Welcome to the webpages of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

Research and publications

TROPOS conducts multifold studies, research projects and technologies to investigate troposheric aerosols and clouds and their interaction.

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Recent measurements at TROPOS

Recent atmospheric measurements at TROPOS

TROPOS enables the permanent observation of atmospheric parameters like aerosol pollution and cloud properties.

Leipzig, 24.02.2021,
Press releases

The team succeeded in proving this process in laboratory experiments using a special flow apparatus at TROPOS in Leipzig, which allows interference-free investigations of gas phase reactions at atmospheric pressure. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS

Oxidation processes in combustion engines and in the atmosphere take the same routes

Efficient autoxidation chain reactions demonstrated for the substance group of saturated hydrocarbons

Leipzig, 05.01.2021,
Press releases

In the journal Climate of the Past, researchers from the Leibniz Institutes for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) write that the 1302–07 weather patterns display similarities to the 2018 weather anomaly, in which continental Europe experienced exceptional heat and drought. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS

Drought of the century in the Middle Ages - with parallels to climate change today?

Leipzig researchers identify previously unknown drought period from historical sources

Leipzig, 14.12.2020,
Press releases

Indoor air in hospitals and nursing homes require more attention

Recommendations against the spread of COVID-19 via aerosols in rooms

Leipzig, 08.12.2020,
Press releases

Corona pandemic could be better tackled by reducing aerosol transmission

Working committee particulate matter (AAF) recommends concrete countermeasures for indoor areas: masks, ventilation, air purification and overhead extraction

Leipzig, 12.10.2020,
Press releases

Polarstern during MOSAiC in the Arctic. Photo: Hannes Griesche, TROPOS

Unique view into the "new Arctic": International MOSAiC expedition successfully completed

Researchers from TROPOS and Leipzig University contribute to the success of the largest Arctic expedition

Leipzig, 20.08.2020,
Press releases

The relative humidity in rooms apparently plays an important role in the spread of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spreads more indoors at low humidity.

Indian-German research team recommends at least 40 percent humidity in public buildings

Bremerhaven, 31.07.2020,
Press releases

BELUGA in use on the MOSAiC ice floe. Photo: Lianna Nixon, University of Colorado

Farewell to the MOSAiC ice floe.

Balloon measurements by TROPOS and Leipzig University completed. Lidar measurements continue on Polarstern.

Leipzig, 26.06.2020,
Press releases

Traffic density, wind and air stratification influence the pollution with the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide, according to the conclusion of a TROPOS study commissioned by the LfULG, for which data from 29 stations in Saxony were evaluated - including Dresden. Photo: Burkhard Lehmann, LfULG

Traffic density, wind and air stratification influence the concentrations of the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide

Leipzig researchers use a calculation method to remove weather influences from air pollution data

Leipzig, 18.06.2020,
Press releases

Leipzig research balloon becomes important platform for Arctic atmosphere measurements in the international MOSAiC expedition

Researchers from TROPOS and the University of Leipzig make a major contribution to the success of the largest Arctic expedition

Leipzig, 19.05.2020,
Press releases

The measurements clearly showed that significant amounts of ultra-fine particles are also released during cooking, baking and toasting. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS

Exposure to ultrafine aerosol particles in German homes depends primarily on the people themselves

First long-term study on particulate matter from 10 nano- to 10 micrometers in apartments in Leipzig and Berlin

Leipzig, 13.05.2020,
Press releases

Michael Fanselow receives the masks from China in the central warehouse of the University of Leipzig Medical Center from Cretschmar MesseCargo, who transported the 10 boxes from the airport to the clinic. Photo: Stefan Straube, University of Leipzig Medical Center

30,000 protective masks against the COVID-19 virus for University of Leipzig Medical Center

German-Chinese scientific cooperation organizes delivery from China

Leipzig, 17.03.2020,
Press releases

Leibniz-Expertenservice „Globale Gesundheit im Zeichen von Globalisierung und Klimawandel“

Auch zwei TROPOS-Forschende sind beim Leibniz-Expertenservice dabei.

Leipzig, 16.03.2020,
Press releases

MOSAiC aerial survey campaigns for the atmosphere and sea ice temporarily suspended

Press release by AWI

Bremerhaven, 02.03.2020,
Press releases

Two New Records at the North Pole

AWI press release on the second leg of the MOSAiC expedition

Leipzig, 09.12.2019,
Press releases

The Arctic atmosphere - a gathering place for dust?

For the first time during the MOSAiC expedition, a multi-wavelength lidar provides data on fine dust in the central Arctic during polar night.

Leipzig, 25.11.2019,
Press releases

In the focus of climate change

German remote sensing experts participate in the construction of a new centre in Cyprus.

Leipzig, 18.11.2019,
Press releases

New findings on the largest natural sulfur source in the atmosphere

Laboratory results from Leipzig question current knowledge on the degradation of dimethyl sulfide within the sulfur cycle