Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 2017 (vol. 18), issue 1
Gender in/and the Neoliberal University: Transnational Processes and Localised Impacts


The Neoliberal/ising University at the Intersection of Gender and Place

Kadri Aavik, Birgit Riegraf, Blanka Nyklová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 2-15  


Neoliberal Universities, Patriarchies, Masculinities, and Myself: Transnational-personal Reflections on and from the Global North

Jeff Hearn

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 16-41 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.348  

This article reflects on working in eight universities in Finland, Sweden, and the UK, along with many transnational research projects. These are analysed within the framework of what might be called neoliberal universities, neoliberal trans(national)patriarchies, and neoliberal masculinities. Importantly, these are reflections from the global North, being transnationally located there, rather than glossed as 'global' or simply assumed as nationally contextualised. This discussion is located within the burgeoning literature on neoliberalism, and then proceeds to examine, first, experiences in the UK, before those in Finland and Sweden. The final section...

Academic Excellence and Gender Bias in the Practices and Perceptions of Scientists in Leadership and Decision-making Positions

Marcela Linková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 42-66 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.349  

How to assess quality has become one of the central concerns for contemporary research, not least because of the proliferation of research assessment systems around the globe. Concomitant with this has been the growing attention to factors that compromise the credibility of assessment, especially gender, ethnic, racial and geopolitical bias. In this paper I analyse how lab leaders and research managers in the natural sciences specifically construct excellence and relatedly the demands of the research profession, and how gender bias plays out in these imaginaries. The material for the study comes primarily from two highly successful public research...

Excelence a genderové předsudky v praktikách a vnímání přírodních vědců ve vedoucích a rozhodovacích pozicích

Marcela Linková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 67-91 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.350  

How to assess quality has become one of the central concerns for contemporary research, not least because of the proliferation of research assessment systems around the globe. Concomitant with this has been the growing attention to factors that compromise the credibility of assessment, especially gender, ethnic, racial and geopolitical bias. In this paper I analyse how lab leaders and research managers in the natural sciences specifically construct excellence and relatedly the demands of the research profession, and how gender bias plays out in these imaginaries. The material for the study comes primarily from two highly successful public research...

Excellence and Gender Equality Policies in Neoliberal Universities

Birgit Riegraf, Lena Weber

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 92-112 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.351  

The historical nexus of academia and gender has been characterised by exclusivity. The classical idea of innovative science was shaped by male scientists and reflected their ways of living and was mainly reproduced via gatekeeping and homosocial co-optation processes. Recently, academia has begun a transition towards a new model of academic organisation and governance represented by the vision of the 'neoliberal university'. In this transition the historical nexus between academic 'excellence' and masculine culture is being called into question by new economic mechanisms and instruments of academic governance that are declared to be 'gender neutral'...

Teaching and Researching Women's and Gender Studies in Post-apartheid South Africa

Deirdre Byrne

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 113-129 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.352  

This article argues that South African universities experience a variety of constraints upon their freedom to teach and conduct research. These restrictions affect all academic disciplines, including women's and gender studies. The hegemony of neoliberalism affects the formation of collective and individual subjectivities. Its cultural operations possess the power to privilege and promote concepts that serve its monetary goals, while suppressing those that do not. Unfortunately, the managerialist turn in universities has meant that courses and units that are perceived as profitable receive funding, while those that are perceived as unprofitable do...

Doing Neoliberalism on Campus: The Vulnerability of Gender Equality Mechanisms in Estonian Academia

Kadri Aavik

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 130-153 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.353  

This paper explores the construction of a gendered neoliberal rationality in post-socialist academic settings. Drawing on interviews conducted with key stakeholders in four major Estonian universities, I trace how three key gender equality policy measures are conceptualised - quotas, workplace flexibility, and the involvement of men in efforts towards gender equality. The findings suggest that Estonian academic stakeholders fill these key gender equality policy ideas with meanings that distort the original purpose of these solutions, and thereby render these policy ideas counter-productive as mechanisms designed to bring about change in gender relations....

Marketing Difference: Two Teachable Moments at the Intersection of the Neoliberal University and Geopolitics

Blanka Nyklová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 154-177 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.354  

This article looks at the effects the neoliberal university has on feminist pedagogy when it is practised in a programme that stresses geopolitical differences. The material for the study comes from my experience as a teacher of a gender studies class for a US study abroad programme based in Prague, Czech Republic. The richly researched paradoxes of doing feminist pedagogy in the neoliberal university assume firm contours when the geopolitical location of both those 'teaching' and those 'taught' becomes the focus and indeed the 'commodity' to be sold. In my article, I focus on my situation as a teacher in an increasingly precarious educational environment...

Obchodování s odlišností: dvě pedagogické příležitosti na křižovatce neoliberální univerzity a geopolitiky

Blanka Nyklová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 178-200 | DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2017.18.1.355  

This article looks at the effects the neoliberal university has on feminist pedagogy when it is practised in a programme that stresses geopolitical differences. The material for the study comes from my experience as a teacher of a gender studies class for a US study abroad programme based in Prague, Czech Republic. The richly researched paradoxes of doing feminist pedagogy in the neoliberal university assume firm contours when the geopolitical location of both those 'teaching' and those 'taught' becomes the focus and indeed the 'commodity' to be sold. In my article, I focus on my situation as a teacher in an increasingly precarious educational environment...


How to Survive as Feminist and Gender Researchers in the Neoliberal University?

Lena Weber

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 201-205  

Recenze knihy Pereira, M. do Mar. Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship

The Principle of Slow (Food), Applied to the Corporate University

Annette von Alemann

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 205-211  

Recenze knihy Berg, M., Seeber, B. The Slow Professor

Step Towards Doing Away with Homophobia

Irena Smetáčková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 211-214  

Recenze knihy Sloboda, Z. Dospívání, rodičovství a (homo)sexualita


Conference Report 'The Geopolitics of Gender Studies'

Julia Gruhlich

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 215-218  

Quarter of a Century of Critical Theory in Prague

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 218-221  

Sustainable Development and Gender Inequlities. Report from the Conference Women as Agents of Sustainable Development

Romana Marková Volejníčková, Marie Pospíšilová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2017, 18 (1): 221-224