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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 1/2010, Number 1







  • Georg Modestin (University Freiburg, Suisse), A coniuratio against Emperor Charles IV and the Silence of the Chronicler. Henry of Diessenhofen as the Historiographer of Rudolf IV, the Duke of Austria (1357–1361)
  • Anne Hudson (Oxford University, Great Britain), From Oxford to Bohemia: reflections on the transmission of Wycliffite texts
  • Martin Nejedlý (Charles University, Prague), Memoirs About a Dragon Who Meowed Like a Cat and About the Ruby on the Crown of Saint Wenceslas that was as Big as a Ripe Date. The Spy Bertrandon de la Broquière on a Journey Towards (Self-)Knowledge
  • Daniela Dvořáková (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia), Sophia of Bavaria and Sigismund of Luxembourg. On the Sojourn of the Queen of Bohemia in Bratislava


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