Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2014, 15 (2): 4-18 | DOI: 10.13060/12130028.2014.15.2.127

"An Ebbing Tide Lowers All Boats": How the Great Recession of 2008 Affected Men and Women in Central and Eastern Europe

Beáta Nagy, Éva Fodor

In this paper we explore the impact of the economic recession of 2008 on gender inequality in the labour force in Central and Eastern European countries. We argue that job and occupational segregation protected women's employment more than men's in the CEE region as well, but unlike in more developed capitalist economies, women's level of labour force participation declined and their rates of poverty increased during the crisis years. We also explore gender differences in opinions on the impact of the recession on people's job satisfaction. For our analysis we use published data from EUROSTAT and our own calculations from EU SILC and ESS 2010.

Keywords: economic crisis, CEE countries, gender, employment, poverty

Published: June 1, 2014Show citation

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Nagy, Beáta and Éva Fodor. 2014. ""An Ebbing Tide Lowers All Boats": How the Great Recession of 2008 Affected Men and Women in Central and Eastern Europe." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 15(2):4-18.
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