Public Opinion on the Prevalence of Corruption among Public Officials

In March 2011 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about the prevalence of corruption among public officials and in different institutions and areas of public life. Data were collected during the first March weeks that means before the government crisis.

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Trust To Some Public Institutions - March 2011

As a part of March CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions, Churches, Banks and NGOs. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions.

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Evaluations in the areas of public life - February 2011

In January and February this year, respondents of the Public Opinion Research Centre evaluated the state of some areas of public life. People were the most satisfied with supply of goods and services (65 % "satisfied"), culture (60 % "satisfied") and membership in the European Union (53 % "satisfied"). Dissatisfaction was related mainly to health service (79 % "dissatisfied"), corruption (74 % "dissatisfied") and unemployment (72 % "dissatisfied").

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Security risks for the Czech Republic according to the public

In December survey of CVVM, respondents had to assess a impact of selected groups of people in the Czech Republic. They said views on threats of war, epidemics or natural disasters also. At the end, addressing citizens evaluated which countries represent a threat to the Czech Republic and which guarantee security and stability.


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Political Orientation of Czech Citizens - September 2010

The September survey of CVVM contained several questions aimed at the general political orientation of the citizens. 27 % of Czechs feel to be close to social democracy, 15 % prefer liberal and 12 % conservative ideology. These were followed by ecological approach to politics (7 %), communist (5 %), Christian-democratic (4 %), and socialist (4 %) ideologies.

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Trust To Some Public Institutions - September 2010

As a part of September CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions, Churches, Banks and NGOs. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions.


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Opinion about the prevalence of corruption among public officials

In the March survey CVVM researched what the public thinks about corruption among public officials.


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Trust To Some Public Institutions

As a part of March CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions, Churches, Banks and NGOs. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions since 1993.


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Evaluations in the areas of public life and the expected development in 2010

In January and February this year, respondents of the Center for Public Opinion Research evaluated the state of some areas of public life.


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Security risks and guarantee of stability for the Czech Republic

In December survey of CVVM respondents had to assess menace impact of selected groups in the Czech Republic. They were also collected views on threats by war, epidemics or natural disasters. Addressing citizens also evaluated which countries represent a threat to the Czech Republic and which to guarantee security and stability.

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