Biologia plantarum, 1977 (vol. 19), issue 4


Proteinaceous crystals in cells of virus infected plants

J. Brčák, Z. Polák, O. Králík

Biologia plantarum 19:242-247, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923120

Crystal-containing organelles in cells of virus infected plants lying at chloroplasts and mitochondria are identical with single membrane-bound microbodies containing crystals of catalase described in healthy plants. Massive complex inclusions caused by turnip mosaic virus very frequently contain the same microbodies with crystal inclusions; that phenomenon may be related to some pathophysiological changes of virus infected plants. Comparable proteinaceous crystals, but not lying within microbodies limited by a membrane, may also be found in cytoplasm of infected cells. These crystals are sometimes surrounded by a substance resembling the microbody...

Mycoplasma-like bodies inSolanum laciniatum plants infected with potato witches' broom disease

Marie Ulrychová, M. Jokeš

Biologia plantarum 19:248-252, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923121

Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO) spread from the infectious grafts intoSolanum laciniatumAit. stock plants relatively slowly. MLO were present in all sprouts ofS. laciniatum four weeks after grafting, but the infected plants remained under glasshouse conditions mostly symptomless and flowered normally and formed fruits like healthy plants. The growth of plants with infectious tomato grafts was identical with the controls but that of plants with infectious tobacco (Nicotiana glaucaGrah.) grafts was expressively stimulated. The first flower symptoms appeared onS. laciniatum plants with tomato grafts after five and half months...

Book review

Ingbid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 19:252, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923122

Durch TMV-infection hervorgerufene veränderung der intensität der glycolyse und des pentosephosphatcyclus bei tabakpflanzen

Olga Makovcová, L. Šindelář

Biologia plantarum 19:253-258, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923123

During the period of the highest multiplication of TMV in tobacco tissues (on the 6th to l0th daya after inoeulation) the activities of NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose diphosphatase, and phosphoglucoisomerase increase,i.e. the 3-phospho-glycerate is broken down more intensely, being the primer of photosynthesis via glycolysis. Products of this metabolic pathway, which are not employed directly for virus synthesis, are stored during this period as free saccharides and starch. The breaking-down rate of these substances increases during this period as well, as shown by increased activities of amylophosphorylase, phosphoglucomutase...

Book review

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 19:258, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923124

Presumed role of mucilage of plantain seeds in spread of tobacco mosaic virus

Zdeňka Procházková

Biologia plantarum 19:259-263, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923125

A strain of tobaoco mosaic virus(TMVbs) isolated fromPlantago major L. is not seed-borne with this plant species; however, plantain seeds and the mucilage on their surface also contain the virus. The mucilage shows a very low infectivity; the visoous mucilage inhibits infeotion in rubbed leaves both in a mixture with the virus and if applied before (but not after) the inoculation of the virus. Polysaccharides and hexuronic acids were detected in the great plantain seed mucilage. A mixture of mucilage and viras stored at room temperature showed s low infectivity until 33 days, but the infectivity increased oonspicuously on the 40th day, apparently...

Book review

B. Slavik

Biologia plantarum 19:263, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923126

Purification and properties of arabis mosaic and tomato bushy stunt viruses isolated from lilac (Syringa vulgaris L.)

J. B. Novák, Julie Lanzová

Biologia plantarum 19:264-271, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923127

The paper gives more detailed characteristics of Arabis mosaic virus (AMV) and tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) isolated from lilac, the latter being identified in lilac (from plants suffering from yellow ring disease) for the first time. The isolate of TBSV from lilac, from which an antiserum with a titre of 1024 was prepared, is closely related to the artichoke strain. Information is given about two types of ringspot disease and about chlorotic ringspot of lilac. Whereas in the leaves of lilac suffering from ringspot disease (of ring mosaic type) the presence of AMV was demonstrated, the sap transmission from the leaves diseased with ringspot of linepattern...

The influence of organophosphoric insecticides on total nitrogen and free amino acid levels in the leaves of apple seedlings

Eva Zelená

Biologia plantarum 19:272-277, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923128

The effect of 0.1% Metation E 50 (fenitrothion) and Fosfotion 50 (malathion) on the level of total nitrogen and that of free amino acids was investigated in juvenile and mature leaves of apple seedlings in the course of six days following treatment. Fosfotion affected both nitrogen and amino acid content to a higher degree than Metation. Fosfotion increased the total nitrogen content in all leaves, but Metation induced the change only in the leaves which were at the end of the logarithmic growth phase at the time of treatment. The level of amino acids increased on the whole, with the exception of a temporary decline in the youngest leaves as well....

Comparison of storage proteins ofPhaseolus caracalla L. with the proteins of some other representatives of the genusPhaseolus

Eva Klozová, VěRa Turková, Ivana Platilová

Biologia plantarum 19:278-283, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923129

Storage proteins of the seeds (cotyledons) of the South-American speciesPhaseolus caracalla were compared by means of immunoelectrophoretic methods with other representatives of the genusPhaseolus. These proteins most resemble the proteins of the co-called tropical group (i.e. Ph. atropurpureus, Ph. geophilus, Ph. bracteatus, Ph. semierectus) and least the so-called American endemites (Ph. vulgaris, Ph. coccineus, Ph. acutifolius, Ph. lunatus), the main globulin of which is of a completely different specificity. The proteins ofPh. caracalla are less similar to the group of the so-called Asiatic species (Ph. aureus,...

Response of "storage" effects in barley seeds to the dose of ethyl methanesulphonate and X-ray treatment

T. Gichner, J. Velemínský, Jiřina Švachulová, V. Pokorný

Biologia plantarum 19:284-291, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923130

1. Ethyl methanesulphonate (BMS)-treated barley seeds stored at 30 % water content for 1 - 4 weeks are capable of recovering from the mutagen induced injury. The level and speed of the recovery depends on the EMS dose and storage period. Seeds treated with extremely severe EMS doses reducing the% of germination to 5 - 10 % cannot recover from the induced injury. 2. Due to a 1 to 6 weeks storage of EMS-treated seeds with 20 % water content the amount of induced injury increases in dependence on the applied EMS dose and storage period. Doses of EMS, reducing the seedling height in the M1 generation to 90 - 95 % of the control reveal...

RNA synthesis in shoot apices and young leaves ofchenopodium rubrum during three dark periods of photoperiodic floral induction

J. Krekule, Frideta Seidlová

Biologia plantarum 19:292-299, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923131

The rate of RNA synthesis in shoot apices of the short-day (SD) plantChenopodium rubrum was compared in three successive dark periods required for flowering.32P label was used for fractionation of RNA on slabs of polyacrylamide gels on mioroscopic slides. Incorporation of32P and3H-uridine into apices was followed using histoautoradiography under identical conditions for oomparison. The lowest rate of synthesis was found on the seoond day of induction. A slight increase was usually observed in the third dark period, possibly linked with the first anatomical and/or morphological changes whioh have appeared due...

Book review

B. Slavík

Biologia plantarum 19:299, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923132

RNA Synthesis and polysome formation in pollen tubes

J. Tupý

Biologia plantarum 19:300-308, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923133

The formation of polysomes in relation to RNA synthesis was investigated in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) pollen cultivated submersely for a period of 12 h. The percentage of polysomes was estimated by determining the number of ribosomes carrying nascent polypeptides using RNase and 0.8 M KC1 treatment of the ribosomal preparation. This approach showed that the proportion of ribosomes "active" in protein synthesis amounts to about 12 % in dry pollen rising to 46 % within 10 min of imbibition and to 66 % during the period 1-4 h of cultivation. The latter increase is accompanied by a rapid incorporation of uridine-14C into polysome-as-sociated...

Book reviews

J. Tupy

Biologia plantarum 19:308, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923134

Book review

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 19:312, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923136

Book review

T. Gichner

Biologia plantarum 19:315, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923138

Book review

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 19:320, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923140

Brief Communications

Permanent slides after detection of starch grains with lugol's solution

J. Kutík, K. Beneš

Biologia plantarum 19:309-312, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923135

For the detection of starch in paraffin sections of FAA fixed root tipa of pea and maize the Lugol's solution of suitable constitution and proper dilution was tried. JJK containing solution of arabic gum was proved as a mounting medium preserving the resulting colour. A procedure is given combining the application of JJK with alcian blue staining.

Syndrome of apricot witches broom

C. Blattný

Biologia plantarum 19:313-315, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923137

The syndrome of a new apricot disease - "witches broom" is described. Diseased trees have an abnormally high number of lateral, thin shoots, which again have many abnormal secondary shoots at a very narrow angle. Witches broom shoots are without any blossom buds. We may assume therefore that the apricot witches broom - according to the syndrome - may be listed among the group of witches broom diseases which are caused by a mycoplasma like organism. Some of the witches broom shoots are characterized by very small leaves.

Water relations in primary leaves of bean plants treated with polyethylene glycol solutions

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 19:316-319, 1977 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02923139

Polyethylene glycol (PEG-4000) solution in concentration from 7.5 to 200 g 1-1 rapidly induced water stress of the desirable level in primary leaves of bean plants. At the same water saturation deficit, however, the water potential as well as the osmotic potential were considerably lower in leaves of PEG - treated plants than those in leaves of plants naturally wilting due to a gradual decrease in substrate moisture.