
Here you will find ongoing projects of the Technology Centre CAS.
For the archive projects please follow the link at the bottom of this page.

    • CZERA 3

      Project CZERA 3 (Inter Excellence) follows previous activities of Research Infrastructure CZERA 2 (2015-2017) and provides it´s continuity, expanding and innovative activities. CZERA 3 represents an expert system which provides a wide range of professional consulting and support services to submitters and participants of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, and analytical-information services to decision makers responsible for R&D policy, particularly in the field of international scientific cooperation, so as to achieve a broader and more effective Czech integration into European research area (ERA).

      The project is structured into eight sub-areas of activities which correspond to the EC requirements for the operation of the national contact points (NCPs) system. As well a campaign, which will apprise the research community with the 9th Framework Program will be a part of the project CZERA 3.


      • Partners:

        Only the Technology Centre of the CAS

      • Outputs:

        Project outputs are continuosly published at, partly at

      • Duration: January 2018 - December 2021
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
      • Manager: Koníčková Naďa

      The STRATIN project responds to the current need associated with a relatively high degree of international closure of the research, development and innovation (R&D&I) system in the Czech Republic, which is reflected in low participation of research teams in EU framework programs, limited internationalization of research organizations and limited participation of the Czech Republic in international coordination of R&D&I support.

      The project activities focus on the preparation of expert documents for the strategic management of international cooperation in R&D&I, which will be based on verified quantitative and qualitative data. In addition to the long-term strategic targeting of policies for the development of international cooperation, these documents will be directly usable by providers and research organizations themselves to initiate specific measures aimed at strengthening the internationalization of Czech research, especially in the context of the European Research Area.

      • Outputs:

        Web page of  Strategic Studies

      • Duration: March 2020 - December 2021
      • Submitter: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
      • Manager: Pazour Michal
    • Impacts

      The project aims to develop and test a tool box for evaluation of economic impacts of policies and programmes of targeted support of firms‘ R&D and science-industry cooperation with regards to different targeting of programmes/measures and their implementation, diversity of firms and business conditions.

      The project should answer the following questions:

      • What types of enterprises are supported (what are their economic and R&D characteristics);
      • What are the types of supported projects;
      • What is the R&D strategy of firms receiving direct R&D support;
      • What are the economic impacts of targeted support of R&D and what are the impacts depending on the type (strategy) of the company;
      • How to evaluate the economic impacts of targeted support of R&D in the Czech business sector.

      • Partners:

        University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Business Administration

      • Outputs:

        The main output of the project will propose a guideline for the selection of suitable methods for evaluating the economic impacts of targeted R&D support, describe how to use the methods, availability and use of data sources, including their combination, time and personnel requirements, and presentation of evaluation results. The application guarantors - the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic - will use the output for the evaluation of R&D support tools, and their other conceptual and analytical activities.

      • Duration: April 2020 - December 2022
      • Submitter: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (ETA programme)
      • Manager: Čadil Vladislav
    • Horizon Scanning for Responsible Research and Innovation

      The objective of the project is to create and apply a functional horizon scanning system aimed at monitoring and evaluating technological and social trends and their potential impacts.
      Partial objectives of the project are:

      • To create a system for collecting and processing structured and unstructured data and sorting and analysing them by using appropriate software tools.
      • To create an IT platform for methodologically led expert discussion on identified technological trends, their potential impacts on society and individual segments of the Czech economy (e.g. domains of smart specialization) and on readiness to capture and absorb these technological trends.
      • To verify the functionality of the system in the entrepreneurial discovery process while managing the National RIS3.
      • Duration: January 2019 - June 2021
      • Submitter: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
      • Manager: Pazour Michal
    • INFRAM

      The main objective of the INFRAM project is to support effective management of research infrastructures at institutional and national level. A partial goal is to identify the factors of strategic management of research infrastructures that are considered essential by managers of research infrastructures and policy makers responsible for management at national level. Thereafter, suitable tools will be proposed to improve management at institutional and national level. These tools will be pilot tested in cooperation with application guarantors representing the institutional level of management of research infrastructures.

      • Partners:


      • Duration: April 2020 - September 2022
      • Submitter: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
      • Manager: Růžička Vlastimil
    • JPI HDHL 2.0

      The main objectives of the 2nd Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the Joint Programming Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) are to support the further implementation of JPI HDHL and to create a sustainable collaboration of Member States, the European Commission and related international organisations. Support facilitated by the 2nd CSA is to ensure sufficient progress on alignment and also on the ethos of joint programming in the area of nutrition and health becoming embedded within Member States’ research and innovation policies and programmes. The 2nd CSA will focus specifically on these issues and will take into account foresight and evaluation activities as important aspects for the future of research in the scientific and policy areas covered within the JPI HDHL.
      Objectives of the 2nd CSA:

      - Alignment of national research programs on health and nutrition 
      - Mature collaboration between the MS and focus on a sustainable support structure for the JPI.
      - Increase collaboration with important stakeholders. Industry, science and policy will be invited to take ownership of areas of the JPI which are under their responsibility.
      - Communication activities of the JPI will increase to make the JPI an even more important player in the area of Nutrition & Health.
      - Show the impact of joint programming on Nutrition & Health within the MS. The evaluation of the JPI will go beyond pure process indicators and will focus on effect and impact evaluation.
      - The collaboration within the JPI will move beyond Europe. In the first phase Canada and New Zealand have become partners, but the next five years will be used to broaden the scope of the JPI to new interested countries with a specific focus on Asia and the America’s.

    • NCP WIDENet

      The objective of the NCP_WIDE.NET is to create a transnational network of National Contact Points (NCPs) for Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation under the EU programme Horizon 2020 in order to facilitate trans-national co-operation between NCPs and to identify and share good practices. Raising general standards of support to applicants, organization of internal and external workshops, trainings and brokerage events will be realized in the framework of this project as well.

      • Partners:

        18 project partners coordinated by IPPT PAN (Poland)

      • Outputs:

        Project website:

      • Duration: January 2015 - June 2021
      • Submitter: European Commission (Horizon 2020)
      • Manager: Vosečková Anna
    • NCPs CaRe

      The overall objective of NCPs CaRE is to form a joint cooperation network of experienced and less experienced National Contact Points (NCPs) on SC5 “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” which aims at pooling their resources and know-how to raise the overall quality of services provided to their clients. By involving 23 formally nominated NCPsacross Europe, the project will significantly strengthen transnational cooperation.

      • Partners:

        23 project partners coordinated by the Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH

      • Outputs:

        Project website:

      • Duration: February 2015 - January 2021
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Čejková Jana
    • RISIS2

      RISIS2 project builds on the previous RISIS project (2014-2018) - the European Research infrastructure for science, technology and innovation policy studies. The main task of this project is to maintain and enlarge existing datasets dealing with firm innovation capacities, public research developments, R&I outputs and projects, and policy learning. Moreover, it is intended to develop new datasets on 4 key issues for research and policy (social innovation, non-technological innovation, the role of PhDs in society, portfolios of public funding instruments).

      Technology Centre CAS was invited to participate in the RISIS2 since 2019. The main reason was a former experience of TC with R&D systems in the new EU member countries (EU-13). The database of European research projects (EUPRO) has been developed under the former RISIS project. This database will be further developed by including the datasets on national research projects (NATPRO).
      TC will contribute mainly to this part of the RISIS2 project.

      • Partners:

        18 project partners coordinated by Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Francie

      • Outputs:

        Project website:

      • Duration: January 2019 - December 2022
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Pecha Ondřej
    • Seren4

      SEREN4 is the continuation and evolution of the precedent network, SEREN3, whose results and lessons learnt have been taken into consideration with the logic of improving the future network and in order to capitalize on the network’s strengths. In addition, new tasks and activities will be implemented to meet the challenges of the security area and requirements of new SC7 topics. The network will seek further opening to a wider target of stakeholders and businesses in the Secure Societies field.

      SEREN4 consortium comprises 19 Beneficiaries, with a good mix of well-experienced and less experienced NCPs, and representing Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries. Besides Beneficiaries, the project services will be offered to all officially appointed H2020 Secure Societies NCPs, who will be involved in project activities as “Associated Partners”.

      • Partners:

        19 project partners coordinated by APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) from Italy

      • Outputs:

      • Duration: May 2018 - August 2021
      • Submitter: European Commision
      • Manager: Hillerová Eva
    • SiSnet3 3 is the international network of National Contact Points for Science with and for Society programme in Horizon 2020 (SwafS).
      The main objective of this programme is to search for ways how to communicate information from the research to the citizens, and how to promote dialogue between science and society. 3 is a continuing project and is managed by 15 partners, the Technology Centre CAS is one of them. 3 provides the SwafS NCPs with room for active cooperation. 3 enhances their good quality services to Science with and for Society stakeholders, and provides them with training on core SwafS objectives – science education, science communication, scientific careers and public engagement, research ethics, open science and gender equality.

      • Partners:

        15 partners, coordinated by The Icelandic Centre for Research - RANNÍS, Island

      • Outputs:

        Project website:

      • Duration: March 2019 - February 2021
      • Submitter: European Commission
      • Manager: Černá Klára

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