Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR, v. v. i.

11. 12. 2019 Prague Membrane Discussions

Prague Membrane Discussions (PMD)

is a voluntary and informal discussion forum for scientists interested in lipid membrane related phenomena in some way. The aim is to bring together people from Prague (and well around) to foster the idea exchange, collaborations, etc. ...
Topics covered include model and cell membranes, membrane-associated molecules and processes and various techniques for membrane research. The presenters and audience range from theoretical and (bio)physical chemists to structural and molecular cell biologists. Founded and currently organised by the Cebecauer, Malínský and Stříšovský labs. We gather 3 times per year for half-day meetings of 3-5 talks and open and lively discussions peppered with tough and rigorous questions. But we are open to considering alternative formats: poster and video presentations, surveys, man-on-man discussions, hands-on practical courses or some other forms of scientific interactions in the future! :)



December 11, 2019 (Wednesday)
Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS (IEM) Prague (Krc)
Where: Turquoise Lounge, building Lb, 2nd floor
10am - 12:00 am


  • 10:00-10:30 Meeting Friends – wake-up discussions, coffee, refreshments.
  • 10:30-11:20 Roman Pleskot, Institute of Experimental Botany CAS
    "Structural insight into lipid binding and motif recognition by endocytic AtEH/Pan1 proteins"
  • 11:20-11:40 Kateřina Schwarzerová , Department of Plant Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University
    "In vivo microscopy of PM-associated plant cytoskeletal proteins"
  • 11:40-12:00 Ayoub Stelate , Department of Plant Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University
    "Auxin transporters heterogeneity within PM; new insights from TIRF/ESEM correlative microscopy and FIB-SEM efforts"




Ústavní podatelna:
budova La 2. patro, č. dveří 2.18
Po–Pá   9:00–12:00

Datová schránka:

Sociální sítě:
facebook(1)  instagram(1)  youtube


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142 20 Praha 4-Krč
Česká republika
+420 241 062 230