53rd Heyrovský Discussion
The Heyrovsky Discussions have been organized during last more than five decades every year by the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences and by some co-organizers (e.g., Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences). Each year a different field of electrochemistry is selected as the discussion theme. The total number of participants is limited to about 50-80 by the capacity of the Castle.
The main topic of the 53rd Heyrovský Discussion is “Rational Catalysis”. It is envisaged the presented papers will outline recent achievements in all aspects of electrocatalysis particularly with respect to the role the electrocatalysis processes may play in the storage of the renewable electricity in fuels and molecules.
In particular the discussion will cover:
- Quantum chemical modeling of the surfaces and surface combined reactions
- Collective behavior of the adsorbed molecules
- Material’s design for electrocatalytic processes
- Electrochemistry of oxygen
- Non pgm based catalysts
- Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction
- Electrochemical nitrogen reduction
- Engineering aspects and applications toward noel fuel cell and electrolyzer design
- Electrocatalysis at elevated temperatures and pressures
- Recent advances in surface spectroscopies
Abstract submission is currently open. For more information, contact Petr Krtil: (petr.krtiljh-inst.cas.cz) or Klaudie Soukupová (elcorel
jh-inst.cas.cz) or visit http://www.jh-inst.cas.cz/~hdisc/2020/registration.htm