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This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the level of street segments. The research found differences between crime concentration in a post-socialist city and crime concentration reported by recent studies from US or UK cities.
The chapter deals with the development of home-education in Czechia since its legalisation in 2004. It analyses the way home-education works in a specific Czech legal and institutional context. An analysis of the available data showed a rapidly growing popularity of home-education since its legalisation.
Recently, there has been growing interest in crime-related determinants of subjective well-being (SWB). The existing findings are, however, rather contradictory. The relationship between the aforementioned phenomena is most often examined using cross-sectional data, although it seems their development over time might be interlinked. Moreover, only limited attempts have been made to address the multidimensionality of SWB.
The Stability of Crime at Places: A Case Study of a Czech City
Immigrants in large Czech cities 2008–2015: the analysis of changing residential patterns using population grid data – This article contributes to the discussion of the segregation of immigrants by presenting evidence from a new destination country of international migration. It explores residential patterns of immigrants, defined by citizenship, and their development in selected large Czech cities. The analysis is focused on six main immigrant groups.
Basic trends in the deployment of foreigners in the Czech Republic 2008-2015: Residential segregation from the perspective of individualized neighbourhoods of various size, by Martin Šimon, Ivana Křížková, Adam Klsák, Renáta Mikešová and Yana Leontiyeva
Kutilství jako svépomocná tvorba nejběžnějších praktických, nejrůznějších dekorativních i neobvyklých specializovaných předmětů představuje nedílnou součást moderní společnosti. Když se pozorně rozhlédneme, nalezneme stopy kutilství všude kolem nás, v domácnostech, na zahradách i ve veřejném prostoru. Kutilství má mnoho podob a patří do něj nejrůznější manuální výrobní činnosti, které mohou z řady důvodů vykonávat v různých situacích různí lidé s různou mírou znalostí a zkušeností.
As a social science data archive, we focus on collecting research data and archiving it. However, there are more responsibilities that come with data archiving: cooperation on international social surveys (ISSP, ESS), supporting secondary data analysis and much more. Significant part of our work is to communicate with students and researchers, to educate them about data management and data analysis.
The article focuses on the changing strategies of anti-abortion activists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Firstly, it explores the interlinkage with the global conservative network and describes the shared strategies. Secondly, it focuses on the role of religion and church in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with an emphasis on abortion attitudes in both countries.
In 2015 and 2016, we published a study entitled “POVERTY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC. A Critical Look at EU Indicators”, first in Czech (2015) and later in English (2016). The study aimed to provide a critical look at the design of poverty indicators, considering the frequency of their use and their political significance.
Research on women’s entrepreneurship often fails to uncover the gendered way in which women’s roles and responsibilities are portrayed and it neglects the connections between ideas about what roles women play in business and in the family and the social context in which these ideas are embedded.
This article details our attempts at making sense of an ostalgic heterotopic space. We relay here our analysis of staying in and exploring a disused air raid shelter built during WWII, converted into a fallout shelter at the beginning of the Cold War and recently repurposed in an anti-communist museum/tourist hotel/ostalgic canteen called 10Z Bunker.
This paper examines the links between religion and job satisfaction. Its concern is to compare Eastern and Western Europe. We use the 2015 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) data covering both non-religious individuals and individuals affiliated to a religious denomination.
Tato metodika přináší praktický návod pro ty, kdo se snaží sobě i druhým vytvořit férové a otevřené pracoviště s cílem zajistit v něm genderovou rovnost. Příručka Jak na změnu přináší návod, užitečné rady, praktické postupy a doporučeni jak pro zahájení iniciativ v otázkách rovných příležitostí ve výzkumných a vzdělávacích institucích, tak i praktické návody pro samotnou implementaci plánu genderové rovnosti.
This ar-ticle focuses on the issue of climate change scepticism among the inhabitants of the Czech Republic and pursues two objectives: to compare climatechangescepticism of Czechciti-zens with citizens of other European countries and to examine the relationship between indi-vidual characteristics of Czech citizens and their opinion on climate change. For this pur-pose, the concepts of epistemic scepticism and response scepticism areemployed.
Výzkumná studie se věnuje problematice občanské vybavenosti malých obcí. Hledá odpovědi na následující otázky: (1) Které aspekty občanské vybavenosti jsou v malých obcích v Česku nejrozšířenější a kterými typy služeb nebo infrastruktur jsou obce naopak vybaveny méně?
The study shows Lutheran Protestantism as an important specificity of the former
Teschen/Cieszyn/Těšín region in Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic and Poland, among which this
territory was divided after the First World War. It examines the mutual relations
between the Teschen Protestants and their fellow believers in both (or after the independence
of Slovakia all three) countries during the 20th and early 21st centuries, and
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