Changing the World, Constructively
Igor Sedlár
0-1 Laws in Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
Guillermo Badia
(University of Queensland)
Some algebraic (and topological) tools and their application to logic
Jamie Wannenburg
(University of Pretoria)
Logics of n-filters
Adam Přenosil
(Vanderbilt University)
The combinatorics of finite Heyting algebras and the topological group of the automorphisms of their limit
Kentaro Yamamoto
On Equational Completeness Theorems
Tommaso Moraschini
(University of Barcelona)
Nový pohled na spojitá pravděpodobnostní rozdělení
02.03.2020 14:00 @ Hora Informaticae
Admissibility in the multi-conclusion setting
Michal Stronkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Connectivity of random simplicial complexes
Andrew Newman
(Bielefeld University)
Stochastic growth models: asymptotic shape and growth rate
Viktor Bezborodov
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Decomposing graphs into paths and trees
Tereza Klimošová
(Charles University)
Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse methods in the model theory of L-topological spaces over finite MTL-chains
Guillermo Badia
(University of Queensland)
How to deal with data contamination in hypothesis testing
16.12.2019 14:00 @ Hora Informaticae
Axiomatic systems of Gödel Modal Logics
Amanda Vidal
Localised codegree conditions for Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs
Simón Piga
(Universität Hamburg)
Craig interpolation in software verification
Martin Blicha
(Charles University)
Random tree recursions: which fixed points correspond to tangible sets of trees?
Fiona Skerman
(Bristol University)
François Lefebvre
(Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France)
Information Flow in Logics in the Vicinity of BB
Andrew Tedder
Probabilistic Bounds on Complexity of Networks Classifying Large Data Sets
18.11.2019 14:00 @ Hora Informaticae
Profinite Heyting algebras and the representation problem for Esakia spaces
Frozen percolation on the 3-regular tree
Jan Swart
(Czech Academy of Sciences, UTIA)
Profiniteness and finitely generated varieties
Michał M. Stronkowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
The Use of Drones and the Problem of Disproportionate Harm to Civilians
Daniel Statman
(University of Haifa, Haifa, Izrael)
Georg Heinze
(Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
Partitioning 2-coloured complete 3-graphs into two monochromatic tight cycles
Renata Tiene de Carvalho Yokota
(Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Mgr. Lubomír Košťál, Ph.D.
(Fyziologický ústav AV ČR)