Tomáš Murár

PhDr. Tomáš Murár, Ph.D.

Department of Historiography and Art Theory

phone: +420 221 183 511

Researcher employed as part of the Program for Support of Prospective Researchers  (Financial Support for postdoctoral student at the CAS's institutes).

Tomáš Murár studied art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Ph.D. 2019). Between 2016 and 2017, Murár worked at the National Heritage Institute, regional office Central Bohemia, in the department of mobile heritage. In 2017, he prepared an exhibition entitled Vojtěch Birnbaum: The Principle of Art at the DOX Centre of Contemporary Art. Since 2017, he has been creating programs about art history and theory for Czech Radio Vltava and in 2018 he joined the IAH CAS as a researcher. In 2019, Murár co-organized an international conference entitled The Influence of the Vienna School of Art History before and after 1918 and in 2019 and 2020 he co-edited the proceedings from this conference in Journal of Art Historiography. He currently takes part in the preparation of the conference's second edition commemorating the 100th anniversary of the death of the art historian Max Dvořák. Dvořák's art history is also the subject of Murár's post-doctoral project at the Department of Historiography and Theory of Art.

Research outputs (selection):

Tomáš Murár, Oldřich Stefan’s Amplification of the Vienna School of Art History, Journal of Art Historiography 21, 2019

Tomáš Murár – Richard Woodfield (eds.), The Influence of the Vienna School of Art History before and after 1918 – Part 2, Journal of Art Historiography 22, 2020

Tomáš Murár – Richard Woodfield (eds.), The Influence of the Vienna School of Art History before and after 1918 – Part 1, Journal of Art Historiography 21, 2019

Tomáš Murár, Hans Sedlmayr’s art history, Journal of Art Historiography 19, 2018

Tomáš Murár, Tak pravil Arthur C. Danto. O možnostech vlivu filosofie Friedricha Nietzscheho v uvažování o konci (dějin) umění, Umění / Art LXVI, 2018, pp. 105–109 .

Tomáš Murár, Umění jako princip a zákonitost. K dějinám a metodologii umění Vojtěcha Birnbauma / Art as Principle and Pattern. Vojtěch Birnbaum’s Concept and Method of Art History, Praha 2017.

Tomáš Murár, Nighthawks in The Age of Anxiety. Interpretation of the painting by Edward Hopper by means of the „Baroque Eclogue“ of Wystan Hugh Auden, Umění / Art LXV, 2017, pp. 244–261.

Tomáš Murár, Memoria et Monumentum: „Barokní princip“ Vojtěcha Birnbauma a „Podstata monumentality“ Antonína Engela, Opuscula Historiae Artium 64, 2015, pp. 108–121.

Tomáš Murár, Kunstwollen: The Transfer and Precarious Survival of An Artistic-Theoretical Concept in Czech Art History of the 20th Century, Slovo a smysl. Časopis pro mezioborová bohemistická studia 24, 2015, pp. 42–49.

Tomáš Murár, The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II: Royalty Representation and its Visualization in a Festival Book by John Ogilby and Wenceslaus Hollar. Umění / Art LXII, 2014, pp. 516–528.

Current projects:

Vídeňská škola dějin umění a umění Michelangela Buonarrotiho: Max Dvořák a jeho žáci Jaromír Pečírka, Charles de Tolnay, Hans Sedlmayr - principal investigator

The Influence of the Vienna School of Art History II: The 100th Anniversary of Max Dvořák’s Death - conference organizer