Biologia plantarum, 1959 (vol. 1), issue 2


Autotroph-heterotroph relationships in natural waters

Silvestr Prát, Zdeněk Šesták

Biologia plantarum 1:81-92, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927042

Biological tests of waters combined with determinations of their chemical nature make it possible to classify different types of waters, but usually one figure does not suffice for a correct evaluation of a given water.Gabriel's biological index is a valuable criterion which can give us a good deal of information about the state of the water if the necessary conditions are adhered to; it is not, however, a completely quantitative method and value.The total body of producers, that is photosynthetizing matter (autotrophs) compared with the total organic matter as a whole [the body of consumers plus reducers (destroyers) plus dissolved organic matter]...

The Cytomorphological Effects of Low Temperatures Studied by Temperated Fixatives

Karel Beneš

Biologia plantarum 1:93, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927043

The mechanism of the cytomorphological effects of low temperatures was studied by the fixation of young leaves ofTriticum vulgare with temperated alcoholic fixatives. Some specimens were plunged into liquid nitrogen, allowed to thaw and fixed; other objects were plunged into liquid nitrogen and fixed without thawing; control objects were fixed directly. At various temperatures of fixatives (-76, -27,+27,+58° C) different results were observed on the objects pretreated in the same manner. It was thus demonstrated that the destruction processes occur, in this case, during thawing.

The Effect of β-Indolebutyric Acid on Phosphatase and Catalase Activity in Grape Vine Cuttings

Jiří Luštinec

Biologia plantarum 1:99-106, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927044

Phosphatase and catalase activity in the woody tissues of grape vine cuttings (Vitis vinifera), stimulated by β-indolebutyric acid, was studied at various temperatures. Its influence is evinced by increased root formation. The cause of the final effect is not, however, only quantitative acceleration of the metabolic processes. The parallelism of the activity changes of both enzymes in the stimulated and control tissues is evidence of this.β-indolebutyric acid significantly increases the activity of phosphatase and decreases that of catalase.I wish to thank Prof. Dr. S. Prát for his interest and help. I am indebted to J. Oplt...

Über den Einfluss einiger Humusstoffgruppen auf den Gehalt der oberirdischen Weizenteile an reduzierenden und nicht reduzierenden Zuekern

Vladimír Tichý

Biologia plantarum 1:107-112, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927045

Der Einfluss der Alkohol-Benzen-Fraktion, der Fraktion der Huminsäuren sowie der Fraktion der Fulvosäuren, die in Konzentrationen von 0,1; 1; 10 und 100 mg je Liter wirkten, äussert sich im Gleichgewichte der Glycide in den oberirdisehen Teilen junger Weizenpflanzen folgendermassen: Die Alkohol-Benzen-Fraktion bewirkt ein Absinken des Gehaltes an nicht reduzierenden Zuekern (N) und ein Ansteigen des Gehaltes der reduzierenden Zucker (R), sodass der Quotient N: R herabgesetzt wird. Dies lässt sich als Anzeichen einer Erhöhung der Intensität katabolischer Vorgänge erklären. Die Fulvosäurenfraktion dagegen erhöht dieses Verhältnis, sodass sich auf eine...

A New Strain of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Caused by Influencing the Metabolism of the Host

Jaemila Svobodová

Biologia plantarum 1:113-122, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927046

The paper describes a new strain of tobacco mosaic virus which has been named S-strain of TMV because of its characteristic stripe symptoms. The Al-strain of tobacco mosaic virus was used as the initial material.In contrast to methods used hitherto the S-strain was obtained by interfering with the metabolism of the host plant by a change in the environment. (SvobodovÁ 1954, 1958). The usual hosts of tobacco mosaic virus were used, chiefly tobacco and tomato plants. These plants were cultivated under aseptic conditions on an agar medium in Erlenmeyer flasks with a reduced amount of nutrients, a shortened period of illumination and a limited air...

Root formation in plants infected with yellows-type viruses

Jan Závada, Vlk Valenta

Biologia plantarum 1:123-125, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927047

Root formation was studied in cuttings from tomato plants infected with stolbur and Czechoslovak type II potato witches' broom viruses. A highly significant difference in root formation was always found in plants with clear-cut disease symptoms. Potato witches' broom virus inhibited the root growth more than stolbur. In all cases, diseased plants showed a greater variability in the weights of roots than healthy controls.

The behaviour of the S-strain of tobacco mosaic virus as detennined by biological tests

Jarmila Svobodová

Biologia plantarum 1:126, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927048

1. The symptoms caused by the S-strain(Svobodová 1954, 1958, 1959) were described for ten hosts and compared with those caused by the Al-strain and the ordinary green strain of the tobacco mosaic virus. In all the host plants tested the S-strain produces symptoms different from those caused by other strains.2. A comparison of the incubation period and the effect on growth ofNicotiana tabacum Samsun, the behaviour onN. rustica and quantitative tests onN. glutinosa showed that the S-strain is the least pathogenic of all the strains compared.3. Results of biological tests show the S-strain to be most similar to the ordinary...

Cadmium ions as inhibitore of tobacco mosaic virus

Marie Ulrychová-Zelinková

Biologia plantarum 1:135-141, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927049

1. While studying the inhibitory effects of cadmium ions on the reproduction of tobacco mosaic virus in vivo it was found that a dose of 160 mg. Cd2+ applied in two waterings to one plant (immediately before inoculation and the third day following inoculation) produced an average 70% inhibition, without in any way injuring the plants themselves.2. The inhibitory effect of cadmium ions decreased considerably when the plants were watered with a cadmium ion solution 24 hours before inoculation.3. The differences in the course of primary infection, as followed by means of iodine tests, were particularly apparent in the following...

The effect of extracted humus substances on growth of tomato plants

Zdeněk Sladký

Biologia plantarum 1:142, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927050

The different components of humus-alcoholic extract, humic acids and fulvic acids-progressively isolated from compost garden soil and deprived of minerál ions by electrodialysis, were, after addition to Sachs's nutrient solution, found to have differing effects on the growth of stems and roots of tomato plants. Similarly, differences in the effect on oxygen intake of leaves and roots was confirmed and varying amounts of chlorophyll were determined in the leaves. Fulvic acids were shown to be more active components of humus than humic acids. Morphological changes in the root system were found to be more typical for an estimation of the action of the...

Hexachlorcyclohexane as a polyploidisation agent

Zdenek Landa

Biologia plantarum 1:151-156, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927051

We have confirmed data regarding the action of γ-hexachlorcyclohexane as an agent inducing polyploidy, established a simple method of its application, determined the extend of its effect and found out whether it would be possible to replace the colchicine technique by a more accesible method of γ-HCH application. The method resulting from preliminary experiments with onion and lettuce was later applied to species and varieties of a number of plants (see list). The activity of γ-HCH as an agent inducing polyploidy was confirmed by the experiments. A method of sowing seeds in a damp film of γ-HCH was projected forLinum usitatissimum,...

Über den Einfluss äthanollöslicher organischer Kompoststoffe auf den Zuckermetabolismus in grünen Pflanzenteilen

Vladimír Tichý

Biologia plantarum 1:157, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927052

In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der Einfluss der äthanolischen Fraktion des Bodenhumus auf das Gleichgewicht der Glycide in isolierten Blättern von Weizen (Triticum vulgare Vill.) Lindě (Tilia cordata Mill.) und Rosskastanie (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) studiert worden.Es wurde festgestellt, dass die äthanölloslichen Humusstoffe eine Herabsetzung des Gehaltes an nicht reduzierenden Zuckern in den Blättern der Versuchspflanzen und eine Erhöhung der Kohlendioxydausscheidung bewirken. Weil die CO2-Ausscheidung weder dem Abnehmen der nicht reduzierenden, noch überhaupt aller Zucker entspricht, ist es notwendig vorauszusetzen,...

A Photoelectric Planimeter for Measuring Leaf Area

V. P. Batyuk, E. F. Rybalko, A. S. Okanenko

Biologia plantarum 1:167, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927053

This paper gives a description of a two-channel photoelectric planimeter for measuring leaf areas. It is based on the absorption of rays within the range 0.6 to 1.4μ. The flux of radiation is converted to electric signals by argentum sulphide photocells. The difference in the photoelectric currents from the measuring and control channels is amplified by a sensitive and highly stable d.-c. differential amplifier and is indicated by a meter which can be calibrated direct in area units.

The influence of photoperiodicity on the sexual index in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)

Jaroslav Limberk

Biologia plantarum 1:176-186, 1959 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02927054

Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) was sown at intervals from November to August. For each sowing the time of flowering was recorded for male and female plants separately. Male plants usually flowered earlier than female. When the period of daylight exceeds 14 hours, that is when the days are lengthening in April, the female plants stop flowering and continue their vegetative growth. They start flowering again when the days are shortening considerably, in August, when the daylight period is about 15 hours. The male plants flower even when the day is longer than 14 hours.In experiments during which the plants were shaded it was found that reduction...