
In March 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre examined as a part of its survey the opinions of the Czech public on long-term or permanently residing foreigners in the Czech Republic. Specifically, there were examined attitudes whether there are too many, appropriate amount, or too few foreigners living in the country, whether foreigners should have the right for the long-term residing in the country and whether the state should allow them to settle here permanently. There were examined the reasons for the acceptance of immigrants, too.

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In March, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on satisfaction with life in the locality in general and selected living conditions close to their home.

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In March 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the majority population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours.

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In its February survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the theme of partnership, marriage and parenthood. We examined the views on the optimal number of children in the family and the ideal age for men and women to become parents. Respondents also expressed their agreement or disagreement with 16 statements related to various forms of family life.

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In its February survey CVVM examined attitudes of Czech citizens to roles of men and women in family. According to the Czech public opinion should be the domain of men in a family doing common household repairs. Cooking and tidying up were considered as typical women's activities.

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In its January survey Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions related to activities of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It was explored trust in this institution, public ideas about the content of its work and opinion on the usefulness of the Academy of Sciences. One question was also dedicated to whether it is modern or outdated scientific institution. We also asked whether citizens think that the Academy of Sciences should be presented through some popular-scientific activities and whether they recently came across such activity. Last but not least we were interested in the public opinion on the funding of this institution from the state budget.

Whole article in Czech language.

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As a part of its January research Public Opinion Research Centre interviewees were asked several questions regarding their views on scientific research. Questions were focused on whether the Czech citizens are interested in results of scientific research, what are their views on the presentation of Czech science toward public and whether they think that scientific results should be usable in practice. In this research was also included a battery of statements which examined what goals science should have.

Whole article in Czech language.

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In January 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to quality of the Czech science and young Czech scientists leaving abroad from the Czech Republic.  Next topic focuses on conditions of funding of the Czech science from private and state budget.

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In the January survey the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic posed to all respondents a question: "How satisfied are you with your life? Are you very satisfied, rather satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, rather dissatisfied, very dissatisfied?"

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In December 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre included a blok of questions connected to health care. One of the discussed topics was also health care measures in the Czech Republic. Questions focused mainly on charges for medication, doctor visit and stay in hospital. Next issue was connected to insurance and insurance company.

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