Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research, 2009 (vol. 10), issue 2
Feminismus a politika rovnosti


Feminismus a politika rovnosti

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2)

Rovné příležitosti

Politika genderové rovnosti ve vzdělávání

Irena Smetáčková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 10-19  

The paper focuses on gender equality policy in education. It aims to rectify the fact that theoretical concepts of gender equality receive little attention in the Czech Republic, both within academic discussion and in practical political discourse. In general, gender equality can be defined in three different ways: equality in approach, equality in opportunities, or equality in results. Furthermore, we can distinguish between gender sensitivity and gender neutrality. All alternatives have their weak and strong sides which are discussed in the paper. An effective school policy cannot make do without a deep understanding of these issues, which helps...


Feministická polemika mezi Iris Marion Young a Judith Butler

Marek Hrubec

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 54  

Kritické poznámky k Potížím s genderem

Iris Marion Young

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 55-57  


Inequalities Are Stronger Than Ever. An Interview with Evelyn Nakano Glenn

Zuzana Uhde

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 58-63  

Evelyn Nakano Glenn působí jako profesorka genderových a ženských studií a současně etnických studií na Kalifornské univerzitě v Berkeley. Je také ředitelkou a zakládající členkou Center for Race and Gender, výzkumného pracoviště na stejné univerzitě. Pro akademický rok 2009/2010 byla zvolena prezidentkou Americké sociologické asociace.Ve své výzkumné činnosti se zaměřuje na genderovou, "rasovou" a třídní dynamiku v procesech vyloučení a diskriminace. Svou prací zásadním dílem přispěla k feministické analýze simultánního utváření genderových a "rasově"-etnických nerovností. Tento přístup aplikovala ve svém výzkumu "rasové" a genderové dělby reprodukční...

The gender files

Feminism, Capitalism and the Cunning of History

Nancy Fraser

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 1-9  

Building on historical narrative and social-theoretical analysis, Fraser explores the place of second-wave feminism in relation to three specific moments in the history of capitalism. The first point refers to the movement's beginnings in the context of 'state-organized capitalism'. The second point refers to the process of feminism's evolution in the dramatically changed social context of rising neoliberalism. And the third point refers to a possible reorientation of feminism in the present context of capitalist crisis and US political realignment, which for her could mark the beginning of a shift from neoliberalism to a new form of social organization....


Sexual Harassment at University in the Czech Republic: A Non-existent Problem?

Marta Vohlídalová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 20-28  

Despite the fact that the problem of sexual harassment at universities has been broadly explored in western and mainly American sociology since the mid-1970s, the first sociological survey to focus on this topic in the Czech Republic was conducted in late 2008 and early 2009. This quantitative survey covered 700 students and was carried out at a faculty of a university in Prague. The paper presents the main findings from this survey, such as the student's experiences with sexual harassment from their teachers and their attitudes towards sexual harassment. The author found that the prevalence of sexual harassment in the particular faculty was relatively...

Career Breaks for the Purpose of Childcare and the Perception of Their Consequences

Marie Valentová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 29-41  

The article aims to analyse the consequences that interrupting labour market participation for the purpose of childcare has on the careers of Czech women. The analysis is conducted in two steps. In the first step the author examines patterns of employment breaks for childcare between different groups of women, in particular between women who had their children before and those who had them after the fall of the socialist regime. In the second step, the author explores how Czech women perceive the consequences of these career breaks and what socio-economic factors affect the perceptions of women. The analyses are based on the ESS data from 2004. The...

The Situation of Parents of Children Aged 0-7 in the Czech Labour Market According to Findings from the Labour Force Survey

Ondřej Hora

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 42-53  

This article focuses on the situation of parents of children aged 0-7 in the Czech labour market according to findings from the Labour Force Survey in 2007. The author discusses the model of changes to the economic position of parents typical for the Czech Republic and shows that mainly mothers are affected by the interruption to labour market participation. They found a strong homogeneity of preferences for home care until a child reaches the age of 3, a fact that could also be influenced by structural/institutional conditions. Working mothers of smaller children are significantly at risk of unemployment and at risk of being required to work on a...


Zaostřeno na literaturu - genderová perspektiva

Karolína Černá

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 64-66  

Gender v protestu sociálních hnutí proti globalizaci

Vanessa Larsenová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 67  

Od "sociologie těla" k "tělesné sociologii"

Michal Růžička

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 68-71  

Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages

Petr Lupač

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 72-73  

Variace na gender. Poststrukturalismus, diskursivní analýza a genderová identita

Lenka Formánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 76-77  


Seminář Gender v kontextu globalizace: feminismus, multikulturalismus a rozvoj

Marta Kolářová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 64-66  

Konference o kritice společnosti a moci

Martin Brabec

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 68-71  

Proměny výzkumných institucí a genderu ve vědě

Tereza Stöckelová

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 72-73  

Přinese současná diskuse o rovnosti odměňování změny v evropské legislativě?

Lenka Formánková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 74-75  

Co je metoda 3R?

Hana Maříková

Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2009, 10 (2): 78