Strategic Studies for Research and Innovations

Strategic studies Department 

Department of Strategic Studies (STRAST) is a leading national research centre and a think-tank in the area of management and policy for research, development and innovation. The mission is to contribute to the improvement of strategic decision-making in research, development and innovation at the national, regional as well as European level.

STRAST primarily deals with the following activities

System AnalySES 

Department team carry out analytical studies and papers in the area of research, development and innovation. On this basis, they prepare conceptual background materials for qualified and strategic decision-making of the national administration, regional administrations, and EU bodies when formulating research, development, and innovation policies. 

Evaluation of RDI policies, programmes aND organizations

The evaluation of measures for the support of research, development, and innovation is an important part of the strategic approach towards the creation and realization of the research and innovation policy in its broad sense, which encompasses not only an official policy, but also particular measures, initiatives and activities taking place at various hierarchical levels stretching from the national, to regional, institutional as well as level of an individual researcher.

Outlook studies and foresight methodology development

They prepare outlook studies that are further utilized by bodies of public administration at the national, regional as well as organizational level for formulating strategies and policies in the area of research, development, and innovation. In cooperation with leading international centres they develop research and methodology focused on creation of tools of social and technology foresight.


They process information on research outputs and results, analyse and propose indicators for evaluation of scientific outputs and give recommendations for utilization of this information to enhance strategic management in research and development.

Technology Assessment

Technology assessment represents an interactive process leading to formulation of political and public opinion on application of new technologies and their positive and negative impact on the society.

A specialized STRAST website is available here.

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