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This article reports on a new empirical study evaluating crime concentration at places in a postsocialist city. We use principles of the law of crime concentration at places and the Cambridge Crime Harm Index to measure crime count and crime harm concentration at the level of street segments. The research found differences between crime concentration in a post-socialist city and crime concentration reported by recent studies from US or UK cities.
Kniha vztahuje kutilství k obecnějším otázkám o současné společnosti, jejím vývoji a proměně a otevírá tak kutilství jako téma a terén, skrze který je možné tyto otázky nově nahlížet a zkoumat. Ukazuje, v čem a proč je kutilství zajímavé (nejen) pro společenskou vědu nikoli samo o sobě, ale jako prostředek, skrze který je možné lépe porozumět palčivým problémům současnosti.
This article focuses on the topic of the young adult’s cleft habitus influenced by a housing affordability crisis in the Czech Republic and examines how this situation affects the young adult’s relation to the imagination of a temporally structured life course and synchronization of life spheres (housing, family, and work). This article is based on qualitative in-depth interviews conducted in the four cities most affected by the house and rent price increase.
Self-help housing has been proposed as a solution to provide qualitatively adequate and affordable housing not only nowadays, but also during the late state socialism in the 1970s and 1980s in the for- mer Czechoslovakia. In this article, we focus on how the self-help housing provision was during that era linked with the responsibilisation of households, a technique of governance usually associated with neoliberal regimes.
The chapter deals with the development of home-education in Czechia since its legalisation in 2004. It analyses the way home-education works in a specific Czech legal and institutional context. An analysis of the available data showed a rapidly growing popularity of home-education since its legalisation.
Recently, there has been growing interest in crime-related determinants of subjective well-being (SWB). The existing findings are, however, rather contradictory. The relationship between the aforementioned phenomena is most often examined using cross-sectional data, although it seems their development over time might be interlinked. Moreover, only limited attempts have been made to address the multidimensionality of SWB.
Současná sociologie si klade otázky, kde, jak a proč vznikají rizika, jak je produkuje nebo konstruuje sama společnost a jak se promítají do jedincovy každodennosti. Na jedné straně stojí rizika jako terorismus či korupce, s nimiž se jednotlivci potýkají jen vzácně, která ale mění podobu celé společnosti.
The Stability of Crime at Places: A Case Study of a Czech City
Immigrants in large Czech cities 2008–2015: the analysis of changing residential patterns using population grid data – This article contributes to the discussion of the segregation of immigrants by presenting evidence from a new destination country of international migration. It explores residential patterns of immigrants, defined by citizenship, and their development in selected large Czech cities. The analysis is focused on six main immigrant groups.
The book Bricolage: From “self-led manual projects” to DIY connects bricolage (kutilství) with broad questions regarding today´s society, its development and change. It treats bricolage as a topic and research terrain that allows us to shed new light on these issues. The book shows what makes bricolage interesting for social sciences not (just) per se but as a means to understanding today´s pressing issues.
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