Biologia plantarum, 1974 (vol. 16), issue 2


The depression of the synthesis of pea diamine oxidase due to light and the verification of its participation in growth processes using competitive inhibitors

L. Macholán, J. Minář

Biologia plantarum 16:86-93, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920782

The time courses of the synthesis of diamine oxidase in pea plants grown for 14 days either in the light or in the dark are similar with the highest increase in activity occurring in the cotyledons and in the shoots during the first 6 to 8 days. Plants grown in the dark showed a 2- to 3-fold higher enzyme activity than plants grown in the light. Pea diamine oxidase could bein vivo efficiently inhibited by substrate analogues 1,4-diamino-2-butanone and 1,5-diamino-3-pentanone. The first compound inhibited proportionally to its concentration the growth of etiolated pea plants, but its instability makes an unequivocal interpretation of the results...

The growth stimulating effect of 5-bromouracil and uracil on chlorococcal algae

J. Nečas

Biologia plantarum 16:94-101, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920783

The growth stimulating effect of 5-bromouracil and uracil on two strains of chlorococcal algae has been found in cell colonies grown from single cells, which were inoculated onto an agar medium. Analyses of the effect recorded in the cell cycles after treatment have revealed that the growth stimulating effect required four, or more, cell cycles to become evident. This has been proved by the number of autospores released from the treated cells and by the length of the lag phase after inoculation. The differences between the control and the treated population in some experiments with 5-bromouracil inChlorella and with uracil inScenedesmus obliquus...

Histochemical studies on the distribution of non-specific esterase in the germinating pollen grains ofPortulaca grandiflora

P. P. Sood

Biologia plantarum 16:102-106, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920784

The study deals with the distribution of non-specific esterase in germinating pollen grains ofPortulaca grandiflora. Intense activity of the enzyme is seen in small granules distributed homogeneously in pollen grains stigma hairs and throughout the length of pollen tubes. Further the walls of pollen grains also demonstrate intense activity. The functional significance of the enzyme in these locales has been discussed.

Genotypic control of the speed of development in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. lines obtained from natural populations

Vlasta Karlovská

Biologia plantarum 16:107-117, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920785

Sixteen early, medium late, and late homozygote lines ofArabidopsis thaliana, obtained from three natural populations, were crossed with a common check variety S 96. The speed of development was expressed by the value log (x+y), wherex stands for the number of days after which flower primordia appear, andy for the number of leaves in the rosette. The experiments were caried out under conditions which emphasized the differences in the speed of development. We assessed the degree of dominancy, heritability on the basis of F1 and F2 variance, and analyzed F2 distributions. It was established...

Preparation and characterization of the tissue culture of spruce (Picea excelsa Link)

Daniela Hricová, J. Strmeň, Š. Bauer

Biologia plantarum 16:118-122, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920786

The paper describes isolation and partial characterization of the tissue culture of the common spruce (Picea excelsaLink). The tissue culture was grown on the medium ofHarvey (1967) modified by increasing the concentration of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) to l mg l-1 and by omitting the tyrosine. By selective 10-month subculturing the tissue culture was obtained possessing relatively stable properties and giving good yields of biomass. The tissue of the callus was of yellowish colour, compact and homogenous. The obtained tissue culture was characterized by its growth curve and by following the O2 consumption during...

Increase in volatile oil and chemical composition in the seeds of caraway and fennel plants induced by succinic acid 2,2-dimethylhydrazide

E. N. Abou-Zied

Biologia plantarum 16:123-126, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920787

Spraying the growth retardant (B-9) ranging from 500 to 4000 ppm, on caraway and fennel plants reduced stem height, whereas increased the umbel number per plant. There was a slight increase in seed-yield as well as weight of 1000 seeds of the two umbelliferae plants, induced by B-9. The largest values of volatile oil, crude fat, and carbohydrate in the seeds of the two plants resulted from 4000 ppm B-9. Whereas, the crude protein was not affected by B-9 treatments in both plants.

The changes in the titre of the sugar beet yellows virus in sugar beet leaves in the course of the vegetation period

J. Smrž, Marie Filigarová, J. Pozděna

Biologia plantarum 16:127-131, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920788

Using the quantitative serological method of double diffusion in agar, the amount of sugar beet yellows virus in the leaves of sugar beet was investigated and the possibility of an accurate serological analysis was examined at certain time periods in the course of vegetation. In sugar beets infected artificially at the beginning of the vegetation period the increase of the titre has a fluctuating course at first. In August, after the intensive growth of plants is over, the virus content maintains on a relatively high degree, increasing further toward the end of vegetation. For a reliable virus analysis the sap can be diluted approximately in the ratio...

Effects of growth regulators, steroids and estrogen fraction from sage plants on flowering of a long day plant,Salvia splendens, grown under non-inductive light conditions

J. Kopcewicz, Z. Porazinski

Biologia plantarum 16:132-135, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920789

The flowering ofSalvia splendensSellow under noninductive short days is promoted by exogenous application of estrogen fraction isolated from flowering sage plants, gibberellin GA4+7 and to some extend N6-benzyladenine and estradiol. The most active is the combination of GA4+7 with estrogen fraction. No synergistic action of GA4+7 with N6-benzyladenine estradiol was found.

Book reviews

Ingrid Tichá, M. Musil, Z. Šesták, J. Krekule, Eva Klozová

Biologia plantarum 16:156-160, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920795

Brief Communications

Rhythmic changes in ribonuclease activity in relation to nucleic acid synthesis in cotyledons ofChenopodium rubrum L. and to floral induction of the plants

Lola Teltscherová, Dagmar Pleskotová

Biologia plantarum 16:136-139, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920790

Ribonuclease (RNAse) activity was investigated in cotyledons ofChenopodium rubrum plants subjected to various conditions of illumination (photoperiodic induction, continuous light, induction cancelled by interrupting the dark period by a light-break). At the end of the dark period of the single inductive cycles RNAse activity of induced plants was inferior to that of plants grown in continuous light. At the end of the first two cycles the activity was lowest after the interruption of the dark period by light. The investigation of the enzyme in 6h intervals showed rhythmic changes in activity to occur in induced plants. Enzyme activity followed...

Water potential, water saturation deficit and their relationship in leaves of different insertion levels

Jana Pospíšilová

Biologia plantarum 16:140-143, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920791

The water potential (Ψ w ) and the water saturation deficit (δWsat) in leaves of different insertion levels of potted kale plants were simultaneously measured. In non-wilting plantsδWsat gradually decreased andΨ w slightly increased from the upper to the lower leaves. During the wilting of the plants induced by decreasing of soil moistureΨw practically decreased paralelly in all the leaves but the same decrease ofΨ w was connected with the lowest increase ofδWsat in upper leaves...

An installation for measuring carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange rates with a precise environmental control

J. Čatský, Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 16:144-148, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920792

An open system has been designed which enables a simple and rapid manual regulation of the CO2 concentration and absolute humidity in the assimilation chamber according to the actual CO2 and water vapour exchange rates, respectively. This ensures a constant effective CO2 concentration and humidity irrespective of the gas exchange of the leaves. The installation is supplemented with an irradiation system providing irradiance at the leaf level up to 3 200 μeinstein m-2s-1 (400-700 nm),i. e. ca. 675 W m-2.

Selective histochemical localization of alcohol dehydrogenase in bud primordia cells of wheat shoot apices

Jana Opatrná

Biologia plantarum 16:149-151, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920793

During the histochemical investigation of dehydrogenases in the developing shoot apex of wheat plants it was found that the morphologically similar cells of the peripheral meristem may be differentiated according to the differential activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. While the enzyme was not present or exhibited a very small activity only in the tissue of leaf primordia it was highly active in the cells of bud primordia irrespective of the degree of their development and their differential physiological determination.

Leaf area determination inPlectranthus fructicosusL'Hérit. from linear measurements and the changes during leaf and plant development

Ingrid Tichá

Biologia plantarum 16:152-155, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920794

The area ofPlectranthus fructicosus leaves of different origin and cultivation (seedlings, vegetatively propagated plants from growth chambers with different climates, isolated rooted leaves) fitted in average the equationA=L B k. The coefficientk, however, varies during the ontogenesis of the leaves and the plant according to changes in leaf shape from 0.865 to 0.642.


Anniversaries of members of editorial board

Biologia plantarum 16:161-162, 1974 | DOI: 10.1007/BF02920796