Jiří Krejčík


Jiří Krejčík is a post-doctoral fellow in the Centre of Global Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. His research interests relate to the intertwining of tradition and modernity in contemporary Indian political discourse, especially the influence of Hindu nationalism and revivalism on the environmental and pop-cultural issues. He received his PhD in Political Science at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, in 2018, where he previously completed his MA studies in Indology and Political Science. His study visits include a semester at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi and Institut d'études politiques de Paris.

Address: Centre of Global Studies, Jilska 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

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Krejčík, Jiří. Mezi pandemií a nezaměstnaností. Jaké důsledky bude mít zákaz vycházení pro indickou společnost? In: Hrubec, Marek et kol. Pandemie v makroregionech světa. Philosophica Critica, Vol. 6, 2020, No. 1, pp. 169 – 177.

Krejčík, Jiří. Hidden revolutionary processes in 1990s India? In: Arnason, J.; Hrubec, M. Social Transformations and Revolutions: Reflections and Analyses. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016, pp. 168-183.