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NET 2019 Call

New Economic Talent 2019 Call for Papers

In our fifth annual New Economic Talent Competition, the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) invites university students to submit their papers. Nadace CERGE-EI is a proud sponsor.

The competition is open to current bachelor’s and master’s students (full-time or part-time) or bachelor’s and master’s graduates (up to one year after graduation) in any field, who are interested in contemporary economic issues and wish to better understand the forces and processes that ‘shape the world’. Please read NET 2019 conditions for details.

Zsofia "New Economic Talent competition is an amazing opportunity to challenge yourself, to get valuable feedback on your work, to talk to professors who are experts in their field, and to get to know the high-quality work at CERGE-EI. It is an incredible help to your career, but it is also a lot more than a shaping professional experience."

Zsófia, NET 2016 winner

Deadline for submission: 31 March, 2019 (23:59 CET)
Participation: international
Topics: macroeconomics, microeconomics, applied economics, finance
Language: English
Number of rounds: 2
First round: electronic submission of a completed paper (up to 50 pages; 90,000 characters incl. spaces) and an abstract (1 page; 1,800 characters incl. spaces)
First round results: within 5 weeks after the deadline
Second round: presentation at CERGE-EI, Prague (up to 5 finalists), May 2018
Criteria of evaluation: originality, substance, analytical nature, clarity of writing
Prize: 1,000 USD and invitations to relevant research and social events at CERGE-EI

NET Michal(1)"New Economic Talent competition gave me the opportunity to present my own ideas to experienced economists from high-ranked universities as well as the chance to see the other competing students present. In particular, the final round of the NET, which is full of presentations, meetings, and discussions with other economists, was one of my first contacts with academic economics. Overall, the NET competition was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone interested in economics."

Michal, NET 2016 finalist

How to Submit Your Paper:

  • Prepare the documents. Please submit your paper in MS Word (or similar text editor) or in PDF format.
  • Length of the paper must be up to 50 pages (90,000 characters including spaces) in total, including the text body, footnotes, charts, graphs, and bibliography (charts or graphs included as images count as 900 characters). The length of the abstract must be between 1 page (1,800 characters including spaces). The abstract does not count toward the page limit of the paper. All texts must be written in English and should NOT include your personal and contact details.
  • Fill in the online registration form.
  • Send the paper and its extended abstract to talent@cerge-ei.cz. Please try to limit its size to 5 MB.

Further details: please see NET 2019 conditions

New Economic Talent Image 2019

New Economic Talent 2019 poster

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