Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3)
The Inequality of Participation: Re-examining the Role of Social Stratification and Post-Communism on Political Participation in Europe
Michael L. Smith
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 487-518 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.01
This article compares the determinants of political participation, from voting and signing petitions to boycotting, across 23 European countries, posing the question whether and to what degree social inequalities in political participation differ between post-communist and Western countries. The data for the analysis is from the second round of the ESS survey, conducted in 2004-2005. The analysis focuses on the role of education, occupation, and gender in shaping the chances of engaging in political action, while also controlling for a range of sociological, political, and demographic variables. Interaction effects between individual variables and...
The Conditions of Parenthood in Organisations: An International Comparison
Alena Křížková, Hana Maříková, Radka Dudová, Zdeněk Sloboda
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 519-548 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.02
The paper focuses on organisations and the conditions for working parents in terms of combining work and care and how those conditions are set up and negotiated in organisations. The research draws on three case studies comparing pairs of companies active in the Czech Republic and in one of the following countries - Germany, France, and Sweden - in the field of engineering. The goal is to explore in depth the conditions that Czech working parents are faced with and that derive from the organisational processes and means and dynamics of negotiating conditions for working parents, and to compare them with the conditions in other countries and identify...
Internationalisation of the State in the Czech Republic: Igniting the Competition for Foreign Investment in the Visegrád Four Region
Jan Drahokoupil
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 549-570 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.03
This article focuses on a key episode in the Czech political-economic history of the 1990s, the abandonment of 'Czech capitalism', and the switch towards the competition state and an economic model based on foreign investment. The account of the U-turn in the policy approach to foreign investors identifies domestic actors that have had a crucial role in organising political support for the competition state. These actors, which the author calls the 'comprador' service sector, have an important role in mediating the structural power of transnational investors and translating it into other forms of power within the state. These actors also had a major...
Reversing the Wave: The Perverse Effects of Economic Liberalism on Human Rights
Umut Korkut
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 571-590 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.04
This article takes the conservative shift in Polish politics under PiS as an example and argues that the failure of the liberal economy could end up reversing the fast-forward wave in human rights. And because Poland is a relatively new member of the EU, the article also develops the argument that such a reversal in the new member countries could make the European Union's (EU) acquis irrelevant for further democratisation. Therefore, the article first explains how the failure of the economic liberalism of the neo-liberal market economy paves the way for the success of conservative political parties. It then raises the question of why political liberalism,...
Right-wing Extremism and No-go-areas in Germany
Lukáš Novotný
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 591-610 | DOI: 10.13060/00380288.2009.45.3.05
Right-wing extremist groups in almost every Western European country became aware of the concept of no-go-areas over the course of the 1980s and 1990s, and some of them even applied this concept over a short period. This study looks at the manifestations of this concept in Germany, where politics and society are still confronted with the legacy of Nazism. The author sets out to examine whether no-go-areas actually exist in Germany, and if they do, to look at how life in them is organised, how they are accepted by majority society, and how these activities are supported (or initiated) by the NPD, a German right-wing extremist party. In the region of...
János Kornai: From Socialism to Capitalism
Iván Szelényi
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 611-614
Stephan Haggard - Robert Kaufman: Development, Democracy, and Welfare States: Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe
Kristin Nickel Makszin
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 615-618
Asghar Zaidi: The Well-Being of Older People in Ageing Societies
Achim Goerres
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 619-621
David Rueda: Social Democracy Inside Out. Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Industrialized Democracies
Timo Weishaupt
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 622-624
A.B. Atkinson: The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries
Hilke Brockmann
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 625-626
Scott Gehlbach: Representation through Taxation. Revenue, Politics and Development in Postcommunist States
Heiko Pleines
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 627-629
Agnes Batory: The Politics of EU Accession Ideology, Party Strategy and the European Question in Hungary
Umut Korkut
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 630-632
Elaine Weiner: Market Dreams: Gender, Class and Capitalism in the Czech Republic
Lisa Adkins
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 633-634
Kevin Deegan-Krause: Elected Affinities: Democracy and Party Competition in Slovakia and the Czech Republic
Andrew Roberts
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 635-636
Holger Kolb - Henrik Egbert (eds.): Migrants and Markets. Perspectives from Economics and the Other Social Sciences
Tim Elrick
Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 2009, 45(3): 637