Biologia plantarum, 1983 (vol. 25), issue 6


Book reviews

T. Gichner, J. Satava

Biologia plantarum 25:467, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903150

Book reviews

V. Škrdleta, Jarmila Solárová, M. Kamínek, J. Čermák, Katerina Pánková, T. Gichner, P. Bartoš, J. Čatský, A. Lebeda, J. Krekule, J. Naus

Biologia plantarum 25:472-479, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903152

Original Papers

Effect of some reducing agents on water stress-induced oxidative and deteriorative processes ofVigna seedlings

S. P. Mukherjee, M. A. Choudhuri

Biologia plantarum 25:401, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903135

Decreasing substrate osmotic potential produced in seedlings ofVigna catjang Endl. (cv. Pusa Barsati) proportional decrease in relative water content and leaf water potential, increase in respiration rate, proline content, H2O2 content, and the activities of indole acetic acid oxidase, ascorbic acid oxidase, peroxidase and glycolate oxidase but decrease in catalase activity and glycolate content. Pretreatment with reducing agents like L-cysteine or reduced glutathione (10-3 M) caused lower decrease in the relative water content, leaf water potential and glycolate content and reduced the rise of respiration rate, proline...

Effects of wind velocity on stomatal conductance and consequences of leaf rolling on water uptake in tall fescue

C. Renard, W. Demessemacker

Biologia plantarum 25:408-411, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903136

Leaf form and stomatal characteristics play an important part in the strategy of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) to limit water losses. Transpiration rates of artificially rolled leaves measured by potometer at varying wind velocities support this assertion.

Physiological studies in salinity tolerance ofSesbania aculeata POIR

B. A. Karadge, Prakash D. Chavan

Biologia plantarum 25:412-418, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903138

A pot culture experiment was performed to evaluate salt tolerance potential ofSesbania aculeata Poir. The plant can tolerate salinity levels up to electrical conductivity (ECe), 10 mS cm-1 and at 15 mS cm-1 thero is about 40% reduction in dry matter production. The analysis of inorganic constituents in different plant parts revealed that the plant has the capacity to regulate sodium uptake under saline conditions and chloride uptake always exceeded that of sodium. The potassium: sodium ratio is also maintained at a fairly constant level in leaflets while it is reduced in leaf rachis, stem and roots. Salt stress caused accumulation...

Net CO2 exchange rates and diffusion resistance of leaves from chicory selections during vegetative growth

H. Huygens, I. Impens, J. Lips

Biologia plantarum 25:419-424, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903139

Net CO2 exchange rates, stomatal and internal resistances for CO2-transport were followed on fully expanded Witloof chicory leaves (Cichorium intybus L. cv. Foliosum) for several months during vegetative growth. Maximum net CO2 exchange rate (Pmax) stayed high with a sudden drastic drop at the end of the growing season largely due to an increase in internal diffusion resistance.During an analogous growth period the H2O vapour diffusion resistances of leaves for four selections were measured. The adaxial stomatal resistance was always higher than the abaxial one. Stomatal densities calculated...

The effect of phosphorus and nitrogen deficiency on growth of seedlings of spring barley in dependence on irradiance: Growth analysis

L. Nátr, P. Apel

Biologia plantarum 25:425-432, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903140

Seedlings of spring barley,Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Mirena, were grown in a controlled environment chamber at high (HI: 122 Wm-2) and low (LI: 28 Wm-2) irradiance in the complete Richter's nutrient solution (R) or in solution lacking either phosphorus (R -P) or nitrogen (R -N). The experiment was terminated 15 days after sowing when plants (R-N) at HI ceased to grow. At that time the dry mass of one plant was 449.8 mg, 145.7 mg and 116.8mg at HI and 203.4 mg, 110.1 mg and 91.0 at LI for R, (R-P) and (R-N), respectively. Deficiency of P and especially N reduced the size of loaf area more under HI than under LI conditions....

The effect of phosphorus and nitrogen deficiency on growth of seedlings of spring barley in dependence on irradiance: Content of chlorophyll, nitrogen and phosphorus

L. Nátr, P. Apel, Svatava Fialová

Biologia plantarum 25:433, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903142

Seedlings of spring barley,Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Mirena, were grown in complete mineral solution (Richter's solution: R) or in solution lacking either phosphorus (R-P) or nitrogen (R-N) at low (LI: 28 W m-2) or high (HI: 122 W m-2) irradiance. Plants were kept in controlled environment chamber with 16 h photoperiod and 20 °C/15 °C day/night temperature. The experiment was terminated after 15 days when plants grown under R -N nad HI conditions died. The content of chlorophyll was estimated during the plant growth and content of nitrogen and phosphorus was determined at the end of the experiment. Deficiency of N and P induced...

The effect of NO3- and NH4+ ions on enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation in Pisum sativum L

Alena Gaudinova

Biologia plantarum 25:440, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903144

Nitrate reductase level in leaves of pea plants is higher than in roots despite of the lower content of endogenous nitrate. Addition of ammonium ions to nutrient solution containing nitrate decreases nitrate reductase level in leaves estimatedin vivo while its level estimatedin vitro is increased.Glutamine synthetase (GS) level in roots decreases during short (24 and 48 h) and long (14 d) term cultivation of seedlings in solutions containing ammonium ions. This decrease occurs in leaves only after the long term influence of ammonium ions. Level of this enzyme is higher in plants grown in the presence of nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate)...

The effect of mineral nutrition on nitrogen assimilation by intact plants ofPisum sativum L

Alena Gaudinová

Biologia plantarum 25:449, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903145

The effect of macroelements on nitrogen assimilation, level of nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and content of nitrate nitrogen were studied in 17 day-old pea seedlings. The highest inhibition of NR was found at deficiencies of Mg and Ca while deficiency of K was less effective. The level of GS was decreased only in roots exclusively at deficiency of Mg. On the other hand, the deficiency of Mg and Ca increased the level of GDH. The lowest level of endogenous nitrate was found at deficiency of K. Present results show that assimilation of nitrate by plants was decreased by Mg and Ca deficiency while...

Comparison of malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in someAllium species by isoelectric focusing

Vera Hadacová, Eva Klozová, Jiŕina Svachulová, Kveta Pitterová

Biologia plantarum 25:456-461, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903147

Malate dehydrogenase isoenzymes were studied in tenAllium species and in six cultivars ofA. cepa by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel with Ampholine pH 3.5-10.0. Using this method better resolution was obtained than by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The number of MDH isoenzymes obtained by isoelectric focusing is from five to ten in the range of pH 3.65 to 6.75. MDH isoenzymes can be used for characterization on the level of species and cultivars (inA. cepa), but its use on the level of sections and subgenera is questionable.

Relationship between soil moisture and leaf water potential of three forest tree species

J. Huzulák, F. Matejka

Biologia plantarum 25:462-467, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903149

A mathematic model of loaf water potential daily dynamics was employed to study the relationship between this characteristic and soil moisture for the speciesQuercus cerris,Acer campestre andCarpinus betulus. It was found that when evaluating the availability of soil water for a plant it is necessary to consider the vapour pressure deficit which remarkably affects the relationship between the soil moisture and leaf water potential. A quantitative description of the dependence between the leaf water potential and soil moisture enabled a physiological interpretation of the limit values of soil moisture - permanent wilting and reduced...

Brief Communications

The electric conductance of seedling stems and the water content of spruce and pine seedlings in the course of desiccation

J. Čermák, J. Kučera, J. Simon, V. Dušek

Biologia plantarum 25:468-471, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903151

The dependence of electric conductance (admittance) of the stem on seedling water content (on the relative water content related to dry matter, or on the water saturation deficit, respectively) was followed in spruce and pine seedlings. The dependence was statistically highly significant and strong:r = 0.80 when individual plants were evaluated andr = 0.97 when mean values of twenty-seedlmg sets were taken into account. Electric conductance values can be used as a substitute) for water content determinations in plant tissues under defined conditions, although tho exact interpretation, especially of absolute values of those quantities...

Book Review

Reinert, J., Yeoman, M. M. (ed.): Plant Cell andTissue Culture. A Laboratoicy Manual

M. Kamínek

Biologia plantarum 25:411, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903137

Agrochemicals:Fate inFood and theEnvironment. Proceedings of a Symposium, Rome, 7-11 June 1982

J. Briza

Biologia plantarum 25:432, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903141

Bridges, B. A., Butterworth, B. E., Weinstein, I. B. (ed.): Indicators of Genotoxic Exposure. Banbury Report 13

Katerina Pánková

Biologia plantarum 25:439, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903143

Asada, V., Bushnell, W. R., Ouchi, S., Vance, C. P. (ed.): Plant Infection. The Physiological and Biochemical Basis

Vlasta Catská

Biologia plantarum 25:455, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903146

Bartsch, H., O'Neill, I. K., Castegnaro, M., Okada, M. (ed.): N-Nitroso Compounds: Occurrence and Biological Effects

J. Satava

Biologia plantarum 25:461, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903148



I. Hanker, Anna Kudelová

Biologia plantarum 25:480, 1983 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02903153