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«2019 2021 2022 »
181 captures
5 Apr 14 - 1 Mar 25
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PHOTO: Eduarda Dráberová, The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CAS
Our researchers, who study the physical mechanisms of action of short electrical and electromagnetic pulses on protein systems, participated in an interesting research.
TA ČR DAY 2020
The project Thulium fiber lasers for industrial and medical applications, in which scientists from our institute participated, won the TA CR 2020 award.
Open Days Online
What can the ultrasensitive optical biosensor detect, how electromagnetic methods can be used in biomedicine and how data transmission in optical fiber works? Meet our other 3 research teams.
Virtual Open Days has started today
Where is the exact time taken, what is the life seen through nano-optics or what does the nanoworld look like? Join our virtual excursion to the first 3 research teams.
Open Days 2020 cancelled, will be online
Open Days in November will not take place this year due to coronavirus. However, you will be able to visit us online!
Markéta Bocková received the Bolzano Prize from Charles University (photo: René Volfík)
The scientist from the Optical Biosensors research team Markéta Bocková won the Bolzano Prize at the award ceremony for the best students and graduates of the Charles University.
Charity collection of IPE
IPE employees organized a charity collection of children's clothing, footwear and other needs for children.
Restriction Notice (source: Pixabay.com)
Due to the current hygienic-epidemiological situation related to the occurrence of a new type of coronavirus we limit the operation of the Institute.
Professor Harith Ahmad from University of Malaya lectured at the IPE
Professor Harith Ahmad, who works at the Photonics Research Centre of the University of Malaya, had a lecture talk about pulsed fiber lasers at the Institute.
The winner of the competition spent one day in the laboratories of the Optical Biosensors
A secondary-school student who won the competion organized as a part of the Open Days to spend one day with a scientist, visited the Optical Biosensors team.


IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

Contact us

Data box: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882