Research field
Public International Law, International Economic Law, Human Rights
- Charles University Faculty of Law (JUDr.), Faculty of Arts (Mgr.), IHEI Université Paris 2 (CRA), Institute of Law, CzechAcademy of Sciences(CSc.), CU Faculty of Law (DrSc.)
Pedagogical work
Professor and head, dpt. of International Law, CU Faculty of Law, Prague
Professor of International Law, Fac.of Law, Pan European University Bratislava
Other work in academic sphere
Czech Society of IL (president), International Law Association (Member of the Czech branch), ESIL, SFDI, IACL
Chairman of the Commission of CAS on the degree DSc.in Legal sciences
Editorial boards: Právník, TLQ, AUCI, Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law (editor-in-Chief)
Other important activities related to scientific work
Member of the UN International Law Commission, Special Rapporteur.