About us

Mgr. Oldřich Kepka, Ph.D.

Employee function
Deputy Head of Department
+420 266 05 2159
kepkao [at] fzu.cz

Mgr. Marek Taševský, Ph.D.

Employee function
Deputy Head of Department
+420 266 05 2668
tasevsky [at] fzu.cz

Marta Rážová

Employee function
+420 266 05 2666
razova [at] fzu.cz

Detector ATLAS during the construction. Eight toroid magnets of the muon system are surrounding the calorimeter, which was later moved to the middle of the detector. Credit: CERN.


Research activities of the department are focused on particle physics experiments realized in international collaboration with major world laboratories, in particular high energy frontier accelerator experiments at CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and neutrino experiments at FNAL (Fermilab) in Batavia (USA). We contribute at all levels of experimental particle physics, from the analysis of experimental data to the preparation of new experiments, their development, construction, and to the operation and maintenance of running experimental devices.

The major activity of the department concentrates on LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiment ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) at CERN. Our goal is to fully exploit the scientific potential of this unique experimental device. We are also engaged in other LHC experiment – TOTEM (TOTal Elastic and diffractive cross section Measurement). After the shutdown of Tevatron collider in 2011, our Fermilab group switched gradually from the Tevatron experiment D0 to neutrino experiments. We participate in running experiment NOvA (NuMI Off-Axis νe Appearance) and we are engaged in preparation of future neutrino experiment DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment).

We also participate in research programs focused on developing new types of detectors and experimental techniques. The department is actively involved in the development of radiation hard semiconductor detectors for ATLAS, pixel detectors for the MediPix project, various power supplies for calorimeters and tracking semiconductor detectors, and silicon pad detectors for the electromagnetic calorimeter in CALICE project. These research activities have been carried out within the international project AIDA AIDA2020 (Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors and Accelerators) and CERN projects RD50 (Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders) and MediPix.

We play also an important role in organizing the participation of Czech particle physics community in international projects. Institute of Physics is hosting research infrastructures CERN-CZ and Fermilab-CZ that cover the contribution of Czech research institutions to experiments in these laboratories. Researchers from our department are responsible scientists for the two projects.

All these activities are carried out in close cooperation with teams from the Department of Detector Development and Data Processing (ATLAS, NOvA, DUNE, D0, MediPix, RD50, AIDA2020) and the Department of Particle Theory and Cosmology (TOTEM).


Technical coordinator of AFP installation, Petr Sicho (left) from FZÚ AVČR, during the detector installation in LHC tunnel.

Technický koordinátor detektoru ATLAS AFP, Petr Šícho (v levo) z FZÚ AVČR, během instalačních prací v tunelu LHC