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Newsletter Interreg STRENCH No. 1

Newsletter no. 1 of the Interreg Central Europe project STRENCH (CE1665) has been published. The Newsletter covers the period from April to December 2020.


Newsletter 1 CZ fileformat-pdf.gif

Newsletter 1 EN fileformat-pdf.gif

More about the project:

Natural and man-made hazards, anthropogenic effects and extreme climate change events are putting natural and cultural heritage under pressure with an increasing frequency. Such continuously changing challenges impose the need for innovative preservation and safeguarding approaches. STRENCH will improve the capacities of the public and private sectors to mitigate the impact of climate change and natural hazards by exploiting climate models, risk indexes, vulnerability assessment, services and products developed, tested and applied in previous Interreg and H2020 projects. Central European regions will take advantage of a more robust disaster preparedness and response action plans for the protection of cultural heritage in emergency situations.

8 Feb 2021