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«2020 2021 2022 »
166 captures
5 Apr 14 - 1 Mar 25
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Team members



Pavel Honzátko, Ph.D. team leader honzatko@ufe.cz +420 266 773 431
Ivan Kašík, Ph.D. senior research scientist
+420 220 922 391
Vlastimil Matějec, Ph.D. senior research scientist
+420 266 773 511
Assoc. Prof. Pavel Peterka, Ph.D. senior research scientist
+420 266 773 527
Prof. Jiří Čtyroký, DSc. senior research scientist
+420 266 773 409
Vladimír Kuzmiak, CSc. senior research scientist
+420 266 773 445
Martin Grábner, Ph.D. research scientist grabner@ufe.cz +420 266 773 478
Ali A. Jasim, Ph.D. research scientist jasim@ufe.cz +420 266 773 558
Jan Mrázek, Ph.D.
research scientist mrazek@ufe.cz +420 266 773 559
Ondřej Podrazký, Ph.D. research scientist podrazky@ufe.cz +420 220 922 391
Filip Todorov, Ph.D. research scientist todorov@ufe.cz +420 266 773 527
Jan Aubrecht, Ph.D. associate scientist aubrecht@ufe.cz +420 266 773 527
Ivo Bartoň, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow barton@ufe.cz +420 266 773 476
Andrei Borodkin, Ph.D. postdoctoral fellow borodkin@ufe.cz +420 266 773 505
Yauhen Baravets, MSc. graduate student
+420 266 773 528
Michal Kamrádek, MSc. graduate student kamradek@ufe.cz +420 266 773 558
Petr Vařák, MSc. graduate student varak@ufe.cz +420 266 773 528
Ondřej Moravec, Ph.D. research assistant moravec@ufe.cz +420 266 773 514
Jana Proboštová, MSc. research assistant probostova@ufe.cz +420 220 922 391
Bára Jiříčková laboratory technician jirickova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 528
Katarína Holcová, BSc. laboratory technician holcova@ufe.cz +420 266 773 558
Jan Pokorný technician pokorny@ufe.cz +420 266 773 528
Ondřej Schreiber, BSc. technician schreiber@ufe.cz +420 266 773 528

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

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Data box: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882