In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Phase Transitions 88 (2015) 745-757.
- Liquid Crystals 42 (2015) 964-972.
- Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22 (2015) 342-347.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 414 (2015) 167-171.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 414 (2015) 172-176.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 414 (2015) 156-160.
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 135 (2015) 106-112.
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 621 (2015) 415-422.
- Ceramics International 41 (2015) 2680-2698.
- Reviews of Modern Physics 87 (2015) 1213-1259.
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (2015) 2900104(1)-2900104(4).
- Pharmaceutical Research 32 (2015) 1186-1199.
- Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 137 (2015) 389-396.
- Nanoscale 7 (2015) 3453-3459.
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 1619-1629.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 63-66.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 41-44.
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 772 (2015) 72-75.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 58-62.
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry 221 (2015) 364-372.
- Physica B: Condensed Matter 458 (2015) 27-34.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 410 (2015) 14-17.
- Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2015) 17C706(1)-17C706(4).
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015) 401-406.
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 21 (2015) 1-17.
- Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 1090-1099.
- Materials Science and Engineering B 195 (2015) 66-73.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 32-35.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 80-83.
- Optical Materials 41 (2015) 94-97.
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (2015) 085602(1)-085602(6).
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 632 (2015) 520-527.
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54 (2015) 04DH04(1)-04DH04(4).
- Physical Review B 91 (2015) 245201(1)-245201(7).
- Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2015) 17B706(1)-17B706(4).
- Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2015) 084101(1)-084101(6).
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds 634 (2015) 115-121.
- physica status solidi (b) 252 (2015) 566-572.
- Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 28 (2015) 1087-1091.
- Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 6 (2015) 617-631.
- Organic & BiomoIecular Chemistry 13 (2015) 2980-2985.
- Inorganica Chimica Acta 429 (2015) 61-66.
- Nanotechnology 26 (2015) 015302(1)-015302(11).
- Properties of boron-doped epitaxial diamond layers grown on (110) oriented single crystal substratesDiamond and Related Materials 53 (2015) 29-34.
- Materials Science Forum 806 (2015) 127-132.
- Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015) 062104 (1)-062104 (5).
- Physical Review B 91 (2015) 115116(1)-115116(11).
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (2015) 6100204(1)-6100204(4).
- Physical Review B 91 (2015) 134402-1-134402-9.
- Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 8821(1)-8821(6).