Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2016, 17 (2): 76-80 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2016.17.2.284

On Advocates of Anti-modernist Emancipation: An Interview with Andrea Petö by Jitka Gelnarová

Jitka Gelnarová, Andrea Petö

Zveřejněno: 1. červen 2016Zobrazit citaci

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Gelnarová, Jitka and Andrea Petö. 2016. "On Advocates of Anti-modernist Emancipation: An Interview with Andrea Petö by Jitka Gelnarová." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 17(2):76-80.
Stáhnout citaci


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  11. Petö, A. 2016b. '"Populist Female Leaders Should Not Be Underestimated." An interview with Andrea Petö.' Queries, 27 February 2014 (retrieved 20 October 2016). Available at:
  12. Wieviorka, A. 2006. The Era of the Witness. New York: Cornell University Press. Přejít k původnímu zdroji...

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