Paracorymbia maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)
[= Leptura maculicornis De Geer, 1775]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
[= Leptura maculicornis De Geer, 1775]
Subfamilia: LEPTURINAE / Tribus: LEPTURINI
[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Body length: 7 - 10 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: May - August Host plant: polyphagous in coniferous and deciduous trees (Pinus, Picea, Betula, Abies etc.) Distribution: Europe except some southern regions, Caucasus
The beetles in the upper pictures were collected on flowers in Zbečno and Broumy (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic). The specimen on the lower picture was photographed on Leucanthemum near Spišská Nová Ves (East Slovakia) on June 24, 2017.Collected by M.Hoskovec

[Photo © M.Hoskovec]
Subfamilia: Lepturinae Latreille, 1802
Tribus: Lepturini Latreille, 1802
Genus: Paracorymbia Miroshnikov, 1998
Species: Paracorymbia maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)