Biologia plantarum 45:141-144, 2002 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1015193700547

Effects of Increased Supply of Potassium on Growth and Nutrient Content in Pearl Millet under Water Stress

M. Ashraf1, M. Ashfaq1, M.Y. Ashraf2
1 Department of Botany, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2 Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Influence of increased K supply on growth and nutrient content in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) under severe water stress was assessed in a pot experiment under glasshouse conditions. Nineteen-day-old plants of two lines, ICMV94133 and WCA-78 were subjected for 30 d to 235, 352.5, and 470 mg(K) kg-1(soil) and two water regimes (100 and 30% field capacity). Increasing soil K supply did not alleviate the adverse effect of water deficit on the growth of two lines of pearl millet. Accumulation of N and K in the shoots of both lines was higher under water deficit than that under well-watered conditions, but such effect was not observed for P or Ca.

Keywords: drought stress; inorganic nutrients; Pennisetum glaucum
Subjects: drought stress, tolerance, resistance; pearl millet, water stress, potassium supply; Pennisetum glaucum; water stress, potassium supply

Published: March 1, 2002Show citation

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Ashraf, M., Ashfaq, M., & Ashraf, M.Y. (2002). Effects of Increased Supply of Potassium on Growth and Nutrient Content in Pearl Millet under Water Stress. Biologia plantarum45(1), 141-144. doi: 10.1023/A:1015193700547.
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