Biologia plantarum 62:343-352, 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s10535-017-0764-1

Photosynthetic pigments, betalains, proteins, sugars, and minerals during Salicornia brachiata senescence

A. K. Parida1,2,*, A. Kumari1,2, A. Panda1,2, J. Rangani1,2, P. K. Agarwal1,2
1 Plant Omics Division, CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, India
2 Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, India

Senescence is the last developmental stage in plants during which recycling of nutrients takes place from senescing organs to newly formed organs such as young leaves and developing seeds. In the present work, senescence induced alterations in mineral ions, chlorophylls, carotenoids, betacyanin, betaxanthin, proteins, amino acids, sugars, starch, and polyphenols were monitored in shoots of an extreme halophyte Salicornia brachiata. A sharp decline in the content of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and proteins in the shoot was noticed at middle and late stages of senescence in comparison with early stage. However, the content of betacyanin, betaxanthin, total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, and starch increased significantly in senescing shoots. The total free amino acid content decreased gradually with the progress of senescence. The content of major minerals did not change significantly with the progress of senescence, whereas marked changes in content of minor minerals were observed. From this study, it was concluded that the sugars and starch accumulating in senescing shoots might be transported into developing seeds to serve as storage nutrients. The accumulation of betacyanin and betaxanthin in senescing shoots suggests that these pigments may act as scavengers of reactive oxygen species during senescence. This study provides comprehensive information on the variations in the utilization of mineral nutrients and organic metabolites with progressing senescence in the halophyte S. brachiata.

Keywords: amino acid; betacyanin; betaxanthin; carotenoids; chlorophylls; halophyte; polyphenols; starch
Subjects: betalains; proteins; sugars; carotenoids; chlorophyll; senescence; marco- and micronutrients; polyphenols

Received: September 11, 2015; Revised: May 26, 2017; Accepted: July 12, 2017; Published: June 1, 2018Show citation

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Parida, A.K., Kumari, A., Panda, A., Rangani, J., & Agarwal, P.K. (2018). Photosynthetic pigments, betalains, proteins, sugars, and minerals during Salicornia brachiata senescence. Biologia plantarum62(2), 343-352. doi: 10.1007/s10535-017-0764-1.
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