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CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: (+420) 221 183 245
e-mail: cms@flu.cas.cz

What is CMS

veda kolem_nas_CMSThe Centre for Medieval Studies was founded in 1998 as a joint body of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Charles University. It was tasked with providing a platform for cooperation in advanced research and post-graduate studies between the two founding institutions in fields dealing with the Middle Ages – especially in areas transgressing the boundaries of traditional disciplines – and gaining the necessary contact with international research. Today, the CMS is engaged in fundamental research as part of grant projects in medieval studies, and organizes events to support the scientific education of doctoral candidates.

In the year 2018 a publication celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Centre was published which was edited by Robert Novotný, Pavel Soukup and Václav Žůrek. The brochure covering the history of the reserach institution is available for free at the academy stores and at the ventures organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences. You can download it in PDF format (1,5 MB). Feel free to share it!



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