appeared to be relatively insensitive to ABA as compared to those from green leaves or leaf parts. Observations indicate the possibility of the involvement of endogenous anthocyanins in antagonising ABA in preventing the stomatal opening.
The International Congress on Natural Products Research
Biologia plantarum 30:240, 1988 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02878771