Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2010, 46(5): 745-770 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2010.46.5.03
The Wider Context of Non-clinical Narcissism: Professional Life, Communication, and Self Control
- Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha
The author of this article conducted a representative survey (N=1081) to examine the signs of non-clinical narcissism in professional life, human relations, and self-control. He found that people with narcissistic characteristics more often occupy socio-professional positions that place high demands on self-presentation, which means on appearance and demeanour. People with narcissistic characteristics also tend to seek out such professions more often. The interest in obtaining jobs that place high demands on self-presentation is more strongly associated with non-clinical narcissism than with whether or not the individual currently occupies such a position. Respondents with narcissistic characteristics also more often profess better chances of succeeding in such a position. People with narcissistic characteristics typically communicate on two typical levels: ego-confirmative and negotiative. Narcissistic types generally use communication primarily as a means of presenting their idealised Self (ego-confirmative level). However, when respondents who scored as narcissists in the test enter an interaction from which only one side can profit (negotiative comunication), they defend only their own interests and pay little attention to the needs of others. Narcissistic types also exhibit a higher level of self-control, which some criminologists associate with delinquency.
Keywords: Non-clinical narcissism, profession, self-presentation, communication, human relations, self-control.
Published: October 1, 2010Show citation
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