SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

The Approximate Loebl--Komlós--Sós Conjecture I: The Sparse Decomposition

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Submitted: 18 August 2014
Accepted: 17 December 2015
Published online: 25 May 2017

Publication Data

ISSN (print): 0895-4801
ISSN (online): 1095-7146
CODEN: sjdmec

In a series of four papers we prove the following relaxation of the Loebl--Komlós--Sós conjecture: For every $\alpha>0$ there exists a number $k_0$ such that for every $k>k_0$, every $n$-vertex graph $G$ with at least $(\frac{1}{2}+\alpha)n$ vertices of degree at least $(1+\alpha)k$ contains each tree $T$ of order $k$ as a subgraph. The method to prove our result follows a strategy similar to approaches that employ the Szemerédi regularity lemma: We decompose the graph $G$, find a suitable combinatorial structure inside the decomposition, and then embed the tree $T$ into $G$ using this structure. Since for sparse graphs $G$, the decomposition given by the regularity lemma is not helpful, we use a more general decomposition technique. We show that each graph can be decomposed into vertices of huge degree, regular pairs (in the sense of the regularity lemma), and two other objects each exhibiting certain expansion properties. In this paper, we introduce this novel decomposition technique. In the three follow-up papers, we find a suitable combinatorial structure inside the decomposition, which we then use for embedding the tree.

© 2017, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Cited by

(2020) A version of the Loebl–Komlós–Sós conjecture for skew trees. European Journal of Combinatorics 88, 103106. Crossref
(2020) A variant of the Erdős‐Sós conjecture. Journal of Graph Theory 94:1, 131-158. Crossref
, , and . (2020) Maximum and Minimum Degree Conditions for Embedding Trees. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34:4, 2108-2123. Abstract | PDF (542 KB) 
2020. Tree Containment and Degree Conditions. Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 459-486. Crossref
. (2019) A Local Approach to the Erdös--Sós Conjecture. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 33:2, 643-664. Abstract | PDF (570 KB) 
(2017) A skew version of the Loebl–Komlós–Sós conjecture. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61, 743-749. Crossref
, , , , , and . (2017) The Approximate Loebl--Komlós--Sós Conjecture II: The Rough Structure of LKS Graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31:2, 983-1016. Abstract | PDF (952 KB) 
, , , , , and . (2017) The Approximate Loebl--Komlós--Sós Conjecture III: The Finer Structure of LKS Graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31:2, 1017-1071. Abstract | PDF (1335 KB) 
, , , , , and . (2017) The Approximate Loebl--Komlós--Sós Conjecture IV: Embedding Techniques and the Proof of the Main Result. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31:2, 1072-1148. Abstract | PDF (1812 KB)