Vědecké zaměření Oddělení biofyzikální chemie
The Biophysical Chemistry department implements two basic research lines employing fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy (“Biospectroscopy”), and electrochemical methods (“Bioelectrochemistry”). Supported by computational approaches, both directions aim at a common goal: to understand the structure, functionality and dynamics of biologically relevant systems at a molecular and atomistic level. The systems of interest lay within the context of current topics related to neurodegenerative diseases, cell signaling, immune response, gene therapy and enzymology. Specifically, we are focused on: Biospectroscopy
Highlighted publications
Benda, A., Kapusta, P., Hof, M., and Gaus, K. (2014). Fluorescence spectral correlation spectroscopy (FSCS) for probes with highly overlapping emission spectra. Opt. Express 22(3), 2973-2988.
Cebecauer, M., Amaro, M., Jurkiewicz, P., Sarmento, M. J., Šachl, R., Cwiklik, L., and Hof, M. (2018). Membrane Lipid Nanodomains. Chem. Rev. 118(23), 11259-11297.
Darnton, T. V., Hunter, B. M., Hill, M. G., Záliš, S., Vlček, A., and Gray, H. B. (2016). Reduced and Superreduced Diplatinum Complexes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138(17), 5699-5705.
Humpolíčková, J., Benda, A., Machan, R., Enderlein, J., and Hof, M. (2010). Dynamic saturation optical microscopy: employing dark-state formation kinetics for resolution enhancement. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12(39), 12457-12465.
Kapusta, P., Macháň, R., Benda, A., and Hof, M. (2012). Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy (FLCS): Concepts, Applications and Outlook. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(10), 12890-12910.
Kokkonen, P., Sýkora, J., Prokop, Z., Ghose, A., Bednář, D., Amaro, M., Beerens, K., Bidmanová, S., Slánská, M., Brezovský, J., Damborský, J., and Hof, M. (2018). Molecular Gating of an Engineered Enzyme Captured in Real Time. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140(51), 17999-18008.
Koukalová, A., Pokorná, S., Boyle, A. L., Mora, N., Kros, A., Hof, M., and Šachl, R. (2018). Distinct roles of SNARE-mimicking lipopeptides during initial steps of membrane fusion. Nanoscale 10(40), 19064-19073.
Langmaier, J., Záliš, S., and Samec, Z. (2018). Lipophilicity of acetylcholine and related ions examined by ion transfer voltammetry at a polarized room-temperature ionic liquid membrane. J. Electroanal. Chem. 815, 183-188.
Lukeš, T., Glatzová, D., Kvíčalová, Z., Levet, F., Benda, A., Letschert, S., Sauer, M., Brdička, T., Lasser, T., and Cebecauer, M. (2017). Quantifying protein densities on cell membranes using super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging. Nat. Commun. 8.
Pruchnik, H., Kral, T., and Hof, M. (2018). Lipid and DNA interaction with the triorganotin dimethylaminophenylazobenzoates studied by DSC and spectroscopy methods. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 134(1), 691-700.
Štefl, M., Benda, A., Gregor, I., and Hof, M. (2014). The fast polarization modulation based dualfocus fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Opt. Express 22(1), 885-899.
Takematsu, K., Williamson, H. R., Nikolovski, P., Kaiser, J. T., Sheng, Y. L., Pospíšil, P., Towrie, M., Heyda, J., Hollas, D., Záliš, S., Gray, H. B., Vlček, A., and Winkler, J. R. (2019). Two Tryptophans Are Better Than One in Accelerating Electron Flow through a Protein. Acs Central Science 5(1), 192-200.
Trojánek, A., Mareček, V., and Samec, Z. (2018). Open circuit potential transients associated with single emulsion droplet collisions at an interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions. Electrochem. Commun. 86, 113-116.