Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Ph.D.


Curriculum Vitae


  • 2006–2010: PhD, Department of History and Civilisation, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • 2006–2007: Master of Research, Department of History and Civilisation,  European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • 2001–2006: MA, Faculty of Philosophy and History University of Łódź

Research Interest

Polish Jewish refugees, memory of the Holocaust and the Gulag, Polish and East Central European nationalism

Research projects since 2010

  • Unlikely refuge? Refugees and citizens in East-Central Europe in the 20th century, ERC Consolidator grant, Research fellow, 09/2019-2024
  • The Siberian Odyssey of the Polish Jews, Die Zeit Stiftung and Szloma-Albam-Stiftung, 2015-2019
  • The Gulag memory in East Central Europe, Imre Kertesz Kolleg, 2012-2013

Teaching Practice

  • Since 2017: European University Viadrina (Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Polenstudien), Teaching Assistant: MA and BA Courses, awards: DAAD Teaching Grant (2019) and Holocaust Educational Foundation of Northwestern University Teaching Grant (2018)
  • Since 2018: Krzyżowa/Kreisau Stiftung – project coordinator “Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education” (Holocaust education)

Fellowships abroad since 2010

  • 02/2018: Shvidler Visiting Research Fellow of Fordham University, New York               
  • 09/2017: Deutsches Historisches Institut Research Fellow, Warsaw
  • 09-10/2016: European Holocaust Research Infrastructure, European Council’s  Research Fellow, the International Tracing Service, Bad Arolsen
  • 2015: Polish-German Research Institute, Collegium Polonicum, Research Associate
  • 2012-2013: Imre Kertész Kolleg, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Junior Research Fellow
  • 2015, 2010: Polish Studies Association in the United States (Columbia University, New York) and The Copernicus Endowment for Polish Studies (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor) travel grants


Publications since 2010


  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia, and Katharina Friedla. Syberiada Żydów polskich. Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute 2020.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Polish Risorgimento. Visions of the Modern Polish Nation and their Italian Foundations. Frankfurt, Oxford, New York, 2012, 417 pp.

Book chapters

  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Uchodźstwo jako manifestacja wolności i oporu na przykładzie relacji polskich Żydów o jesieni 1939 roku, in: Pola Wolności, ed. by Alicja Bartuś, Oświęcim-Poznań: Wydawnictwo WSB 2020, pp. 39-58,
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Macewa pośród krzyży. Żydzi w polskiej pamięci Sybiru, in: Syberiada Żydów polskich, edited by Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Katharina Friedla, Warsaw: Jewish Historical Institute 2020, pp. 61-130.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. The rise of an Eastern European community of memory? – On Lobbying for Gulag Memory via Brussels. In European Memory: Eastern Perspectives, edited by Małgorzata Pakier and Joanna Wawrzyniak, Berghahn Books, 2015, pp. 131-149.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Forgotten Memory? The Vicissitudes of the Gulag Memory in Poland. In Life Writing and Politics of Memory in Eastern Europe, edited by Simona Mitroiu, Palgrave Macmillan 2015, pp. 45-65.


  • Lidia Zessin-Jurek, Rezension zu: Connelly, John: From Peoples into Nations. A History of Eastern Europe. Princeton 2020ISBN 978-0-691-16712-1, In: H-Soz-Kult, 29.10.2020,
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia, Hide and Seek with History – Holocaust Teaching at Polish Schools. In Cultures of History Forum. Section: Remembering the Shoah (03.09.2019), DOI: 10.25626/0103.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia.The Ebbs and Flows of the Holocaust and Gulag memory in Europe. Memory Dynamics in the National and Transnational Contexts. In Zbudować wspólną przyszłość, edited by Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas, Serie Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem. Wrocław 2018, vol. 40, pp. 87-103.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Different Events – Same Story. ‘Multidirectional Memory’ of the Holocaust as a method of non-formal education. In Entangled History as a perspective for non-formal education, edited by Merle Schmidt and Carolin Wenzel, Berlin 2017, p. 99-105.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Zwangsdeportationen nach Sibirien und gespaltene Erinnerung in der EU. In: Forced migrations under communist rule – differences and similarities, Thuringian Commissioner for the Rehabilitation of Injustice Perpetrated by the Socialist Unity Party in the GDR website ( ), pp. 1-10
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. Un entusiasmo in declino: un nuovo sguardo sulla percezione del Risorgimento in Polonia (1848-1871) “Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea” 2011, no. 5 Italie ‘altre’. Immagini e comunità italiane all’estero, pp. 1-20.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. The Italian Role in the Construction of the Concept "Pole-Catholic". East European Politics and Societies 2010 vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 254-268.
  • Zessin-Jurek, Lidia. A Completely Different 1968. Dekadentzya. A Literary Journal from Poland 2010, vol. 2, pp. 117-124.
