Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

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    Continuous online reading from the works of John Amos Comenius called "Reading Comenius Universally", which starts on Saturday night, is an original way of commemorating 350 years since this thinker's death. Academics and enthusiasts promised to support this 24-hour initiative by their reading. Passages from Comenius's philosophical and educational treatises but also personal correspondence will be read in 17 languages, thus accentuating this thinker's world-wide renown.

    Stream video will be available at Comenius online Youtube channel.

    obr readingYou can find the detailed list of participating persons and time schedule here.

Reading Comenius Universally



time (CET) / name and institutional affiliation / Comenius's text / language

00:00-00:15 / Vladimír Urbánek, Department of Comenius studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Panegersia / Czech, English
00:15-00:30 / Matouš Jaluška, Institute of Czech Literature, Prague / Theatrum universitatis rerum / Czech
00:30-00:45 / Farkas Gábor Kiss, Eötvös University, Budapest / Schola ludus, dedications, selection / Latin
00:45-01:00 / Howard Louthan, University of Minnesota / Labyrint (H. Louthan´s own translation) / English

01:00-01:15 / Dalibor Jiří Vik, Charles University, Prague / Praxis Pietatis (Two Prayers) / Czech, English
01:15-01:30 / Andrés L. Jaume, University of Balearic Islands / Laberinto del mundo / Spanish
01:30-01:45 / Joseph F. Patrouch, University of Alberta / Orbis sensualium pictus (English, 1659 translation: Visible World) / English
01:45-02:00 / James A. T. Lancaster, University of Queensland / Panorthosia, Chapter 19 / English

02:00-02:15 / Shinichi Sohma, Bukkyo University, Kyoto / Typographeum vivum Latin / Japanese
02:15-02:30 / Koichi Ota, Yokohama / Pampaedia / Latin, Japanese
02:30-02:45 / Sachiko Hayashi, Český klub, Saitama / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce / Esperanto, Japanese
02:45-03:00 / Tatsuo Ishikawa, Senshu University, Tokyo / Kšaft umírající matky jednoty bratrské + List Petru Montanovi (o Pokladu jazyka českého) / Czech, Japanese

03:00-03:15 / Maxmiliano Prada Dussan, National Pedagogical University in Bogotá / Didactica Magna / Español
03:15-03:30 / Eliska Krausova, National Pedagogical University in Bogotá /Velka didaktika / Czech
03:30-03:45 / German Vargas Guillen, National Pedagogical University in Bogotá / Didactica Magna / Español
03:45-04:00 / Robert Novotný, Institute of Philosophy, Prague / Historia o těžkých protivenstvích / Czech

04:00-04:15 / Lucie Doležalová, Charles University / Manualník / Czech
04:15-04:30 / Pavlína Cermanová, Institut of Philosophy, Prague / Otázky některé o Jednotě bratří českých / Czech
04:30-04:45 / Andrea Svobodová, Czech Language Institute, Prague / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce / Czech
04:45-05:00 / Kateřina Voleková, Czech Language Institute, Prague / Žalmy / Czech

05:00-05:15 / Jan Zdichynec, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague / Lux e tenebris (visio of Christina Poniatowska) / Latin
05:15-05:30 / Jan Kuklínek, Křesťanská akademie mladých, projekt Komenský 2020 / Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských (General Consultation on an Improvement of All Things Human) / Czech, English
05:30-05:45 / David Loula, České studny z. s. / Krátká zpráva o morové nákaze / Czech
05:45-06:00 / Iveta Marešová, University of Pardubice / Theatrum universitatis rerum / Czech

06:00-06:15 / Iovan Drehe, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies / Didactica Magna / Romanian
06:15-06:30 / Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter, Higher School of Economics, Moscow / Physicae Synopsis, cap. VII (De Aethere in specie) and IX (De Plantis) / Latin
06:30-06:45 / Jozef Matula, Palacký University, Olomouc / Gentis felicitas (Šťastie národa) / Slovak
06:45-07:00 / Andrzej Borkowski, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach / Labirynt świata i raj serca / Polish

07:00-07:15 / Charlie Huenemann, Utah State University / Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart / English
07:15-07:30 / Gil Gertel, Tel Aviv / Rules of life, chap 7 / English, Hebrew
07:30-07:45 / Petra Hrdinková, Charles University, Prague / Unum necessarium (Jednoho jest potřebí) / Czech
07:45-08:00 / Kateřina Smyčková, Ostravská univerzita / Informatorium školy mateřské, kap. VII a VIII / Czech

08:00-08:15 / Anastasia Zolotukhina, Higher School of Economics, Moscow / Physicae Synopsis / Latin, Russian
08:15-08:30 / Maud Arkesteijn, Comenius Museum and Mausoleum, Naarden, the Netherlands / The School of Infancy (De Moederschool) / Dutch
08:30-08:45 / Miranda Lewis, University of Oxford / The School of Infancy, excerpts / English
08:45-09:00 / Stefano Gulizia, State University of Milan / De arte spontanei motus / Latin

09:00-09:15 / Martin Gabčo, Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, Bratislava, Slovenská republika / Veľká didaktika, Vyučovanie v školách má byť všeobecné / Slovak
09:15-09:30 / Xavier Galmiche, Paris-Sorbonne Université / Kateřina Malečková, Aix-Marseille Université, France / Le Labyrinthe du Monde et le Paradis du cœur / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce / Français, Czech
09:30-09:45 / Jana Stejskalová, University of Pardubice / Hlubina bezpečnosti - Centrum securitatis / Czech
09:45-10:00 / Petr Maťa, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien / Orbis sensualium pictus / German, Czech

10:00-10:15 / Gábor Almási, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck / Didactica magna / Latin
10:15-10:30 / Paul Richard Blum, Loyola University Maryland (residing in Germany) / Orbis sensualium pictus / Latin, German, Hungarian
10:30-10:45 / Petr Zemek, Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského v Uherském Brodě / Truchlivý / Czech
10:45-11:00 / Wojciech Andrzej Kulesza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil / Schola Infantiae / Portuguese, Polish

11:00-11:15 / Kees Mercks, Nizozemsko, Univerzita města Amsterodamu, v důchodu / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce (začátek) / Czech, Dutch
11:15-11:30 / Howard Hotson, University of Oxford / Pampaedia / English
11:30-11:45 / Simon Burton, University of Edinburgh / Patterne of Universall Knowledge (London, 1651), excerpts / English
11:45-12:00 / Nicolette Mout, the Netherlands, Warmond / Via Lucis / Dutch

12:00-12:15 / Lenka Pospíšilová, Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského v Uherském Brodě / Nejnovější metoda jazyků / Czech
12:15-12:30 / Martina Sanollová, překladatelka a lektorka jazyků, Břeclav, Česko / Via Lucis / Czech
12:30-12:45 / Martina Halířová, Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského, Praha / Informatorium školy mateřské, V. kapitola / Czech
12:45-13:00 / Lilia Žukauskienė, Klaipėda University, Lithuania / Informatorium der Mutterschul, Das II. Kapitel / Lithuanian

13:00-13:15 / Hana Sodeyfi, Wien, bývalá profesorka Vídeňské univerzity / Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských / Czech
13:15-13:30 / Helena Kovářová, Muzeum Komenského v Přerově / Listové do nebe (Letters to Heaven) / Czech
13:30-13:45 / Maciej Pietrzak, Jan Amos Komenski University of Applied Sciences in Leszno / Informatorium scholae maternae / Polish
13:45-14:00 / Gábor Kármán, Research Center for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary / Sermo secretus Nathanis ad Davidem / Hungarian

14:00-14:15 / Kovács Áron, Reformed College of Sárospatak, Hungary / De Cultura Ingeniorum Oratio / Hungarian
14:15-14:30 / Toma Kornélia, Eszterhazy Karoly University, Hungary, Sárospatak / Pampaedia / Hungarian
14:30-14:45 / Stanislav Zajíček, gymnaziální učitel, Brno, Česká republika / Diogenes Cynicus redivivus / Latin
14:45-15:00 / Jiří Beneš, Centre for Classical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Clamores Eliae / Czech, Latin, German

15:00-15:15 / Mark Greengrass, Centre Roland Mousnier, Sorbonne Université, Paris and Sheffield University / The Reformation of Schooles, extract / English
15:15-15:30 / Jarmila Beková, author of theatrical oratorio Labyrint, teacher of french/czech, Olomouc / Le Labyrinthe du Monde et le Paradis du cœur / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce / French, Czech
15:30-15:45 / Judit Kelemen, Eszterhazy University, Sárospatak Comenius Campus + Hungarian Comenius Society / Didactica Magna, Excerpts from Chapter XXIX. / English, Hungarian
15:45-16:00 / Jan Čížek, Department of Philosophy, University of Ostrava / Unum necessarium, Chapter X. / English

16:00-16:15 / Magdolna Veres, University Szeged / Das einige Nothwendige / German
16:15-16:30 / Martin Steiner, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Europae lumina / Latin, Czech
16:30-16:45 / Tomáš Havelka, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Boj s Bohem modlitbami, an extract from the sermon from September 24, 1655 / Czech
16:45-17:00 / Iva Lelková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Continuatio admonitionis fraternae (Admonition to Samuel Maresius) / English

17:00-17:15 / Petr Pavlas, Department of Comenius studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Novae harmonicae lingvae tentamen primum / Latin, Czech
17:15-17:30 / Vojtěch Balík, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Mundus archetypus – De producendis rebus Entis infiniti deliberatio - § 85ss. (de homine) / Latin, Czech
17:30-17:45 / Věra Schifferová, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Renuntiatio mundi / Czech, German, Spanish
17:45-18:00 / Markéta Klosová, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Pansophiae praeludium (Prodromus) / Latin, Czech

18:00-18:15 / Marcela Slavíková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Letter to friends in Leszno, 18 October 1641 (Comenius's first impressions of England) / Latin, English
18:15-18:30 / Lenka Řezníková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Two Comenius's Letters on the annihilation of Leszno (to Figulus 5/13 1656; to Hartlib 2/5 1657) / Czech
18:30-18:45 / Andreas Lischewski, (Würzburg), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft / "Kurtzer bericht von der Pestilentz" (1631; Vorrede und Erster Teil) / German
18:45-19:00 / Theo Clemens & Benigna Carstens, (Herrnhut), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft / "Spiegel guter Obrigkeit" (1636; Auszüge) / German

19:00-19:15 / Andreas Fritsch, (Berlin), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft / "Regulae Vitae" (1645, Regeln 5–7) / German
19:15-19:30 / Marion Keuchen (Bonn), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft / "Orbis sensualium pictus" (1658; Vorrede und Clausula) / German
19:30-19:45 / Siegfried Däschler-Seiler, (Stuttgart), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft / "Pampaedia" (um 1660; VII,1–8: Pandidascalia) / German
19:45-20:00 / Uwe Voigt, (Augsburg), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft  / "Via Lucis" (1668) / German

20:00-20:15 / Marie Škarpová + Petra Bělohlávková, Charles University, Prague / Kancionál (selection of Comenius' songs) / Czech
20:15-20:30 / Libuše Heczková, Charles University, Prague / Kšaft umírající matky Jednoty bratrské (The Testament of the Dying Mother the Unity of Brethren) / Czech
20:30-20:45 / Miloš Řezník, Deutsches historisches Institut, Warschau / Methodus lingvarum novissima / Czech and Kashubian
20:45-21:00 / Josef Hrdlička, Charles University, Prague / Centrum securitatis (selection) / Czech

21:00-21:15 / Zuzana Svobodová, Charles University, Prague / Věječka moudrosti, čeština / Czech
21:15-21:30 / Jáchym Pantálek, Moravian, historicko-vlastivědná společnost, Suchdol nad Odrou / Prastaré obecné křesťanské náboženství Czech
21:30-21:45 / Eva Marková, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc / Duchovní písně / Czech, German
21:45-22:00 / Lena Zlock, University of Oxford / La porte des langues ouvertes / French

22:00-22:15 / Craig Atwood, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (USA) / Unum Necessarium (Translated by Vernon H. Nelson) / English
22:15-22:30 / Peter Vogt, Ev. Brüder-Unität, Herrnhut, Germany / Labyrinth der Welt und Paradies des Herzens / German
22:30-22:45 / John Exalto, Comenius Museum and Mausoleum, Naarden, the Netherlands, Reading from the Mausoleum / Didactica Magna (Allesomvattende onderwijsleer) / Dutch
22:45-23:00 / Helena Verhoef-Musílková, Comenius Museum and Mausoleum Naarden, the Netherlands, Reading from Mausoleum / Všenáprava / Czech

23:00-23:15 / Eduard Fiedler, Universität Regensburg / Masarykova Univerzita, Regensburg / Informatorium školy mateřské (School of Infancy) – Kapitola I. (Chapter I.) / Czech, English
23:15-23:30 / Ezekiel Kassanga, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (USA) / Unum Necessarium (Translated by Vernon H. Nelson) / English
23:30-23:45 / Jakub Ivánek, University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce, kapitoly XXXVI.–XXXVII. / Czech, Italien
23:45-00:00 / Vladimír Urbánek, Department of Comenius studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague / Pannuthesia or Universal Warning, chap. IV / Czech, English


time (CET)  name and institutional affiliation Comenius's text, language language
00:00-00:15 Vladimír Urbánek, Institute of Philosophy, Prague Panegersia
00:15-00:30 Matouš Jaluška, Institute of Czech Literature, Prague  Theatrum universitatis rerum
00:30-00:45 Farkas Gábor Kiss, Eötvös University, Budapest Schola ludus, dedications, selection (in Latin) Latin
00:45-01:00 Howard Louthan, University of Minnesota Labyrint (English--my translation) English
01:00-01:15 Dalibor Jiří Vik, Charles University, Prague Praxis Pietatis, Two Prayers (CZ-ENG) Czech, English
01:15-01:30 Andrés L. Jaume, University of Balearic Islands Laberinto del mundo (Spanish)  Spanish
01:30-01:45 Joseph F. Patrouch, University of Alberta Orbis sensualiam pictus (English, 1659 translation: Visible World) English
01:45-02:00 James A. T. Lancaster, University of Queensland Panorthosia, Chapter 19 English
02:00-02:15 Shinichi Sohma, Bukkyo University, Kyoto Typographeum vivum Latin, Japanese
02:15-02:30 Koichi Ota, Yokohama Pampaedia in Latin and Japanese Latin, Japanese
02:30-02:45 Sachiko Hayashi . Český klub,  Saitama Labyrint světa a ráj srdce   Esperanto  and Japanese
02:45-03:00 Tatsuo Ishikawa, Senshu University, Tokyo Kšaft umírající matky jednoty bratrské / List Petru Montanovi (o Pokladu jazyka českého)(v češtině a v japonském překladu) Czech, Japanese
03:00-03:15 Maxmiliano Prada  Dussan (National Pedagogical University in Bogotá) Didactica Magna Español
03:15-03:30 Eliska Krausova (National Pedagogical University in Bogotá) Velka didaktika cesky
03:30-03:45 German Vargas Guillen (National Pedagogical University in Bogotá) Didactica Magna español
03:45-04:00 Robert Novotný, Institute of Philosophy Praha Historia o těžkých protivenstvích Czech
04:00-04:15 Lucie Doležalová, Charles University Manualník Czech
04:15-04:30 Pavlína Cermanová, Institut of Philosophy, Praha Otázky některé o Jednotě bratří českých
04:30-04:45 Andrea Svobodová, Czech Language Institute, Praha Labyrint světa a ráj srdce   Czech
04:45-05:00 Kateřina Voleková, Czech Language Institute, Praha Žalmy Czech
05:00-05:15 Jan Zdichynec, FF UK Lux e tenebris (visio of Christina Poniatowska) Latin
05:15-05:30 Jan Kuklínek, Křesťanská akademie mladých, projekt Komenský 2020 Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských (General Consultation on an Improvement of All Things Human) Czech, English
05:30-05:45 David Loula, České studny z. s. Krátká zpráva o morové nákaze Czech
05:45-06:00 Iveta Marešová, University of Pardubice Theatrum universitatis rerum Czech
06:00-06:15 Iovan Drehe (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Didactica Magna Romanian
06:15-06:30 Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Physicae Synopsis, cap. VII (De Aethere in specie) and IX (De Plantis) in Latin Latin
06:30-06:45 Jozef Matula, Palacký University, Olomouc Gentis felicitas, Šťastie národa Slovak
06:45-07:00 Andrzej Borkowski, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Labirynt świata i raj serca Polish
07:00-07:15 Charlie Huenemann, Utah State University Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart English
07:15-07:30 Gil Gertel, Tel Aviv  Rules of life, chap 7 - English and Hebrew English, Hebrew
07:30-07:45 Petra Hrdinková, Charles University, Prague Unum necessarium, Jednoho jest potřebí, čeština Czech
07:45-08:00 Kateřina Smyčková, Ostravská univerzita Informatorium školy mateřské, kap. VII a VIII Česky
08:00-08:15 Anastasia Zolotukhina, Higher School of Economics, Moscow Physicae Synopsis in Latin and Russian Latin, Russian
08:15-08:30 Maud Arkesteijn, Comenius Museum and Mausoleum, Naarden, the Netherlands The School of Infancy in Dutch: De Moederschool Dutch
08:30-08:45 Miranda Lewis, University of Oxford Excerpts from 'The School of Infancy' (English translation) English
08:45-09:00 Stefano Gulizia, State University of Milan De arte spontanei motus, in Latin Latin
09:00-09:15 Martin Gabčo, Múzeum školstva a pedagogiky, Bratislava - Slovenská republika Veľká didaktika: Vyučovanie v školách má byť všeobecné Slovak
09:15-09:30 Xavier Galmiche, Paris-Sorbonne Université. / Kateřina Malečková, Aix-Marseille Université. France. Le Labyrinthe du Monde et le Paradis du cœur. / Labyrint světa a ráj srdce.  Français, česky
09:30-09:45 Jana Stejskalová, University of Pardubice Hlubina bezpečnosti / Centrum securitatis Czech
09:45-10:00 Petr Maťa, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Orbis sensualium pictus German/Czech
10:00-10:15 Gábor Almási, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck Didactica magna, in Latin Latin
10:15-10:30 Paul Richard Blum, Loyola University Maryland (residing in Germany) Orbis sensualium pictus, Latin/German/Hungarian Latin/German/Hungarian
10:30-10:45 Petr Zemek, Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského v Uherském Brodě  Truchlivý  Czech
10:45-11:00 Wojciech Andrzej Kulesza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil Schola Infantiae, portuguese, polish Portuguese, Polish
11:00-11:15  Kees Mercks, Nizozemsko, Univerzita města Amsterodamu, v důchodu začátek Labyrintu, jak česky tak holandsky Czech, Dutch
11:15-11:30 Howard Hotson, University of Oxford Pampaedia English
11:30-11:45 Simon Burton, University of Edinburgh Excerpts from Comenius' Patterne of Universall Knowledge (London, 1651) English
11:45-12:00 Nicolette Mout, Nizozemsko, Warmond Via Lucis holandsky Dutch
12:00-12:15 Lenka Pospíšilová, Muzeum Jana Amose Komenského v Uherském Brodě Nejnovější metoda jazyků  Czech
12:15-12:30 Martina Sanollová, překladatelka a lektorka jazyků, Břeclav, Česko Via Lucis česky Czech
12:30-12:45 Martina Halířová, Národní pedagogické muzeum a knihovna J. A. Komenského Praha Informatorium školy mateřské, V. kapitola česky Czech
12:45-13:00 Lilia Žukauskienė, PhD.  Klaipėda University, Lithuania Informatorium der Mutterschul,Das II.Kapitel. Lithuanian  Lithuanian
13:00-13:15 Hana Sodeyfi, Wien, bývalá profesorka Vídeňské univerzity Obecná porada o nápravě věcí lidských Czech
13:15-13:30 Helena Kovářová, Muzeum Komenského v Přerově Listové do nebe, česky (Letters to Heaven) Czech
13:30-13:45 Maciej Pietrzak, Jan Amos Komenski University of Applied Sciences in Leszno Informatorium scholae maternae, polish  Polish
13:45-14:00 Gábor Kármán, Research Center for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary Sermo secretus Nathanis ad Davidem, in Hungarian Hungarian
14:00-14:15 Kovács Áron, Reformed College of Sárospatak, Hungary De Cultura Ingeniorum Oratio, Hungarian language  Hungarian
14:15-14:30 Toma Kornélia, Eszterhazy Karoly University, Hungary, Sárospatak Pampaedia, in Hungarian Hungarian
14:30-14:45 Stanislav Zajíček, gymnaziální učitel, Brno, Česká republika Diogenes Cynicus redivivus; in lingua Latina Latin
14:45-15:00 Jiří Beneš, Centre for Classical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Clamores Eliae; in Czech, Latin, German Czech, Latin, German
15:00-15:15 Mark Greengrass, Centre Roland Mousnier, Sorbonne Université, Paris and Sheffield University The Reformation of Schooles, extract English
15:15-15:30 Jarmila Beková, author of theatrical oratorio Labyrint, teacher of french/czech, Olomouc Le Labyrinthe du Monde et le Paradis du cœur. Labyrint světa a ráj srdce French, Czech
15:30-15:45 Judit Kelemen, Eszterhazy University, Sárospatak Comenius Campus + Hungarian Comenius Society Didactica Magna, Excerpts from Chapter XXIX.; English and Hungarian English, Hungarian
15:45-16:00 Jan Čížek, Department of Philosophy, University of Ostrava Unum necessarium, Chapter X, in English English
16:00-16:15 Magdolna Veres, University Szeged Das einige Nothwendige, in German German
16:15-16:30 Martin Steiner, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague  Europae lumina Latin, Czech
16:30-16:45 Tomáš Havelka, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Boj s Bohem modlitbami, an extract from the sermon from September 24, 1655 Czech
16:45-17:00 Iva Lelková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Continuatio admonitionis fraternae (Admonition to Samuel Maresius) English
17:00-17:15 Petr Pavlas, Department of Comenius studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Novae harmonicae lingvae tentamen primum, Latin + Czech Latin, Czech
17:15-17:30 Vojtěch Balík, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Mundus archetypus - De producendis rebus Entis infiniti deliberatio - § 85ss. (de homine), Latin+Czech Latin, Czech
17:30-17:45 Věra Schifferová, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Renuntiatio mundi, Czech, German, Spanish Czech, German, Spanish
17:45-18:00 Markéta Klosová, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Pansophiae praeludium (Prodromus), Latin + Czech Latin, Czech
18:00-18:15 Marcela Slavíková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Comenius’s first impressions of England (Letter to friends in Leszno, 18 October 1641) Latin,  English 
18:15-18:30 Lenka Řezníková, Department of Comenius Studies, Institute of Philosophy, CAS, Prague Two Comenius’s Letters on the annihilation of Leszno (to Figulus 5/13 1656; to Hartlib 2/5 1657) Czech 
18:30-18:45 Andreas Lischewski (Würzburg), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft  "Kurtzer bericht von der Pestilentz" (1631; Vorrede und Erster Teil)
18:45-19:00 Theo Clemens & Benigna Carstens (Herrnhut), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft „Spiegel guter Obrigkeit" (1636; Auszüge) 
19:00-19:15 Andreas Fritsch (Berlin), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft „Regulae Vitae" (1645, Regeln 5-7)
19:15-19:30 Marion Keuchen (Bonn), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft "Orbis sensualium pictus" (1658; Vorrede und Clausula)
19:30-19:45 Siegfried Däschler-Seiler (Stuttgart), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft "Pampaedia" (um 1660; VII,1–8: Pandidascalia) 
19:45-20:00 Uwe Voigt (Augsburg), Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft  "Via Lucis" (1668), German & English
20:00-20:15 Marie Škarpová + Petra Bělohlávková, Charles University, Prague Kancionál (selection of Comenius' songs) Czech 
20:15-20:30 Libuše Heczková, Charles University, Prague Kšaft umírající matky Jednoty bratrské (The Testament of the Dying Mother the Unity of Brethren) 
20:30-20:45 Miloš Řezník, Deutsches historisches Institut, Warschau Methodus lingvarum novissima Czech and Kashubian
20:45-21:00 Josef Hrdlička, Charles University, Prague Centrum securitatis (selection)
21:00-21:15 Zuzana Svobodová, Charles University, Prague Věječka moudrosti, čeština Czech
21:15-21:30 Jáchym Pantálek, Moravian historicko-vlastivědná společnost Suchdol nad Odrou.  Prastaré obecné křesťanské náboženství   Czech
21:30-21:45 Eva Marková, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc  Duchovní písně (czech, german) Czech, German
21:45-22:00 Lena Zlock, University of Oxford Russian
22:00-22:15 Craig Atwood, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (USA) Unum Necessarium (Translated by Vernon H. Nelson) English
22:15-22:30 Peter Vogt, Ev. Brüder-Unität, Herrnhut, Germany  Labyrinth der Welt und Paradies des Herzens (deutsch) German
22:30-22:45 Reading from the Mausoleum: John Exalto, Comenius Museum and Mausoleum, Naarden, Netherlands Didactica Magna (Allesomvattende onderwijsleer) Dutch
22:45-23:00 Helena Verhoef-Musílková Comenius Museum and Mausoleum Naarden NL, Reading from Mausoleum  Všenáprava .v češtině Všenáprava  Czech
23:00-23:15 Eduard Fiedler, Universität Regensburg / Masarykova Univerzita, Regensburg Informatorium školy mateřské (School of Infancy) – Kapitola I. (Chapter I.)
23:15-23:30 Ezekiel Kassanga, Moravian Theological Seminary, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (USA) Unum Necessarium (Transalated by Vernon H. Nelson) English 
23:30-23:45 Jakub Ivánek, University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts Labyrint světa a ráj srdce, kapitoly XXXVI.-XXXVII. Czech, English
23:45-00:00 the name will be added, Institute of Philosophy, Prague ???


Stream video will be available at Comenius online Youtube channel.

Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History © 2014–2019