Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, 2005 (roč. 6), číslo 1



Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1)

Rovné příležitosti

Je rodič víc nebo míň? Když společnost brání v tom, co vyžaduje

Hana Šlechtová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 8-9  

The paper examines individualized society and the status of parents and children within it. In the individualized society each individual is defined as a "person" of his/her own and not as a member of a social group or a community. Modern concept of individual focuses on originality of each person. Contemporary society requires well socialized people to be able to respect the other individual persons. However, there is not total independency and people are dependent on each other. To be individual person, people need relationships with the others, especially with the significant others. If some of these close relationships have lower status, particularly...


Rodina a rodičovství v individualizované společnosti

Dudová Radka, Vohlídalová Marta

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 1-2  

The authors analyze social changes within the family in western countries during the transformation towards modern individualized society. They based their statement on the theory of Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck Gernsheim and further on the theory of François de Singly. In accord with these theorists the authors of the article define individualization as a process continuously proceeding for many centuries. Among the consequences the authors place growing of differences between individuals, preference of individual interests to collective ones but foremost the growing possibility for free choice and decision. The authors discuss the growing of uncertainty...

Rodina a rodičovství v křesťanství a islámu

Olga Nešporová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 3-7  

In contemporary societies religion has still a great influence on the culture and the way of organizing social life. Consequently family, its structure, norms, functions and roles are determined by the religion and its values. The paper presents the role of marriage in the Christian and Islamic societies. Whereas for Christians the celibate plays a key role as it is seen as the most desirable way of life, Islam religion does not recommend the state of womanlessness. However, the status of women in both Christian and Muslim families is shaped by patriarchal attitudes rooted in the social values. The author discuss pre-marital institution, e. g. an institution...


K některým rysům demografického vývoje v České republice v závěru 20. století

Ludmila Fialová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 10-13  

The paper examines the demographic situation in contemporary Czech society and its roots in the past. In the late 20th century there are two key development trends. Demographic model originated in 195Os (characterized by high fertility rates, high marriage rates (95%), high divorce rates (40%), low marriage age and so on) was left after the decline of socialism and the revival of original interwar model has occurred since early 1990s. The second trend is approximating to the model of reproduction usual in Western Europe. This new ways of reproduction are characterized by postponing the marriage and parenthood, so called informal partnerships or unmarried...

Potratovost bezdětných žen

Petra Šalamounová, Gabriela Šamanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 14-18  

Authors examine issue of abortion in the Czech Republic in the era of socialism and in post-communism period. They compare statistical data (collected by Czech Statistical Office) and data from public opinion survey concerning abortions and reproduction trends. Data from public opinion survey differs from the statistical one and it cannot prove that a special group of women prefer abortion as a solution of the unwanted pregnancy. The paper handles the topics such as models of reproduction behavior in socialism based on statistical data. Authors present that the abortion was used as a specific way of contraception before the 1989, particularly by the...

Jiné mateřství

Klára Janoušková, Lukáš Sedláček

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 19-21  

The paper deals with the topical issue of families in which mothers do not take parental leave and instead fathers take care of their children. The paper is based on a set of qualitative interviews with five couples. Whereas mothers are perceived routinely as naturally child-rearing person in a couple who give up her labour activity, interviewed women decided to continue working while their partners stay at home and takes care of baby. These women experienced negative reactions of other mothers and society as a whole against them because they prefered their jobs and carriers to the family. Respondents regarded that their role of mother was weakened...

Pracující matky a genderové role ve výsledcích mezinárodního longitudinálního výzkumu

Hana Hašková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 22-27  

The article is based on comparative analysis of data from the international longitudinal survey ISSP 1994 and 2002 which were focused on gender roles and family. In the analysis European countries were divided on the basis of their inhabitants´ opinions on gender roles in the family and working mothers. Even though employment rate of women in Eastern Europe was higher during the state socialist regime than in Western Europe, countries of the former Eastern European block formed a group with traditional (conservative) attitudes towards gender roles as well as working mothers in 1994 and in 2002. Attitudes to mother's employment turned more gender liberal...

Partneři v životě, partneři v podnikání - genderové vztahy v řízení firmy

Alena Křížková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 28-30  

The study focuses on motivations for going into business which proved to be significantly differentiated according to gender. Women cited as one of the main motivation for going into business the possibilities for combining work and family responsibilities. Conversely, businessmen make a clear separation between their professional and family lives, and for them business is almost exclusively a mean for their own professional development. The study revealed that the structure of company management, from the perspective of gender and from the perspective of the particular line of business, has a fundamental influence on the distribution of work and responsibilities...

Dobrovolné mateřství bez partnera

Lucie Kozlová, Nicola Tomanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 31-34  

In contemporary Czech society the changes of reproduction patterns take place. They are characterized by postponing the marriage and parenthood. So called informal partnerships or unmarried couples are becoming more frequent which also results in a growing number of births of extra-marital children. The number of women with children without partner is growing, too. Authors differentiate three types of them - widows, divorced women and women who voluntary want to have child without long-term partner. The third type of women is usually middle age, around 35 years old, they are successful in their jobs and they have enough financial resources to bring...

Babičky-matky? Diskurzivní konstrukce mateřství skrze asistovanou

Lenka Zamykalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 35-38  

Author examines the strategies used to set the borders and limits of assisted reproduction for postmenopausal women. In the Czech Republic women can undergo the assisted reproduction only till 48 years nowadays. There are two main images of postmenopausal women in the public space. The first one is negative and it treats these women like old grandmas who are not able to rear their child proprely because of their age. On the other hand women after menopause can be seen as more responsible and as having enough financial resources to devote all of their time to their children. The paper discusses the discursive strategies of doctors which are mostly based...


Multikulturní dialog v monologu o vagínách

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 39  

Beckova jiná moderna

Ondřej Lánský

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 40-41  

Diskuse o vztahu přerozdělování a uznání

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 43-45  

Křížková, A. 2004. Životní strategie podnikatelek a podnikatelů na přelomu tisíciletí

Hana Jonáková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 46  


Evropský den žen - 8. března 2005

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 39  

Rodina a rodičovství na internetu

Petra Rakušanová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 42  

Ženy a (re)distribuce moci

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 46  

Podpora společenské akceptace a efektivního prosazování genderové rovnosti ve veřejné sféře

Marie Čermáková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 47-49  

Rodina na prelome tisícročia aneb o "starých" a "nových" otcích

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 50  

Rodina dnes: veřejný vzdělávací cyklus Université de tous les savoirs

Radka Dudová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2005, 6 (1): 51