About us


The aim of research in the field of elementary particle physics is to understand how our universe works at the most fundamental level.


Our researches work mainly within large international collaborations in world-class research centres. The principal purpose of the experimental and theoretical programme of the Division is to study the structure of matter on subnuclear scales and the properties of fundamental forces acting among its constituents. The experiments are carried out at powerful accelerators using highly sophisticated detectors. Likewise we participate in astroparticle experiments exploring the composition and origin of high energy cosmic rays.

These wide-ranging activities illustrate one of the most remarkable features of contemporary physics – ever-deeper connection of the laws of microcosm with the phenomena of macrocosm.


The ATLAS detector

SEGSTART:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:6The ATLAS detector under construction.SEGEND:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:6 SEGSTART:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:7Eight toroidal magnets of the muon detector that surround a calorimeter.SEGEND:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:7 SEGSTART:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:8The calorimeter was later inserted into the centre of the detector.SEGEND:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:8 SEGSTART:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:9Source:SEGEND:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:9 SEGSTART:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:10CERN.SEGEND:52b122b4-9b47-4f63-a3ae-da08dfb38dcd:10  


Experimental programme


In these experiments we take part in development, testing and running of subdetectors and in processing and physical analysis of experimental data. These activities of the Division exploit the facilities of our Laboratory for the Testing of Silicon Particle Detectors.


The DUNE experiment

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment will measure neutrino oscillations by studying neutrinos that will be sent from Fermilab to the DUNE detectors at the Sanford Underground Neutrino Facility. The experiment will use a muon neutrino beam created at Fermilab’s Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and send it 800 miles/1300 kilometers straight through the Earth to South Dakota. By the time the neutrinos arrive in South Dakota, only a small fraction of neutrinos will be detected as muon neutrinos. Most neutrinos will interact as electron and tau neutrinos.  Credit: Fermilab


The Pierre Auger Observatory

The fluorescence detector building at the Pierre Auger Observatory during night observations, (Los Morados, Mendoza province, Argentina). © Pierre Auger Observatory


Theoretical programme

Integral part of our programme is also many-sided theoretical research ranging from string field theory, quantum gravity and cosmology to the phenomenological aspects of strongly interacting particles. The Division hosts CEICO centre (Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics) – an international research group.

In the computing centre we run important facilities connected to an international grid network which supports the above-mentioned global projects.