Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2)
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 3-15
Data on divorces are gathered by the Czech Statistical Office and thus widely accessible and well known, but much less information is available about the stability of unmarried cohabitations. This paper focuses on the differences between marriage and unmarried cohabitations in terms of their stability. The authors study the impact of various factors on the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations taking into account the different socio ‑demographic indicators. To explain this phenomenon they use various theoretical approaches emphasizing different factors of partnership instability (from socializing factors to premarital cohabitation,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 16-29
This study analyses the first partnerships of women and men in the Czech Republic and focuses on a comparison of family behaviour before and after the politically and socially important watershed of 1989. The authors investigate the type of first partnership (cohabitation versus marriage) and its timing. It can be assumed that significant changes in partnership behaviour exhibit a different pattern according to educational group, and moreover that differences in the timing and type of first partnership might also be expected from the point of view of gender. Given the increasing proportion of children born outside wedlock, attention is devoted to the...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 30-39
One of the most important factors contributing to the increasing diversity of family trajectories is the growing prevalence of unmarried cohabitation and extramarital births. Using data from the 'Social and Economic Conditions of Motherhood' survey (SEPM) from 2006, this paper explores the factors influencing the probability that an unmarried mother will marry after childbirth. The findings show that for one ‑third of unmarried mothers in the Czech Republic unmarried parenthood is the first phase in the family life ‑course leading to marriage rather than long term family arrangement. Unmarried mothers living in unmarried cohabitation,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 40-52
In a European comparison, the Czech Republic is one of the countries where motherhood has the biggest negative impact on women's employment participation. Some researchers explain this situation as resulting from Czech mothers' preferences for a long‑term interruption to their labour market participation. Others stress that preferences are structurally and culturally embedded and identify barriers to the return of Czech mothers to the labour market. In this article, the author first introduces a critique of the theories that focus on preferences in work‑life balance studies. Second, inspired by the critique and based on a representative...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 53-57
S Tomem Wengrafem jsem se seznámila v říjnu tohoto roku, když mi bylo Fakultou sociálních studií umožněno vycestovat v rámci projektu Q&Q Improvement na jeho seminář o biograficko-narativní interpretativní metodě, zkráceně BNIM. Již předtím jsem znala jeho přístup z publikací, které vydal se svou manželkou Prue Chamberlayne. Když jsem hledala cesty, jak obhájit použití kvalitativních metod v mezinárodním komparativním výzkumu, byly pro mě jejich knihy velkou inspirací.Rozhovor vznikl u kuchyňského stolu v londýnském domě Toma a Prue. V tomto neformálním rodinném prostředí se odehrával také pětidenní workshop. Tom byl velice vstřícný a nakonec jsme...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 58-62
Dne 22. září přednesla prof. Barbara Bagilhole z Loughborough University ve Velké Británii zvanou přednášku na 2. národní konferenci o ženách a vědě s názvem Gender jako sociální inovace: Rovné příležitosti v měnícím se vědeckém prostředí, která se konala v Praze. Při této příležitosti jsme se jí ptaly na její výzkum v oblasti genderu a vědy, hlavní překážky, se kterými se potýkají ženy ve vědě, a na proměny feminismu v posledních třiceti letech.Barbara Bagilhole se dlouhodobě věnuje genderovým studiím, rovným příležitostem a diverzitě a tyto hodnoty obhajuje. Je profesorkou v oboru rovných příležitostí a sociální politiky na katedře sociálních věd,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 63-74
Focusing on Czech birth care, this article examines the birth experience of 40 women who gave birth in different maternity hospitals during the past seven years. It investigates how these women approached birth care and what ideas they had about it. The article builds on semi ‑structured and narrative interviews with postpartum women, which were conducted within two different research projects. The interviewees differed in many aspects and especially in their general approach to childbirth issues and their interest in the subject. Several key issues emerged out of the thematic analysis of interviews: fear of childbirth, birth care evaluations,...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 75-85
In the article, the authors respond to the main arguments that were voiced during discussions of the results of the project 'Sexual Harassment in Universities: Incidence and Perception', which the authors' team carried out in 2008-2009. They do not aim to defend the research itself, but rather to analyse the dominant discourse on sexual harassment in the Czech environment from a gender perspective. This is because they see a refusal to accept gender as a relevant analytical category. They argue for the fundamental role of gender in the conceptualization of sexual harassment and for further refinement of its significance in gender‑informed definitions...
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 86-88
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 89-92
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 93
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 94-95
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 96-98
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 99-101
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 102-105
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 86-88
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 89-92
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 94-95
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 99-101
Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2011, 12 (2): 106