Citovaná a použitá literatura:
BARDÁČOVÁ, Monika. Vplyv iónov ťažkých kovov na enzýmy modifikujúce bunkovú stenu rastlín. Diploma theses, 2016.
BARDÁČOVÁ, Monika, et al. Variable dynamics of cadmium uptake and allocation in four soybean cultivars. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica, 2017, 16.2: 99-104.
CHERRY, Simon R.; GAMBHIR, Sanjiv S. Use of positron emission tomography in animal research. ILAR journal, 2001, 42.3: 219-232.
PARTELOVÁ, Denisa, et al. Application of positron emission tomography and 2-[18 F] fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose for visualization and quantification of solute transport in plant tissues. Chemical Papers, 2014, 68.11: 1463-1473.
PARTELOVÁ, Denisa, et al. Imaging and analysis of thin structures using positron emission tomography: thin phantoms and in vivo tobacco leaves study. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2016, 115: 87-96.
TÖLGYESSY, Juraj; DILLINGER, Pavel; HARANGOZÓ, Margita. Jadrová chémia. Banská Bystrica: Fakulta prírodných vied UMB, 2001.