Biologia plantarum, 1986 (vol. 28), issue 6


Book review

L. Nátr

Biologia plantarum 28:469, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885052

Book reviews

Z. Opatrný, T. Herben, J. Velemínský, Z. Šesták, Ingrid Tichá, T. Gichner, I. Šetlík

Biologia plantarum 28:473-478, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885054

In memory of RNDr. Miloslav Sosna, PhD

Václav Pokorný

Biologia plantarum 28:479-480, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885055

Original Papers

Proline accumulation induced by weak acids and IAA in coleoptiles of wheat seedlings

H. Göring, P. Plescher

Biologia plantarum 28:401-406, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885041

Proline accumulation in coleoptiles of wheat seedlings or in excised coleoptile segments incubated under shaking for a 24 h period was studied. There was no increase of proline content of coleoptiles after incubation of the seedlings in 5 mM citric acid (a relatively strong and slowly penetrating organic acid) in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.0 and only a slight increase of proline content after incubation in phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 to 7.5 duo to the higher osmotic concentration of phosphate buffer in this pH range. Quite different results were obtained with seedlings incubated in 10 mM acetic acid, a weak and easily penetrating organic acid. With increasing...

Action of cytokinins and anticytokinins on cotyledonary bud growth ofLycopersicon esculentum MILL

L. H. Aung

Biologia plantarum 28:407, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885042

The action of two anticytokinins, 3-methyl-7-n-pentyl-aminopyrazolo[4,3-d] pyrimidine and 4-cyclopentylamino-2-methylthiopyrrolo [2,3-d] pyrimidine on the zeatin and 6-benzylaminopurine induced lateral bud growth ofLycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Fireball seedlings was studied. Bud growth stimulation by 0.1 mM zeatin was not overcome by application of anticytokinin at concentrations of 0.01 to 1.0 μ 24-h after zeatin application. However, application of 0.1 μM of anticytokinin 24-h before 0.1 mM zeatin caused a significant enhancement of bud growth. A simultaneous application of 1 mM anticytokinin and 6-benzylaminopurine...

The use of a resin adsorbent to isolate cytokinins from sea water

R. Synak, Iwona Zarebska, Teresa Kentzer

Biologia plantarum 28:412, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885043

XAD-4 resin was used to isolate cytokinins present in Baltic sea water. Four compounds were tentatively identified as 6-(3-methylbut-2-enylamino) purine and zeatin, and their ribosides.

Karyotypic differentiation of long-term callus culture ofCrepis capillaris

M. Vapper, H. Kallak

Biologia plantarum 28:417-423, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885044

This paper describes the differentiation of karyotypically stable callus strains ofCrepis capillaris (with modal chromosome numbers 7, 8 -11 and ≧ 12, in particular) during 12 years' subculturing on an identical M-S medium with supplements, including 2,4-D (1 mg 1-1) and adenine (1 mg 1-1). The possible modes and factors of karyotypic adaptationin vitro are discussed.

Determination of ribonuclease activity in coloured extracts of citrus leaves

E. Hellín, A. Torrecillas, F. Sevilla, S. Llorente, C. F. Alcaraz

Biologia plantarum 28:424-428, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885045

A rapid method is presented for the determination of ribonuclease activity in coloured extracts from citrus leaves. At the same time, the influence exercised by several precipitating reagents and the storage time at 4 °c on the activity of the enzymatic system are studied. In addition the enzyme stability against heat is studied.

Leakage of solutes from leaf discs of alfalfa plants susceptible and resistant to bacterial wilt caused byCorynebacterium michiganense pv.insidiosum

I. Hanker, Anna Kůdelová

Biologia plantarum 28:429, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885046

Seven day- and six week-old alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants, susceptible and resistant to bacterial wilt, were inoculated withCorynebacterium michiganense pv.insidiosum (McCulloch) Dye & Kemp. Leakage of solutes absorbing UV light from leaf discs into distilled water was investigated. The bacterial infection did not affect solute leakage rate from unifoliate and trifoliate leaves of either susceptible or resistant plants at an early stage of the disease. This may indicate that cell membrane integrity in alfalfa leaf tissues was not impaired.

The content of abscisic acid in the developing seeds of oak (Quercus robur L.)

L. Michalski

Biologia plantarum 28:434, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885047

Abscisic acid was analysed in seeds of oak, at. five stages of development in threeweek intervals, starting on the 6th week after anthesis until maturation in the 18th week after anthesis. The physico-chemical methods and bioassays were used for a closer characterization and quantification of the examined compounds. Differentiation of the ABA level depending upon the stages of seed development has been observed in various parts of acorn.

Changes in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and some problems relating to its regulation in tobacco plants infected with potato virus Y

L. Šindelár

Biologia plantarum 28:440-448, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885048

The contents of NADP+, NADPH, changes in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and some questions relating to its regulation in leaf tissues of tobacco plants infected with PVY were studied. The content of NADP+ and the total sum of pyridine nucleotides decreased after inoculation to 15 % and 30 %, respectively, whereas the content of NADPH increased up to the threefold control value. The contents of NADP+, NADPH and Σ(NADPH + NADP+) linearly correlated with the reproduction curve of PVY. The value of the reduction charge RC and the value of the ratio NADPH/NADP+ sharply increased...

The content of ATP, ADP, AMP, Pi, the activity of enzymes involved in the glycolytic pathway and some problems of its regulation, and energy balance in tobacco plants infected with potato virus Y

L. Sindelár

Biologia plantarum 28:449-459, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885049

The content of ATP, ADP, AMP, Pi, the activity of the enzymes involved in the glycolytic pathway, some problems of their regulation by adenine nucleotides and some basic problems connected with tissue energy balance were studied in tobacco plants infected with the potato virus Y (PVY). The contents of ATP and ΣAdN were increased in virus-infected tissues when compared with healthy tissues and correlated with the PVY reproduction curve. ADP and AMP contents decreased just after the inoculation and increased at the end of the experimental period, Pi content was not influenced by the infection.The activities of the key...

The influence of IAA on the uptake of potassium, calcium, magnesium, water absorption and growth in young maize seedlings

Olga Votrubová, M. Votruba

Biologia plantarum 28:460, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885050

The influence of IAA in two concentrations (10-8M and 10-5M) on relations between growth, water absorption and cation uptake and accumulation was tested.IAA in a higher concentration retarded growth remarkably. First of all, potassium uptake and water absorption were significantly decreased while the uptake of divalent cations was affected later and less remarkably. 10-8 M IAA accelerated the growth rate slightly together with acceleration of water absorption and cation uptake.

Thermostability of acid phosphatase in Selinum vaginatum Clarke and Acer caesium Wall. grown at low and high altitudes

S. K. Bhadula, O. P. Pandey, A. N. Purohit

Biologia plantarum 28:465, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885051

Acid phosphatase isolated from low altitude grown plants of two high altitude plant species,Selinum vaginatum Clarke andAcer caesium Wall, displayed higher thermostability than that from plants of the same species grown at high altitude. The isozyme composition, however, remained unchanged inSelinum vaginatum. InA. caesium, one of four isozymes, was thermolabile in the samples from high altitude and was lost after 10 min heating of the extracts at 60 °c. In the samples from low altitude, this isozyme was not detected and a band with slightly lower Rf value was present which was thermostable. The described changes in the...

Brief Communications

Effects of growth retardants on gibberellin biosynthesis inGibberella fujikurai and on growth of wheat seedlings

G. S. Muromtzev, A. V. Kokurin, Zinaida Pavlova

Biologia plantarum 28:470, 1986 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02885053

2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, unlike chlorocholinechloride, does not suppress gibberellin biosynthesis inGibberella fujikuroi cultures, and nullifies the effect of applied gibberellin A3 on wheat seedling growth.