• Study Nuclear Safety at FNSPE

    This programme is focused on nuclear security of nuclear installations, nuclear materials, sources of ionizing radiation and nuclear forensic. It is carried out by not only our faculty but also Faculty of Information Technology.

  • Study Quantum Technologies at FNSPE

    This programme targets the education of top experts engaged in the research and scientific-technical practise in the fields of quantum physics, information and communications, quantum optics, lasers, solids, nanomaterials, nanostructure and advanced characterization and modeling methods.

  • Study Physical Engineering at FNSPE

    This programme includes three specializations: Physical Electronics, Structure and Properties of Materials and Solid State Engineering which combine principles and methods of electronics, optics, diagnostics, mathematical modelling and data processing.

  • Study Plasma Physics at FNSPE

    This programme is a joint programme in agreement with the Ghent University which integrates a wide range of scientific and engineering knowledge focused on advanced parts of plasma physics and related technologies. The graduates will receive both Ghent and CTU diplomas.

  • Study Applied Informatics at FNSPE

    This programme prepares students for both fundamental and applied research in informatics with a view to other disciplines of science. The graduate will prove successful as an academic researcher or an expert in information technologies in industry or establishments using mathematical models, numerical methods and statistical analysis.

  • Study Mathematical Engineering at FNSPE

    This programme includes three specialisations: Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Physics and Software Engineering. Graduates are able to embark on a career in fundamental research or enter highly qualified positions in finance, software or computer companies.

  • Study Nuclear Engineering at FNSPE

    This programme includes four specializations: Reactor Studies, Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion, Dosimetry and Applications of Ionizing Radiation and Experimental Physics and Particle Physics. It prepares graduates for research and its industrial applications, especially in energetics and radiation detection.

  • Study Nuclear Chemistry at FNSPE

    This programme extends the knowledge of radiochemistry that comprises both an extensive basic and applied research monitoring chemical and psycho-chemical aspects of nuclear transformations, as well as methods using radionuclides to tackle chemical problems of a general nature.

  • Study Radiological Physics at FNSPE

    This unique programme is the only one in the Czech Republic which prepares graduates for positions in radiodiagnostic, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and radiobiology. It offers three disciplines for further specializations: therapy, diagnostics, and nuclear medicine.

  • Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering

    FNSPE is a centre of education and research specialised in boundary fields between modern science and their applications in technologies, medicine, economy, biology, ecology, and other fields.

System message


10. 12.

To prove quantum supremacy, Chinese scientists used a problem formulated at the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering of CTU in Prague

To demonstrate the so-called quantum supremacy of a quantum computer based on photons, Chinese scientists used a solution to a computational problem formulated at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE). Specifically, the Gaussian Boson Sampling protocol, developed by Craig Hamilton and Igor Jex of the FNSPE and their partners, the group of Christine Silberhorn of the University of Paderborn (FRG). The research team of the Chinese University of Science and Technology published a report on the results on December 3, 2020 in the journal Science.

9. 12.

Rector's Order No. 21/2020 on reducing the risk of coronavirus infection was issued

As of November 23, 2020, Rector´s Order No. 21/2020 on reducing the risk of coronavirus infection enters into force. As of Monday December 7, 2020 Level 3 of Rector´s order enters into force, instruction continues in distance form. As of December 9, 2020 3rd complete version of Rector's Order No. 09/2020 (currently available in Czech only, English version will follow) on study programs and courses and examinations at CTU enters into the force.

21. 9.

Rector's Letter to the Students

Rector's letter to the students considering the current epidemiological situation.


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